加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息GTA小生意创业相关活动:


各种Trade show, Seminar, 聚会等等。哪位大侠知道的,贴在这里,分享信息。

===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: GTA小生意创业相关活动:我也想知道,帮顶~~~

世事短如春梦,人情薄似秋云。不须计较苦劳心,万事原来有命。 幸遇三杯酒好,况逢一朵花新。片时欢笑且相亲,明日阴晴未定。回复: GTA小生意创业相关活动:1. http://www.internationalcentre.com2. http://www.torontocongresscentre.com3. http://www.explace.on.ca想到再补上去,暂时就3

回复: GTA小生意创业相关活动:支持下。

http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790回复: GTA小生意创业相关活动:Metro Convention Centre:http://www.mtccc.com/calendar1.cfm

===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: GTA小生意创业相关活动:华咨处讲座:讲座(一) 如何开办小生意为帮助新移民朋友了解在加国新环境中创业的有关事宜,华咨处将从九月份开始举办小生意系列讲座。讲座(一) 如何开办小生意。 内容包括:加拿大的商业环境及潜在的商业机会公司种类及有关规定公司注册,执照,许可证, 生意计划书现有资源和政府小生意资助项目加国成功创业的基本策略欢迎参加 。 日期:2010年9月15日(星期三)时间:下午2:00 至 4:00 地点:华咨处移民资源中心 2330 Midland Ave. Scarborough, (Midland/Sheppard西南面) 语言:国语   费用:免费 查询及报名,请致电 (416)292-7510 分机 “0” 或 (416)293-4565 分机 “0”; 或亲临华谘处移民资源中心美兰大道2330号,或芬治大道东3850号403室。新移民参加者请带备移民纸或枫叶卡出席。​

===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: GTA小生意创业相关活动:谢谢通告!

Nothing for nothing. Tomorrow comes never.回复: GTA小生意创业相关活动:“小生意”座活动时间:2010年9月9日 13:30 - 15:30所在地区:大多地区联 系 人:MS. Yao联系电话:416-977-4026电邮地址:发送电子邮件相关地址:多会多多中心310 Spadina Ave. suite 301查看 GOOGLE 地图 | 本月 51 活动地图多华会安居服务部多年致力于大新移民提供安居服务, 帮助他早日适加拿大社会, 并融入及参与社建。 越来越多的新移民以改变了传统的就业观念, 有志在加拿大开创自己的小生意,挑战自我。多华会多伦多中心安居服务部新移民朋友的切要求, ”小生意座”。特邀经验丰富的多伦多企业办人士讲解。希望想要小生意的新移民提前名参加,不要失去宝的。 “小生意”座容如下: 容 a小生意业知 b小生意正确手 c小生意法定文件 d小生意政 e小生意制 f小生意划 g答间 Jason Li Small Business Advisor Enterprise Toronto 日期 二零一零年九月九日(星期四)间 下午一三十分至三三十分地址 多会多多中心 310 Spadina Ave. suite 301 名及查询: (416) 977-4026 230 小姐

===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: GTA小生意创业相关活动:多华会开创小生意讲座 活动时间:2010年9月17日 10:30 - 12:00 所在地区:Scarborough联 系 人:sun小姐 联系电话:416-502-9500/416-977-4026相关地址:375 Bamburgh Circle.Scarborough ON 从九月起,多华会将陆续举办有关小生意的系列讲座。讲座将涉及小生意的创立,小生意的税务和财务管理,及开办小生意的有关法律知识等。第一期讲座将在九月十七日于士嘉堡Steeles 公共图书馆举办。主讲为市府商业部官员,欢迎有意开办小生意和自雇人士前来参加。讲座具体内容如下: 公司的类型和内容 如何在安省注册您的公司 可利用的政府服务资源和优惠项目 问答时间 日期: 2010年9月17日(星期五) 时间: 上午10:30 至12:00 地点: 多伦多公共图书馆,Steeles 分馆 375 Bamburgh Circle.Scarborough Warden/Steeles邻丰泰超市 登记及/查询:(416)502-9500 或(416)977-4026 免费国语讲座,座位有限请预先登记​ 前15位登记并携带枫叶卡或移民纸的新移民可免费获TTC车票​

http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790回复: GTA小生意创业相关活动:http://www.txpo.ca/

===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: GTA小生意创业相关活动:Weight Wise ExpoDate: 02-OCT-10 to 03-OCT-10Weight Wise Expo will showcase the latest nutritional, medical, fitness, cosmetic and surgical weight management equipment. The event will attract mostly those people who are conscious about body image. A conference also will be held during the event at same venue. The exhibition will be held at International Centre, Toronto.Venue: Direct Energy Centre Exhibition Place, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: GTA小生意创业相关活动:It Healthcare Canada Conference & ExhibitionDate: 04-OCT-10 to 06-OCT-10It Healthcare Canada Conference & Exhibition will give opportunity for the Health care and Pharma Industry to showcase the total solutions, facilities, infrastructures available in the Health and Medical Industry under one roof. It will be organized by Diversified Business Communications.Venue: International Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: GTA小生意创业相关活动:International Anti-Aging ShowDate: 15-OCT-10 to 17-OCT-10The International Anti-Aging Show responds directly to this important market trend by bringing together thousands of men and woman of all ages who wish to better themselves and add years to their lives, with over one hundred exhibitors who represent virtually every category of anti-aging related products and services, in a festive environment.Venue: Toronto International Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake1. http://www.internationalcentre.com2. http://www.torontocongresscentre.com3. http://www.explace.on.ca想到再补上去,暂时就3点击展开...4. http://www.directenergycentre.com/visiting/directions/car.php

===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: GTA小生意创业相关活动:Tradeshow will be open Tuesday, October 19, 2010Metro Toronto Convention Centre255 Front St. West, North Building, Level 100www.mtccc.comTimes and Details of the ForumSetup:8 10am - Set-up and Check-in10am - Tradeshow opens5pm - Tradeshow closes5-7pm - Dismantle

===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake赞反馈:Flying Dragon 2010-10-08#16 alberto 16,266 $0.00 回复: GTA小生意创业相关活动:79th Annual Conference & Trade ShowLooking Beyond the ObviousOctober 18-20, 2010 Delta Meadowvale Resort & Conference CentreYou are responsible for customs compliance at your company and everything seems to be under control; but do you know what topics are quickly going to become your future compliance projects?The speed of business today requires that we all be proactive and act before today’s topic becomes tomorrow’s issue. I.E.Canada, Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters has been serving the trade community for 79 years and holds the largest annual customs conference for importers and exporters. We understand the pressures you face. That is why this year’s theme is “Looking Beyond the Obvious”.

===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: GTA小生意创业相关活动:羡慕多伦多,创业活动很活跃.

回复: GTA小生意创业相关活动:79th Annual Conference & Trade ShowOctober 18-20, 2010Delta Meadowvale (Mississauga Hotel)6750 Mississauga RoadTorontoOntario, L5N 2L3

===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: GTA小生意创业相关活动:I.E Canada 79th Annual Conference & Trade Show有人去没?

===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: GTA小生意创业相关活动:http://www.biztradeshows.com/canada/toronto/

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