加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息任何专业phd学生在读二年以后都可以移民么??


[FONT=宋体]一些人说加国phd学生在读二年以后,可以申请[/FONT]Skilled workers and professionals 类别移民,[FONT=宋体]开始我也以为什么专业都可以,后来猛然发现可能不对。我认真查了一下:[/FONT]Skilled workers and professionals 类别[FONT=宋体]对于在读二年[/FONT]phd[FONT=宋体]移民的职业要求[/FONT]http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/apply-who-instructions.asp[FONT=宋体]。。。。。。[/FONT]the occupations above areall Skill Type 0 (managerial occupations) or Skill Level A (professionaloccupations) or B (technical occupations and skilled trades) on the Canadian NationalOccupational Classification list.Skill Type 0 (managerialoccupations)[FONT=宋体]:[/FONT]Senior managementoccupations・ 0011Legislators ​・ 0012Senior government managers and officials ​・ 0013Senior managers - financial, communications and other business services ​・ 0014Senior managers - health, education, social and community services andmembership organizations ​・ 0015Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services, n.e.c. ​・ 0016Senior managers - construction, transportation, production and utilities ​Specialized middlemanagement occupations・011 Administrative services managers・ 0111Financial managers ​・ 0112Human resources managers ​・ 0113Purchasing managers ​・ 0114Other administrative services managers ​・012 Managers in financial and business services・ 0121Insurance, real estate and financial brokerage managers ​・ 0122Banking, credit and other investment managers ​・ 0124Advertising, marketing and public relations managers ​・ 0125Other business services managers ​・013 Managers in communication (except broadcasting)・ 0131Telecommunication carriers managers ​・ 0132Postal and courier services managers ​・021 Managers in engineering, architecture, scienceand information systems・ 0211Engineering managers ​・ 0212Architecture and science managers ​・ 0213Computer and information systems managers ​・031 Managers in health care・ 0311Managers in health care ​・041 Managers in public administration・ 0411Government managers - health and social policy development and programadministration ​・ 0412Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and programadministration ​・ 0413Government managers - education policy development and program administration​・ 0414Other managers in public administration ​・042 Managers in education and social and communityservices・ 0421Administrators - post-secondary education and vocational training ​・ 0422School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education ​・ 0423Managers in social, community and correctional services ​・043 Managers in public protection services・ 0431Commissioned police officers ​・ 0432Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers ​・ 0433Commissioned officers of the Canadian Forces ​・051 Managers in art, culture, recreation and sport・ 0511Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers ​・ 0512Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts ​・ 0513Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors ​・060 Corporate sales managers・ 0601Corporate sales managers ​・062 Retail and wholesale trade managers・ 0621Retail and wholesale trade managers ​・063 Managers in food service and accommodation・ 0631Restaurant and food service managers ​・ 0632Accommodation service managers ​・065 Managers in customer and personal services,n.e.c.・ 0651Managers in customer and personal services, n.e.c. ​・071 Managers in construction and facility operationand maintenance・ 0711Construction managers ​・ 0712Home building and renovation managers ​・ 0714Facility operation and maintenance managers ​・073 Managers in transportation・ 0731Managers in transportation ​・081 Managers in natural resources production andfishing・ 0811Managers in natural resources production and fishing ​・082 Managers in agriculture, horticulture andaquaculture・ 0821Managers in agriculture ​・ 0822Managers in horticulture ​・ 0823Managers in aquaculture ​・091 Managers in manufacturing and utilities・ 0911Manufacturing managers ​・ 0912Utilities managers ​phd[FONT=宋体]学生应该都不符合高级的条件[/FONT],[FONT=宋体]可能符合中级条件,但是[/FONT]phd[FONT=宋体]学生在读二年时候不是[/FONT]manager[FONT=宋体],毕业以后很多作助理教授的,有人不是[/FONT]manager[FONT=宋体],怎么算??[/FONT]Skill Levelhttp://www5.hrsdc.gc.ca/NOC/English/NOC/2011/Tutorial.aspx#8Skill Level A [FONT=宋体]:[/FONT]Occupations usually require university education. [FONT=宋体]教育种类[/FONT]Universitydegree at the bachelor's, master's or doctorate level. Skill Level B [FONT=宋体]:[/FONT]Occupations usually require college or vocational education or apprenticeshiptraining. [FONT=宋体]教育种类[/FONT]Two to threeyears of post-secondary education at a community college, institute oftechnology or CEGEPor Two to five years of apprenticeship trainingor Three to four years of secondary school and more than twoyears of on-the-job training, specialized training courses or specific workexperience. Occupations with supervisory responsibilities and occupations with significanthealth and safety responsibilities, such as firefighters, police officers andregistered nursing assistants are all assigned the Skill Level B. [FONT=宋体]查到这里,有点糊涂了,[/FONT][FONT=宋体]。。。[/FONT]all Skill Type0 (managerial occupations) or Skill Level A (professional occupations) or B(technical occupations and skilled trades) on the [FONT=宋体]。。。[/FONT]list.[FONT=宋体]那么是不是所有[/FONT]phd[FONT=宋体]专业学生都符合上面的要求,因为是[/FONT]or[FONT=宋体],还是我理解错误,是说职业[/FONT]Skill Type 0 (managerialoccupations)[FONT=宋体]加水平层次[/FONT]Skill Level A(professional occupations) or B (technical occupations and skilled trades)[FONT=宋体]才可以??[/FONT]各位达人,谁弄明白了??[FONT=宋体][/FONT]

回复: 任何专业phd学生在读二年以后都可以移民么??For your application to be eligible for processing, you must include the results of your official language proficiency test, and fall into one of these three categories:只要你是满足三个类别中的一个情况就可以了,Ph.D 学生是作为第二类别的申请人来考虑的,没有对专业的要求

  ·生活百科 来自3个不同的光伏系统的教训
·生活百科 尴尬的屋顶布局



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