
寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: 美国鸡血青年的自我激励语录试试看。 Just try it。 I don't think I can. (我想我不行。) Just try it. (你试试看。) I don't want to. (我不想做。) Just try it. (就试一下。) Come on, try it。 Just give it a try。 试着做做。 Try and do it。 Try it。 Give it a try。 再试一遍。 Try again。 Have another try。 Do it again。 Give it another try。 别害怕。 Don't be a chicken. *这里的chicken是俚语,表示“胆小鬼,窝囊废”,而不是“小鸡”。 Don't be a chicken. Ask her out. (别那么窝囊,去约她吧。) But what if she says not? (可要是她说“不”怎么办?) Don't be a coward。 Don't be a sissy. *俚语。 让我们面对现实。 Let's face it. *用在表示“面对不能令人满意的事实”时。 Do you think I'm smart? (你觉得我聪明吗?) Let's face it, you're no Einstein. (你得面对现实,你不是爱因斯坦。) Let's face facts. (让我们面对现实。) Let's be realistic。 我们得让他振作起来。 Let's cheer him up。 He looks blue. (他看上去很忧郁。) Let's cheer him up. (我们得让他振作起来。) Let's try to make him forget his troubles. (我们试着让他忘记烦恼吧。) 我祝你成功! I wish you success! Success to you! May you succeed! I'll have my fingers crossed. *have one's fingers crossed 表示“希望计划能够顺利进行”。直译是“把手指叠在一起”,实际场合中常常一边把中指叠在食指上,一边这么说。 I'll keep my fingers crossed。 I'll cross my fingers。 I'll keep my hopes up. (我期待着……) 应当面对他说。 Tell him to his face。 Tell him to his face that he's a liar! (你应当面对他说他是个骗子!) Well, I can't. (可我不行。) 我是认真的。 I'm serious。 No way! (不可能!) I'm serious. (我是认真的。) Are you joking? (你是开玩笑吧?) No, I'm serious. (不,我是认真的。) Seriously。 I'm really serious. (我真的是认真的。) I'm not joking. (我没开玩笑。) I'm being honest with you. (开诚布公地跟你讲。) I mean it! *当对方不相信你说的是真话时。 I don't mean it. (我不是这个意思。) 这是真的呀! Take my word for it。 Believe me. (相信我!) Take it from me。(相信我。) 请相信! You'd better believe it! *口语说法。 Did he really say that? (他真的这么说了吗?) You'd better believe it! (请相信我!) I really mean it! (真是那么回事。) Trust me! (请相信我!) 我敢肯定。 I'm sure of it。 Is the party at 9∶00? (晚会是9点开始吗?) I'm sure of it. (我敢肯定是。) I'm absolutely sure。 I know for sure that… I'm positive. (我有把握。) 听起来也许奇怪,但那是真的。 It may sound strange, but it's true。 No way! (不可能有!) It may sound strange, but it's true. (听起来也许奇怪,但它是真的。) You may not believe it, but I'm telling the truth。 It may be unbelievable, but it's the truth. (你也许不能相信,但那是事实。) 我是无辜的! I'm innocent! It's your fault. (是你的错。) Me? I'm innocent! (是我?真冤柱呀!) I'm innocent! (我是清白的。) Don't lie! I saw you do it. (别撒谎,我看见你干的。) I didn't do it. (我没干。).blkContainerSblkCon p.page,.page{ font-family: "宋体", sans-serif; text-align:center;font-size:12px;line-height:21px; color:#999;}.page span,.page a{padding:4px 8px; background:#fff;margin:0 -2px}.page a,.page a:visited{border:1px #9aafe5 solid; color:#3568b9; text-decoration:none;}.page span{border:1px #ddd solid;color:#999;}.page span.cur{background:#296cb3; font-weight:bold; color:#fff; border-color:#296cb3}.page a:hover,.page a:active{ border:1px #2e6ab1 solid;color:#363636; text-decoration:none}
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