加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息5月26日考试话题汇总
2012年5月26日雅思考试已结束,家园第一时间整理出了全国各地雅思口语话题。同时,另外的文章也将这次考试的变化进行了分析,供烤鸭们参考,希望能对大家未来的雅思口语考试有所帮助。 本次口语话题的第一部分出现了新的考题:Health Diet,Handwriting等。 第二部分的话题仍然有五月份新出现在题库中的话题,如A street you like,A difficult thing you did,an occasion you have to be polite. 同时本次也出现了全新话题:Yourfirst day of school/course/job Part One Name(上海) Photos(北京、上海) Do you like taking photos? why? Dancing(北京) Flat or house(江苏、英国) Hometown (长沙、北京、悉尼、昆明) Language(武汉、北京) Handwriting(武汉) Major(天津、哈尔滨、广州、长春) Noise(天津、北京) Make friends(哈尔滨、北京) Wedding(北京、悉尼) Shopping(北京) Work or Student(杭州、北京、上海) Relative(杭州) Sports(杭州、北京、长春)) Email and letter(北京、太原) Children Toy(杭州、澳洲) Driving(哈尔滨、广州) Health Diet (哈尔滨、北京、悉尼、天津、合肥) Describe what you think is a healthy diet。 Transportation(北京) Color(广州、上海) Cloth(杭州) Painting(杭州) Birthday (北京、上海) School(北京) Television(澳洲) Leisure Time(澳洲) Internet Good friend(昆明)
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 5月26日考试话题汇总本次口语话题的第一部分出现了新的考题:Health Diet,Handwriting等。 第二部分的话题仍然有5月份新出现在题库中的话题,如A street you like,A difficult thing you did, an occasion you have to be polite. 同时本次也出现了全新话题:Your first day of school/course/job Part Two 地点题 A place you’d like to visit(西安) Where isthis place What isit like Why youlike to visit And howinteresting it is A street you like in your city(上海、英国) Describea street you like in your city Youshould say: Where itis What themain buildings are in that street What youusually do in(on)that street Andexplain how you feel about this street or why you like it Part 3 1.Howabout let old people living in village? 2.whymany people move to big city? 3.whetherpublic facilities such as hospitals and schools are valuable for people live inbig city? 4.Whetherlives in villages are now as similar as cities? A Natural beauty you want to visit in thefuture (杭州) Describea place of natural beauty Youshould say: Where itis What itis What doyou do there andexplain why do you it is nice An important city in your country(北京) Describedan important city in your country Youshould say: Where thecity is Whatpeople do there Whetheryou visited it before Andexplain why you think the city is important A workplace (北京) Describea workplace that you know Youshould say: What kindof workplace it is Where itis How youknow this place Whatpeople do there Andexplain why you think it is a good place to work A Restaurant (江苏) Describea restaurant you and your friends like Youshould say Where itis What itlooks like Who youusually eat with What youusually eat there Andexplain why you like to go to this place. or explain what the food is like An open air place you relaxed (济南) Describean open air place you relaxed Youshould say: When yougo there Where itis What itis like What youdo there And explainwhy you feel relaxed in this place 事件题 A thing that make you angry (北京、郑州) Describe something that made you angry Youshould say: what itwas that made you angry where youwere when this happened what youwere doing at the time andexplain why you felt angry。 Your first day of school/course/job (哈尔滨) 新话题 Describeyou first day of school/course/job Youshould say: When ithappened Where ithappened Whathappened Andexplain how you felt during that day。 Part 3: Ispeople’s name import in china? How tofind a job? Areparents in china willing to allow their children to be independent? A difficult thing you did (北京、澳洲、悉尼) Describesomething difficult you did。 Youshould say: what iswas when andwhere you did it who waswith you andexplain why you think this was difficult。 Describe an exciting experience you had(北京、南京、广州)
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 5月26日考试话题汇总Youshould say: What itwas When andwhere you had it Who withyou was Andexplain why this experinece was exciting for you A trip you went on in your childhood(北京) Describea trip you went on in your childhood Youshould say: How youtraveled Why youwent there Who youwent with Andexplain why you remember this trip or how you felt on this trip A free day (澳洲) Describea free day you want to enjoy/what you would do if you have a day off from yourwork or school Youshould say: Where youwill go What youwill do Who youwill spend the day with Andexplain how you think you would feel at the end of this day Describe an occasion you have to be polite. (成都) when。 