加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息表示同意的单词总结
accede [?k'si:d] vi. 1. 同意,答应;依从,应允(申请、条件等)(to): They could do no other than accede to the demands of the victors. 他们只好答应得胜者的要求。 to accede to the terms of a contract 同意一项合同的条款
看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: 表示同意的单词总结assent [?'sent] vi. 1. 同意,对(意见、计划等)表示同意,赞同,赞成(to): The king has assented to the new law. 国王已同意新法律。 consent [k?n'sent] vi. 1. 允许,答应;顺从;许可: I'm sure she wouldn't consent. 我敢肯定她不会答应的。 2. 赞成,赞同;同意: He consented to make a few alteration. 他同意作一些改动。 concur [k?n'k?:] vi. 1. (意见)一致,同意: The judges all concurred in giving Mary the prize. 裁判员一致同意将奖品发给玛丽。
看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: 表示同意的单词总结coincide [,k?uin'said] vi. 1. (在空间中)恰好重合;(在形状、位置和地域方面)恰好相同,同位,重叠: The centres of concentric circles coincide. 同心圆的圆心是一个。 2. 同时发生,(时间上)恰好相同: Our vacations coincided this year. 今年我们的假期在同一时期。 3. (在性格、品质等方面)完全一致,相符: His vocation coincides with his avocation. 他的职业同他的爱好完全一致。 4. (在思想、意见等方面)一致,相符: Our views coincide. 我们的看法完全一致。 vt. [口语]使相符;使同时发生: They are coinciding a trip to London with our visit. 他们访问伦敦的时间与我们不谋而合。
看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: 表示同意的单词总结concur [k?n'k?:] vi. 1. (意见)一致,同意: The judges all concurred in giving Mary the prize. 裁判员一致同意将奖品发给玛丽。 2. 合作;共事;联合: Members of both parties concurred in urging passage of the bill. 两党成员一致要求通过这项法案。 3. 同时发生;凑在一起(产生某种情况),共同起作用: The events of his life concurred to make him what he was. 他生活上的一些事件凑在一起使他变成这个样子。 consensus [k?n'sens?s] n. 1. 大多数人的意见;舆论 2. 一致同意,合意
看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: 表示同意的单词总结和“相撞,冲突”有关的一组单词 collide [k?'laid] vi. 1. 碰撞,猛撞;互撞: His bicycle collided with a lorry. 他的自行车撞在一辆卡车上。 2. 冲突,抵触;严重对立: The government collided with Parliament over its industrial plans. 在工业计划方面政府与国会有严重分歧。 vt. 使碰撞,使相撞: to collide alkali metal atoms with hydrogen atoms 使碱金属原子与氢原子相撞 clash [kl??] vi. 1. (刀剑、铃铛等)碰撞做声,撞击声: The dustbins clashed as the men emptied them. 人们倒垃圾桶时把垃圾桶弄得当当乱响。 2. (大声地)碰撞,猛撞: He clashed against the streetlight and hurt his head. 他撞到路灯杆上,碰伤了头。 3. 发生冲突;抵触: Your interests clashed with mine. 你的利益与我的冲突。 The two parties clashed in the conference. 在会议中双方意见发生冲突。 4. (颜色)不调和,不协调;不一致; The colour of her hat clashed with the colour of her dress. 她帽子的颜色与衣服的颜色不协调。 The wallpaper and the carpet clash. 壁纸与地毯不调和。 5. (用同一演员声音在同一时间或邻近时间内播出的)两则广告 6. (一则与其所插播进去的节目风格相似的)吻合广告 vt. 1. 猛撞,撞击: She clashed those pans down on the floor. 她把那些盘子当的一声摔到地板上。 2. 使发出撞击声: The church bell clashed its melancholy note. 教堂的钟敲出悲凉的调子。
