加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息CIBS加拿大劳务雇主批文,我觉得太简单了不会是
我在CIBS旗下的子公司办的去加拿大劳务,在等了7个月后给我发来个雇主批文,我觉得太简单了不会是假的吧george packing food inc Job Offer of EmploymentDesmond St, Grenfell,SK SOG 2B0, Canada We are very pleased to advise you that we have decided to give you the position as a butcher.Since it will take you some time to undergo the immigration procedure.We issued this offer to you and hope it will do some help for your application.The duties of your position as a butcherCut beef, pork or veal carcasses into primal cuts for futher cutting,processingRemove bones from meatManually pack goods into bags and boxes or other containersClean work areas and equipmentIn consideration of your jobyou will be paid for $18CAD per hour.and the salary will be increased depending on your performance.If you have any questions about this offer of employment,please inform us就这么多信息,总觉得不踏实,给位大神给看看出出主意 啊 有人说只是个雇主聘书 不是批文 就个老外的签名啥也没有
回复: CIBS加拿大劳务雇主批文,我觉得太简单了不会是假的吧不诚信中介!cibs旗下德港柏公司办理劳务,涉嫌‘无证驾驶’被商务部查处。要求退还申请者费用。请咨询商务部。
回复: CIBS加拿大劳务雇主批文,我觉得太简单了不会是假的吧不诚信中介!cibs旗下德港柏公司办理劳务,涉嫌‘无证驾驶’被商务部查处。要求退还申请者费用。请咨询商务部。点击展开...给个电话吧商务部的
回复: CIBS加拿大劳务雇主批文,我觉得太简单了不会是假的吧Since it will take you some time to undergo the immigration procedure.从这句话来看,假的无疑,因为如果是劳务,不允许有移民倾向,如果是移民,屠夫不是可以移民的职业。所以,这个offer就是写给你看的,好让你继续交钱!
2011.9签约,2011.11鸭熟,2011.12递料,中*介*暗*箱*中,2012.4.20签收,2012.5.17FN1039,萨省其实应该叫做傻省,就是你等的都傻了提名也不一定会来。Since it will take you some time to undergo the immigration procedure.从这句话来看,假的无疑,因为如果是劳务,不允许有移民倾向,如果是移民,屠夫不是可以移民的职业。所以,这个offer就是写给你看的,好让你继续交钱!点击展开...谢了知道了
回复: CIBS加拿大劳务雇主批文,我觉得太简单了不会是假的吧假的,要是需要,一个人1天可以随便写几十封。
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