加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息现公司(行业LEADER)中国组招Academic Director (Chi


[FONT=&quot]What you will achieve in this role:[/FONT] ・ [FONT=&quot]Create a centre of expertise within the China Group for your respective Chinese clients focused around financial planning and wealth management. [/FONT] ・ [FONT=&quot]Create and nurture an effective network of expert contacts and invigilators within the Canadian financial services industry to ensure programs are customized to meet the evolving training needs of the clients.[/FONT] ・ [FONT=&quot]Become an expert in the design, development and delivery of financial services training programs to Chinese clients.[/FONT] ・ [FONT=&quot]Manage the resources for the delivery of training programs both in Canada and China.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Responsibilities will include:[/FONT] ・ [FONT=&quot]Developing and executing 2012 training programs for Chinese clients within the first six months.[/FONT] ・ [FONT=&quot]Sourcing, recruiting, coaching and managing a pool of contracted instructors who will deliver the programs.[/FONT] ・ [FONT=&quot]Working closely with Chinese corporate students to ensure that the delivery of each program meets their needs and that feedback is incorporated into future programs.[/FONT] ・ [FONT=&quot]Conducting a comprehensive review to understand the training needs for Chinese clients.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]What you will bring to this role:[/FONT] ・ [FONT=&quot]University degree in a related field[/FONT] ・ [FONT=&quot]5-10 years experience working in the financial planning or wealth management area of the financial services industry. [/FONT] ・ [FONT=&quot]3+ years of experience managing personnel[/FONT] ・ [FONT=&quot]Expertise in financial services industry terminology and in dealing with financial services professionals[/FONT] ・ [FONT=&quot]Strong knowledge of banking industry trends and regulatory environment[/FONT] ・ [FONT=&quot]Experience and passion for managing the design, development and delivery of training or educational programs[/FONT] ・ [FONT=&quot]Strong interest in teaching financial services knowledge to others[/FONT] ・ [FONT=&quot]Master degrees and banking designations will be considered an asset[/FONT] ・ [FONT=&quot]Familiarity with Chinese business culture and practices is an asset[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]简而言之就是招在国内有多年财经(尤其是银行或券商)经验,有一定人脉的DIRECTOR。有兴趣的请PM我。[/FONT]

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