where, how to bepolite part three How to bepolite? What’sthe difference between Chinese and westerners in behaviors? How tomake the foreigners understand your politeness? How toconceal your bad feelings? whatdifferent between being polite and being friendly? Agreat change in your life(太原) Tell meabout a great change that occurred at some point in your life Youshould say: What thechange was and when it happened If it wasspecial for you or usual for all people How ithas changed your life And pleaseexplain your feelings about it。 An unforgettable birthday(上海) When Where why Describean unforgettable birthday you enjoyed Part 3: whichbirthday is drawn great attention to by chinese, the birthday of 18 or else? What doold people do for birthday? And whatdo young people for birthday? A historical event you know(江苏) Describea historical event you know Youshould say: When ithappened Where ithappened What itwas Andexplain why you still remember it Something kind that someone did for you(上海) Describesomething kind that someone did for you Youshould say: Who itwas What itdid How ithelped you Andexplain how you felt after they did this Some type of music of foreign countries(武汉) Describean occasion that you heard some type of music of foreign countries Youshould say: where youheard it? When youheard it? What didyou feel when you heard it? Andexplain why you had this feeling toward the music 人物题 AFamous Person(北京、杭州、澳洲) Describea famous person you would like to meet。 Youshould say: who this person is (or, was) how you first learnt about him or her how/why this person is famous and explain why you would like to meet this person。 Two people from the same family(北京) Describetwo people from the same family Youshould say: Who theyare How youknow them What kindof people they are Andexplain what difference and similarity they are An interesting old person(北京、南京、广州) Describean interesting old person who you know(or an interesting old person you met orspoke to recently You shouldsay: What thisperson looks like What sortof person he or she is When&where or how you met this person Andexplain what is interesting about this person A friend you haven’t been in contact with fora long time (北京)
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 5月26日考试话题汇总Describea friend you haven’t been in contact with for a long time but who you wouldlike to see again Youshould say: Who thisfriend is How longyou have not been in contact When youwould like to meet him or her What youwould like to do together Andexplain why you haven’t been in contact for a long time Part3 Why dopeople have friends? How dopeople become friends? The happiest person you know (北京、上海) Describe thehappiest person you know Youshould say: Who theperson is How youknow the person How theperson show happiness Andexplain why you think the person is the happiest A musician or group popular (北京、郑州) Describe amusician or group popular in your country Youshould say: Whichperson or band Who oftenlikes listening to their/his/her songs What kindof music they/he/she sings Andexplain why you admire then/him/her。 A past family member(广州、北京) Describea past family member who led a interesting life Youshould say: Who theperson was What kindof person he or she was What youand this person usually did together Andexplain why you think the person led a interesting life Part 3 How dopeople know the history of their families? 。。 Arepeople interested in the history of their living places? why? A child(悉尼) Describea child you know What is he/she like What about his/her personality And how do you know him/her A character in a film (新西兰、北京) Describe a character in a film Youshould say: Who thecharacter was When youknow it What thecharater looked like What thecharacter did in the TV program or film Andexplain what influence this character had on you Describe a leader who you admire(北京) Youshould say: Who thisperson is What thisperson did that you admire How youknow this person or know about this person Andexplain this leader’s qualities impressed you。 物品题 A job you would like to have in the future (北京、广州) Describea job you would like to have in the future。 Youshould say: what thisjob would involve whatstudy you would need to do to prepare for this work why youwould like to have this job andexplain what skills you would need for this work.。 A book you like to read again(北京) Describea book you like to read again。 Youshould say: what'sthe name of the book what typeof book it is whatcontent it has andexplain why you like to read this type of book again。 A modern building(杭州、天津) Describea modern building。 