加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Urgent !!! Looking for Embedded Developer in ottawa (one yea


Requirement: Working knowledge of the QNX operating system and embedded software development principles. Strong C, C++ and design skills a requirement.Familiarity with common processor architectures (ie SH/PPC/ARM).RTOS programming experience considered an asset. Experience developing software with graphics and multimedia considered an asset. Enthusiasm and a desire to learn about new technologies a requirement Experience in atleast one of the following areas: 1. BSP & Driver Development (ethernet, mass storage, HID, etc.), ATAPI, Audio, Serial, PCI, etc. 2. Graphics rendering APIs, such as OpenGL ES and OpenVG 3. USB features (device drivers, class drivers, USB stack, client APIs) 4. Networking development including BSD socket APIs, BSD networking stacks, IPv6 and routing protocols 5. Testing with graphics technologies (GLES, AIR, HTML5) 6. Diagnosing and troubleshooting operating system software 7. Multimedia technologies (Webkit, Flash, Cameras, 3rd party applications, etc) and multimedia framework for audio and video decode/encodeSend your resume to [email protected]

如果我们不是被上帝统治,就一定会被暴政统治Requirement: Working knowledge of the QNX operating system and embedded software development principles. Strong C, C++ and design skills a requirement.Familiarity with common processor architectures (ie SH/PPC/ARM).RTOS programming experience considered an asset. Experience developing software with graphics and multimedia considered an asset. Enthusiasm and a desire to learn about new technologies a requirement Experience in atleast one of the following areas: 1. BSP & Driver Development (ethernet, mass storage, HID, etc.), ATAPI, Audio, Serial, PCI, etc. 2. Graphics rendering APIs, such as OpenGL ES and OpenVG 3. USB features (device drivers, class drivers, USB stack, client APIs) 4. Networking development including BSD socket APIs, BSD networking stacks, IPv6 and routing protocols 5. Testing with graphics technologies (GLES, AIR, HTML5) 6. Diagnosing and troubleshooting operating system software 7. Multimedia technologies (Webkit, Flash, Cameras, 3rd party applications, etc) and multimedia framework for audio and video decode/encodeSend your resume to [email protected]点击展开...

回复: Urgent !!! Looking for Embedded Developer in ottawa (one year contractor)最近正在考虑全家搬到Ottawa,我现在Calgary工作,新移民,不到1年,做了段时间后发现AB省的IT水准真的很低,AB是搞油砂人的天地,感觉做IT的在这边混前途会比较渺茫。quote]AB省IT水准低,你是指IT人员水平低?还是工资水平低?点击展开...

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