与会者都该发言,那么如何表述你的观点和意见呢?下面这些常用句型可以给您帮点忙。 表示原因的用语,例如:The age of the product was a contributory factor in the accident.预计结果用语,例如:We can anticipate the following consequences:…表示需要考虑,例如:Let us focus our attention on…举例用语,例如:Here, I am just showing you a few examples of …展示胶片用语,例如:Allow us, then, at this point to present some slides.读报告的开场用语,例如:My paper is a literature review.提问用语,例如:My I ask a question? This is an extremely difficult question to answer.
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看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: 英语会议发言常用语句型总结 ● 讨论结束1. That wraps up the last item on the agenda.2. That takes care of the last order of business.3. That concludes the final order of business.主席首先应宣布讨论已经结束,之后再作结语。"Wrap up"与"conclude"的意思相同,表示“结束”。"Take care of"在此有“完成”之意。 ● 总结重点1. In summary, I think we agree that this quarter's domestic sales figures show a marked trend in microwave sales.2. Overall, I think we are in agreement about the third quarter's sales figures that show a marked trend in microwave sales.3. To repeat, we agree that the microwave sales figures are showing a marked trend.宣布讨论结束之后,主持人应总结会议的讨论结果或要点。"I think we agree…"是一个间接表达,婉转地询问其它人的意见;而"in summary" 、"overall"或"to repeat"是做摘要的实用词汇,通常置于句首。 ● 感谢与会者1. Finally, I appreciate your comments and suggestions about the Canadian sales outlook.2. And lastly, thank you for your comments and suggestions about the Canadian sales outlook.3. In conclusion, I welcome your comments and suggestions about the sales outlook for Canada.做过要点总结后,主席可以感谢与会者的建议和参与。用"finally" 、"lastly"或"in conclusion"来承接上文,亦表示这是谈话的最后一段了,并以"appreciate" ,"thank you"这些字眼表达谢意。 ● 提议散会1. I make a motion to close the third quarterly meeting of Action Appliances. Is there a second?2. I'd like to make a motion to conclude the third quarterly meeting of Action Appliances. Is there a second?3. I move that we close this quarterly meeting. Do I have a second?最后主席应提出散会的动议,并要求台下的人附议,若有人附议,即可进行表决,决定散会与否。 结构分析 会议主持人的两项主要任务是:一开始介绍会议讨论主题,以及在最后为会议做个总结。前者我们在上一课已经介绍过,这里要告诉你如何为会议做结论;请依照下列四个步骤: 1. 讨论结束宣布最后一项讨论结束,询问与会者有无任何问题。2. 总结摘要摘述会议的要点,并提出总结建议。3. 感谢参与感谢与会者的参与及意见。4. 结束会议正式提议结束会议,并询问有无附议。
看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: 英语会议发言常用语同意或拒绝参加会议收到会议邀请,如何表示接受或者拒绝呢?下面就给您提供一些实用的表达。 电话里接受或拒绝邀请接受会议安排, 例如:Sure, no problem. Shall we say Thursday at ten?拒绝会议安排,例如:I’m afraid I have another appointment then.谈话结束前再次确认时间,例如:Right, so we’ll meet Friday at ten, then, at your office.通过邮件接受或拒绝邀请不管您对此会议拒绝还是接受,都应在开头表示谢意,例如:Thank you for the email.如果拒绝参加一定要讲明理由,最好给一个折中的做法,例如:Thank for the invitation, but I’m afraid I won’t be in on Friday. However my colleague Li will stand in for me.
看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: 英语会议发言常用语英语会议的开场白为了使会议有效进行,应在短暂的寒暄之后马上进入正题。 如果是公司内部会议,例如: OK, everybody, we seem to be complete. Can we get started?如果是与客户开会,例如:OK, if you like, we can start now.如果是国际性会议,例如:Since the majority of the required number is present, the meeting is formally declared to be convened.点明会议目的,例如:The purpose of this plenary session is to make a general review of our activities during this past year, and to propose new plans for activities during the coming year.介绍会议时间安排,例如:We’ve scheduled one and a half hours for the meeting.
看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: 英语会议发言常用语如何写英语会议日程 确定要开会,在开会前应该将会议日程通过邮件或传真发给与会者。一般日程的格式如下: Agenda for budget meetingJuly 1, 09.30-11.30, room A301.Welcome/Apologies2.Minutes of last meeting3.Presentation of financial situation(CFO)-20min.4.Budget presentations(heads)-10min. each5.Proposals 30min.6.AOB (any other business)
看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: 英语会议发言常用语如何邀请参加会议 你的公司要组织一个会议,需要邀请外面的人来参加,这跟邀请用英文该怎么写呢?下面就提醒大家几点写作邀请要注意的事项。 1.E-mail邀请的写作注意事项在主题行写清会议名称、地点和时间,例如:Subject:Sales Meeting Beijing 11 July 2007;在称呼后直接点明召开会议的原由,例如:We need to finalize the next product launch.提出会议召开时间的建议,例如:We should have a meeting before the Shanghai fair in July. How about June 21?给对方一个选择时间的机会,例如:If the date mentioned isn’t possible for you, please Suggest an alternative in that week. 2.电话邀请的注意事项在打电话之前要充分准备,不仅要交代清楚会议的时间、地点和目的,还要考虑好礼节性问候和一些寒暄,最好用英语写下笔记。询问对方是否有意开会,例如:Could we schedule a time to meet next week?建议会议时间,例如:How about sometime after lunch?确认开会日期和时间,例如:See you on Monday at 7.
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