加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息那些“母亲”演化的词


本周日(5月13日)就是“母亲节”了,你想好用什么方式向母亲表达爱意了吗?要是还没想好,不如就跟小编一起学几个由mother(母亲)一词演化出来的英语单词吧。然后讲给妈妈听,妈妈看到这么好学的孩子一定很开心的!Metropolis 大都市Nowadays, it refers to a large city ― particularly an important one.这个词现在多指大都市,尤其是地位比较重要的城市。In ancient Greece, metropolis referred to the mother city of a colony. Metropolis comes from the Greek mētēr ("mother") + polis ("city").在古希腊,metropolis指殖民地的宗主城市。Metropolis一词源于希腊语的mētēr(母亲)和polis(城市)。 Matrix 母体,背景,模型The term originates in the Latin mater, meaning "mother."这个词源于拉丁语中的mater一词,意为“母亲”。The original (now-archaic) meaning of matrix was "uterus." Today the word usually refers to a situation or set of conditions in which something develops or forms.Matrix一词最早的意思为“子宫”(如今该用法已弃用)。现在,这个词通常指形势或者事物发展或成形的条件。

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 那些“母亲”演化的词Alma Mater 母校Alma mater refers either to a school one attended, or to that school's song.Alma mater指“母校”或者母校的校歌。The ancients used alma mater as a title for such goddesses as Ceres, the Roman goddess of the growth of food plants, and Cybele, who was worshipped as the universal mother of gods, humans, and animals.古代的人用alma mater来指代谷神星(古罗马掌管谷物生长的女神)和希比利神(亦称“众神之母”,是宇宙中一切神、人类和动物之母)。 Matrimony 婚姻Matrimony joins two people, but that pairing is rooted in one word: mother.婚姻让两个人走到一起,不过这种联姻源自于一个词:mother(母亲)。Matrimony comes from mater, Latin for "mother." This reflects the traditional role of marriage in legalizing motherhood allowing women to produce legitimate children and heirs.Matrimony也源自于拉丁语中的mater(母亲)一词。这也反应了母系合法化过程中婚姻的传统地位,即婚姻让女人能够繁衍合法的子嗣。 Matter 物质The fact of the matter is this: the Latin word for "mother," mater, is this word's distant ancestor.Matter一词怎么会出现在这里?事情是这样的,拉丁语中的mater(母亲)一词是matter一词的远祖。Mater was shaped into materia, meaning "physical substance" or "matter." Materia eventually developed into matter.Mater一词后来演化成materia,即“物质”。而materia一词最终演化成了matter这个词。Why did mother lead to matter? The connection is uncertain, but perhaps it's because matter is the substance from which something is made; and it is mother from which we all are made.“母亲”和“物质”之间有什么因果关系呢?答案尚不明确。或许因为物质是构成所有事物的成分,也是我们所有人成形之源头吧。

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