看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: 表示同意的单词总结和发出声音有关的一组单词 clap 2. 发出碰撞声(或噼啪声): The shutters clapped in the wind. 百叶窗被风刮得噼啪作响。 3. 噼啪地走动(或敲打): She clapped across the room in her slippers. 她穿着拖鞋噼啦啪啦地在房间中走过去。 clash [kl??] vi. 1. (刀剑、铃铛等)碰撞做声,撞击声: The dustbins clashed as the men emptied them. 人们倒垃圾桶时把垃圾桶弄得当当乱响。 clatter ['kl?t?] n. 1. 撞击声,碰撞声,哐啷声;(马蹄的)得得声;(机器的)咔哒声;咯噔咯噔声 2. 吵闹,喧哗声,噪声,扰嚷 3. 嘈杂的谈笑声,喋喋不休,聊天 vi. 1. 发出碰撞声,发哐啷声,咔哒地响,噼啪地响: Dishes and plates were clattering in the dining car. 餐车中盘碟叮当作响。 2. 得得(或咔哒)地迅速移动: The children clattered downstairs. 孩子们登登地跑下楼。 The iron-wheeled cart clattered down the street. 铁轮大车咯噔咯噔地穿过大街。 3. 嘁嘁喳喳地说笑(或闲谈): She clattered on and on about her children. 她喋喋不休地谈论她的儿女。 vt. 使发出咔哒(或噼啪)声,使哗啦作响: Don't clatter your knives and forks at table. 吃饭时不要把刀叉弄得丁当乱响。 The maid clattered the pots and pans in the sink. 女仆哗啦哗啦地在厨房的水槽里洗锅碗。 javascript:void(0)
看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: 表示同意的单词总结着急或者突然做某事的几种说法 有及物用法,也有不及物用法,不定期更新 whip [hwip] vt. 1. 突然拿取(或移动);突然拉住;猛然抓住;急忙抛出(通常与out, off, up等连用): to whip out a knife 突然抽出刀来 vi. 1. 突然、迅速地移动、离开、通过等: He whipped down the stairs. 他突然急忙下楼。
看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: 表示同意的单词总结flip VT 3. 急挥;急拉;使急速地动;转动;翻动,翻(书页、纸张、纸牌等): to flip the drawer shut 急忙关上抽屉 to flip pages in a book 翻书页 VI . 急动,急拉,急扔;翻,翻动;(跳水时)作空翻: The truck ran off the road and flipped over in the ditch. 这辆卡车开出公路翻倒在沟里。 scramble 4. 仓促完成(into, through): to scramble into one's clothes 匆忙穿上衣服 to scramble through one's work 仓促完成某人的工作 4. 仓促地完成(某事),使仓促做(某事): They scrambled us of the room. 他们把我们赶出了房间。bolt 2. 囫囵吞下,狼吞虎咽地吃,匆匆咽下(食物、饮料等);不嚼就吞下: The boy bolted (down) his lunch and ran to the playground. 男孩狼吞虎咽地吃完午饭,就跑到操场去了。 Eat slowly and don't bolt your food. 慢慢吃,别囫囵吞吃食物。 bundle 把…撵走,把…匆匆送走,(不留情地)把…打发走;推出(away,off,out,into ): She bundled him off to the countryside. 她匆匆把他撵到乡下去。 vi. 1. 匆忙地走;匆匆离开,仓促地走,不客气地离去(off ,out ,away): He indignantly bundled out of the meeting. 他愤然地匆匆离开会场。 burst 忽然走,忽然来;闯,冲: She burst throught the doorway. 她冲出大门口。 Oil burst to the surface. 石油喷出地面。 5. 突然开始;突然出现(或显现): The sun burst through the clouds. 太阳从云缝里钻出来。 闯开;冲过;通过爆炸产生;使猛然打开,使突然打开;使绽开: He burst his way through a crowd. 他冲过人群。
看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: 表示同意的单词总结buzz [俚语、口语]走开,马上离开(通常与off或along连用): Tell her to buzz off and leave me alone. 告诉她马上离开,别打扰我。 He'll buzz along now. 他现在即将离开。 4. 迅速地放置;急忙处理(常与 on 连用): They clapped on more sails. 他们急速张开更多的帆。 5. 仓促地凑成,临时搞成(常与together 连用): They clapped together a stage so that they could have somewhere to perform. 他们匆忙搭起一个舞台,以便有地方演出。 clatter 得得(或咔哒)地迅速移动: The children clattered downstairs. 孩子们登登地跑下楼。 The iron-wheeled cart clattered down the street. 铁轮大车咯噔咯噔地穿过大街。
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