What is it located? What is it used for? Explain why you think it is the most interesting? A family photograph (武汉) Describeone of your favourite family photographs。 Youshould say: who tookthe photo when itwas taken where itwas taken andexplain why you like it。 A group activity that you took part in(哈尔滨) Describe a group activity you took part in atcollege what did you do who was with you how the team influenced you An educational TV program(杭州、北京、长春) Describe an educational TV program that you like towatch。 You should say: the name of the program what type of program it is what contents it has and explain what you learn from this program。.blkContainerSblkCon p.page,.page{ font-family: "宋体", sans-serif; text-align:center;font-size:12px;line-height:21px; color:#999; padding-top:35px;}.page span,.page a{padding:4px 8px; background:#fff;margin:0 -2px}.page a,.page a:visited{border:1px #9aafe5 solid; color:#3568b9; text-decoration:none;}.page span{border:1px #ddd solid;color:#999;}.page span.cur{background:#296cb3; font-weight:bold; color:#fff; border-color:#296cb3}.page a:hover,.page a:active{ border:1px #2e6ab1 solid;color:#363636; text-decoration:none}
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 5月26日考试话题汇总Part Three In general, what types of TVprograms are most popular in China? How do you think televisionwill develop (or change) in the future? Describe an advertisement that you think issuccessful(北京、澳洲、昆明、天津) Youshould say: What isadvertised What theadvertisement contains(the contents of this advertisement) What isthe function(purpose)of this advertisement Andexplain why you think this advertisement works well。 Describe a work of art(painting or sculpture)youknow/have seen(北京) Youshould say: When you(first)saw this work of art Where yousaw it What itlooked like Andexplain your feelings about this work of art when you first saw it Part3 Can yougive some examples of arts? Would yousay that handicrafts are a form of art? Ispainting (as a hobby)very popular in china? Do peopleprefer (to do)Western-style painting or traditional Chinese painting? Why doyou think some works of arts, such as some paintings,are sold for very high prices? Whatbenefits are there for a child to be exposed to art from an early age? Described a piece of good news from yourfamily(天津) Youshould say: When ithappened Whathappened Whoparticipated in it Andexplain how you felt when heard about it Something Expensive You Would Buy(广州、武汉) Describesomething expensive you would buy when you have enough money。 Youshould say: what itis how longyou saved for it where youwould buy it andexplain why you want to buy it。 Part three What doesthe rich man worry about most? How tobecome a rich man? Would youlike to invest when you get rich? Do youagree that most of the rich men are unhappy? What doesChinese people usually invest in? Your favorite season(北京) Describedyour favorite season of the year Youshould say: What season(ortime of the year)it is What theweather is like at this time What youusually do at this time Andexplain why you enjoy that season or time of the year Your favorite weather(南昌、武汉) Describeyour favorite weather you like Youshould say: What kindof weather it is When thisweather usually occurs What youusually do during this weather Andexplain how this weather affects you A Wedding (长春) Describea wedding you attended。 Youshould say: whosewedding it was who wasthere where itwas andexplain how you felt at this wedding An item of cloth or jewelry you wear in aspecial occasion(广州) Describean item of cloth or jewelry you wear in a special occasion。 Youshould say: What thisclothing or jewelry looks like Where youbought it On whatspecial occasions you wear it Andexplain why you wear it on special occasions or and explain what other peoplethink about it Childhood toy (南昌) Describea toy that was important to you in your childhood Youshould say: When yougot this toy How yougot this toy How oftenyou played with it What youdid with this toy Andexplain why it was important to you or why you like it Describe the best part of your time in a day(广州) Youshould say: What timeit is What youdo in that time Who youare with And explianwhy you think it is the best time 动物题 Describe an interesting wild animal from yourcountry(北京、太原、澳大利亚) Youshould say: Where youlearned about this animal What itlooks like Where itlives Andexplain why you think this is an interesting animal
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 5月26日考试话题汇总谢谢分享!及时雨哦!
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