加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息考官心中常见雅思写作错误


Run-on Sentences and Sentence Fragments Check each sentence to make sure it has a subject and a verb and that it expresses a complete concept.仔细检查每一个句子,确保每个句子都有一套完整的主谓结构。 Do not run two sentences together incorrectly. Use punctuation (full stops, colons or semicolons) or linking words to separate them or clarify meaning. 切勿把两个句子错误地堆放在一起,使用标点符号(句号,冒号,或分号)或者连接词将句子分开,使句子表达清晰明朗。 Punctuation标点符号 Use capital letters at the start of sentences and for names of persons, cities, countries, languages, streets, and titles.End every sentence with a full stop or question mark. 每一个句子都以句号或问号结尾。Use punctuation (commas, colons, semi-colons) within individual sentences to separate phrases and for easier understanding.Place exact quotes in quotation marks. Full stops and commas go inside the quotation marks.句号和逗号置于引号内部。This website gives more information on the general use of punctuation. Subject-Verb Agreement主谓一致 Check every subject and verb to make sure that if you have used a singular subject, you have also used a singular verb. Similarly, a plural subject needs a plural verb. Pay extra care to add an \'s\' to present simple tense verbs in the 3rd person singular.e.g. The IELTS exam tests our level of English. Sentence Length 句子长度 Keep sentences reasonably short. General guidelines for academic writing recommend a maximum of 25 words per sentence.Break long sentences into shorter units.If too short, perhaps you could link them using a conjunction or other transitional device, but do not overdo this (e.g. by starting nearly every sentence with a linking word.) Cohesion (sentences) 句子衔接 Ensure that each sentence follows clearly and logically from the one before it.句子之间逻辑交代要清晰。 Note that it is not necessary to keep all sentences the same length; sentences of different lengths in each paragraph makes for a more interesting writing style. 衔接(cohesion)的官方解释为Cohesion refers to the varied and appropriate use of cohesive devices (for example, logical connectors, pronouns and conjunctions) to assist in making the conceptual and referential relationships between and within sentences ,逻辑手段主要包括连接词(连接副词和连词)、代词和句子副词三种,逻辑手段使用应当自然(use cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention),避免过度使用(over-use)和使用不足(under-use),同学们很容易犯过度使用错误,文章中充斥大量连词,反而造成不自然。 Coherence (ideas)语义衔接 Each paragraph should contain a topic sentence which states the main idea, fact or opinion.Paragraphs should be around 4 -5 sentences long. Task one will probably contain 2-3 paragraphs, task two, 4 - 5. Try to use the last sentence to connect in some way with the paragraph after, or the first sentence to link with the paragraph before. Limit paragraph length to a maximum of 100 words. 每段最多不要超过100词。 连贯(coherence)的官方解释为Coherence refers to the linking of ideas through logical sequencing,思维的逻辑是逻辑表达的基础,很多同学在写作当中把不存在因果关系的两句用because连接起来,思维的逻辑还体现在分段(paragraphing)上,如B7T2考官点评“The development of the answer is not helped by poor control of paragraphing which sometimes confuses the links across different sections”,分段包括段落之间如何排列(logical)和如何切分段落(应当基于话题而不是基于句子based on the topic rather than sentences). Verb Tenses动词时态 Use the correct tense to express what you want to say and try to keep tenses consistent.These websites give more information on verb tense usage. Spelling单词拼写 Before the test, when you practice writing tasks, check the spelling of any word you are unsure about. Be especially careful of the "ei" and "ie" words, words which add "-ing" and/or "ed," and words with one or more sets of double letters.

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