加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息“办公室恋情”如何表白


在工作日益繁忙的现代社会,很多白领根本就没有足够的时间去寻找爱情,越来越多的人将目光瞄向了与自己一同工作的同事,workplace romance越来越流行,你有没有类似经历呢? King: The trip was pretty good except for the flat tire we got on the way home. I was going to change it myself but then...hey Dan, are you even listening to me? Dan?Dan: Oh sorry, I spaced out there for a second.K: Who were you looking at? Wait a second...you were looking at Julie!D: All right, I confess! I'm busted. I have a big crush on Julie.K: That's wonderful! Julie is a great woman, and you're a great guy! So have you asked her out yet?D: No. I'm not really sure it's appropriate.King正在给Dan讲自己最近的一次旅行,他们回家路上车胎爆了(We got a flat tire),正说得高兴,King发现Dan根本没在听自己说话。Dan很不好意思,承认他走神了(I spaced out for a second),space out 是“走神”的意思,形容“心不在焉”,“走神”还可以用daydream来表示, 所以刚才那句话也可以说“I was daydreaming for a second.”然后King发现,Dan走神是在看女同事Julie。 Dan只好承认说“I'm busted. I have a big crush on Julie”。“I'm busted”意思是“被抓住了,被发现了,暴露了”。他说自己确实在偷偷喜欢Julie,但又不敢ask her out(约她出去),不知道这样做是否合适。K: I think lots of people meet their "significant other" in the workplace. It's not like she's your boss...go ask her out!D: I don't know...what if she says 'no?'K: Have you ever heard the old expression: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained?" What if she says 'yes?'D: I've always had a really hard time approaching women. I get tongue-tied and start sweating. I don't want to come across as too aggressive, but I also don't want to appear too passive...It's really hard to get it right!King说,很多人都是在工作场所遇到自己另一半的,significant other是“伴侣”的意思,也可以说是自己的better half。Dan害怕被拒绝,King告诉他说Nothing ventured, nothing gained(不去冒险尝试,就绝不会有收获)。Dan说自己在追女人方面特别不在行,I get tongue-tied and start sweating(我说话会结结巴巴,直冒冷汗)。Dan还说,既不想显得太主动,也不想显得太被动,It's really hard to get it right(很难把握好分寸)。K: If there's one thing I've learned in my life it's that you never lose by trying. You never know unless you try! Getting rejected isn't the end the world!D: But how do I make the initial approach? Should I try to come up with some clever or witty remarks?K: There are a lot of guys out there who think they're Casanova, but in my experience, women don't go for cheesy pickup lines. I suggest being sweet, straightforward and sincere.D: So what should I say?King说尝试一下(约Julie出去)也不会有什么损失,最糟糕也不过是被拒绝。Dan问,要不要come up with some clever or witty remark(想出一些俏皮话),King告诉他,约女人出去,直截了当些就好,women don't go for cheesy pickup lines(女人对俏皮的搭讪并不买账)。Dan会鼓起勇气约Julie出去吗?请继续关注我们的口语栏目来找出答案吧!

寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: “办公室恋情”如何表白Dan偷偷喜欢女同事Julie,King给他打气,鼓励他约Julie出去。在上期中,King教给Dan表白的3S原则:sweet, straightforward和sincere,我们来看看Dan打算怎么约Julie出去吧! Dan: So what should I say?King: Tell the truth! Say, "Hi Julie, I was wondering if you'd be interested in going out this Saturday? I know a great sushi place."D: Just like that? Don't you think I'll scare her?K: Both you and Julie are adults, and that's the way adults communicate with each other. If you're worried about being too direct, you should make it a group event and invite her along.D: The whole process just seems so scary.K: You know what's really scary? The idea that two people might be perfect for each other, but they're too afraid to talk to each other...now that's a frightening thought. What a waste!D: That's a good point.King建议Dan直截了当,约Julie出去吃饭,但如果Dan不想过于直接的话,可以make it a group event and invite her along(组织一次集体活动,邀请Julie一起去)。King还鼓励Dan说,如果两个人原本很相配, 但却因为彼此不敢主动去跟对方搭讪而擦肩而过,那才是最可怕的。What a waste!(太可惜了)。K: What's the worst thing that could happen?D: She rejects me.K: And is that so bad?D: No, I guess not. How do you meet your wife anyway?K: I walked up to her on a subway car and said, "Hi, I'm King. What's your name?" Three years later we were married.D: Wow! All right...I'm going to do it. I'm going to ask her out.K: Well, here's your chance. She's started walking this way. Go for it!D: Hey, Julie.J: Hi Dan. How are you doing?D: I'm good, thanks! Say, a couple of us are thinking about having dinner and maybe going to a Karaoke bar this Saturday night. Are you free to join us?J: Sure! I'd love to. What time should I meet you?D: How about 7:30?J: Great! I'll see you then. Have a nice day, Dan! Bye!D: You too! See you on Saturday!K: See? That wasn't so hard, was it?D: That was amazing! I'm totally on cloud nine right now! Thanks, dude!K: No problem, and I hope it works out for the two of you.D: It's really true: "Nothing ventured, nothing gained!"K: You got it!Dan跟Julie说,办公室几个人星期六晚上打算一起出去吃饭,吃完饭去唱卡拉OK,问Julie想不想一起去,Julie欣然接受。Dan说,I'm totally on cloud nine(我实在是太高兴了。)King说,“I hope it works out for the two of you” ,意思是祝Dan和Julie好运,能交往愉快。

寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: “办公室恋情”如何表白如何表达“背叛”与“分手”分手让人沮丧,背叛让人愤怒。今天我们说的这些句子可能会在某个时候在你耳边响起,当然,小编希望你听到的是那句“我永远都不会背叛我的女/男朋友,她/他就是我想要的一切。” 1. Why that two-timing!为什么那么不专情。2. Don't let it get you down. There are plenty of fish in the sea. 别让这件事影响你的情绪。天涯何处无芳草。3. Are you cheating on me? Because I've been hearing some rumors.你是不是背着我有别人?因为我最近老能听到一些传言。4. I would never cheat on my girlfriend. She is everything I want.我永远都不会背叛我的女朋友,她就是我想要的一切。5. I can not live without you.我不能没有你。6. It's more of a frustration than anything else.没有比这更令人沮丧的。7. I'm glad to see you're taking all this with a grain of salt.我很高兴你能对这件事坦然处之。8. I recently broke up with my boyfriend, and it's been hard for both of us.我最近和男朋友分手了,这对我们俩来说都很困难。

寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: “办公室恋情”如何表白如何友善拒绝表白 俗话说强扭的瓜儿不甜,强求的爱也不会香。每个人多少都有告白或者被人告白的经历,被人拒绝当然是一件痛苦的事,但有时拒绝别人更是一件痛苦的事。今天我们就来说一说对那些我们希望维持友好关系或是需要一起共事的人,如何友善地拒绝对方的表白。 1. 赞美对方,修饰原因告诉表白对象你觉得他/她很好很出色,或者让你的拒绝原因中带着一些你无法控制的因素,比如工作太忙或是尚未准备好投入一段感情等等。You're a great guy/girl, but I'm just too busy to pursue a serious relationship right now.你是一个很好的男人/女人,但我实在太忙了,没有时间投入到长期、稳定的恋爱关系中。I'm flattered that you asked, but I'm not ready to start a relationship right now.你会这么问让我很是受宠若惊,但我现在还没有准备谈恋爱。Work has been keeping me too busy, I don't think I'm a good boyfriend/girlfriend material.我工作非常忙,所以我觉得我不具备一个很好的男朋友/女朋友的资质。I'm still hung up over my previous relationship, and I'd rather us just be friends.我对前一段恋情还是很放不下,我希望我们就做朋友吧。I've just gotten out of a bad relationship and I don't want to start anything too hastily.我刚经历了一段不堪回首的感情,我不希望太过着急开始另一段恋情。2. 坦白直率,愿友情长存直接告诉对方你觉得双方可能不太合适做恋人,但希望还能继续保持现有的友情。如果对方不愿跟你继续交往,那也不用太强求了。I like you, but I'm just not interested in you in that way.我喜欢你,但我对你的感情不是那种恋人间情感。You're a great friend, and I'd rather that we keep it this way.你是一个很好的朋友,我希望我们能继续保持这样的关系。I'm not the right guy/girl for you. I hope that you can understand and that we can still be friends.我不是适合你的男人/女人,我希望你能够明白,并且希望我们还能够继续当朋友。I like you as a friend, and I hope that we wouldn't have to give up our friendship over this.我喜欢和你做朋友,我希望我们的友谊不会因为这件事而结束。

寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: “办公室恋情”如何表白女生拒绝男生搭讪的经典句子 遇到不招人喜欢的男生搭讪,又不知道怎么让他死心?看看下面这位女生是怎么对付这类人的吧,一定让你获益匪浅。Boy: Can I buy you a drink?(我可以为你买一杯饮料吗?)Girl: Actually I‘d rather have the money.(不必,我宁愿要你买饮料的钱。) Boy: Can I have your name?(我能请教你的名字吗?)Girl: Why? Don‘t you already have one? (为什么?你不是已经有名字吗?故意把上句中的have当作“有”来理解) Boy: I‘m a photographer. I‘ve been looking for a face like yours.(我是摄影师。我一直在寻找一张像你这样的脸。)Girl: I‘m a plastic surgeon. I‘ve been looking for a face like yours.(我是整形外科医生。我也一直在寻找一张像你这样的脸。) Boy: Is this seat empty?(这个座位没人吧?)Girl: Yes, and this one will be if you sit down.(是的,如果你坐下,我这个座位就会是空的。) Boy: Haven‘t I seen you some place before?(我好象以前在什么地方见过你?)Girl: Yes. That‘s why I don‘t go there anymore.(是的。这就是我不再去那个地方的原因。) Boy: Will you go out with me this Saturday?(这个星期六你想跟我出去吗?)Girl: Sorry. I‘m having a headache this weekend.(抱歉。这个周末我头疼。) Boy: I think I could make you very happy.(我想我能让你非常快乐。)Girl: Why? Are you leaving?(是吗?你是说你要离开?) Boy: May I hold your hand? (我能牵着你的手吗?)Girl: No thanks,it isn't heavy. (不用了,我自己能拿的动。) Boy: Hi,didn't we go on dates before? Once or twice? (我们以前有过一两次约会吧?)Girl: Must've been once.I never make the same mistake twice. (肯定只有一次,我从不会犯两次同样的错误。) Boy: I'd like to call you.Your number? (能告诉我你的电话号码吗?)Girl: It's in the phone book.(在电话本里。)

寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: “办公室恋情”如何表白如何表达各种情感纠葛 话说人是这世界上最复杂的动物,那么人与人之间的感情自然也不会简单到哪儿去。今天咱们就来说说各种感情纠葛的英语表达方式。 1.I don't want to be the third wheel.我不想当电灯泡。2. He is dating another girl on the side.他脚踏两条船。3. I am a one-woman kind of man.我是那种从一而终的男人。4. Those boys like to hit on me all the time.那些男生老爱找我搭讪。5. That's the long distance relationship.我们是异地恋。6. You should have chivalry.你应该有点绅士风度。7. I saw you smooching with that girl just outside my window.我看到你在我家窗外亲那个女孩了。8. I'm all over you.我对你很着迷。9. I'm over you.我跟你之间完了。10. Are you trying to seduce me?你想勾引我吗?

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