加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Network Cabling Technicians ? FREE Training and Hiring


刚从社区收到的消息, 希望对大家有用Network Cabling Technicians ? FREE Training and Hiring SC360 in partnership with Skills for Change Info Session: Thursday, June 7 from 9:30am ? 11:30am Address: Skills for Change Room # 211 791 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto M6C 1B7http://goo.gl/maps/Pzsu You will have the opportunity to learn more about the Network Cabling Technicians Training & Hiring Program. Please RSVP your attendance by Wednesday June 6, 2012 ・ Mahesh Rohit 416-645-2489 [email protected]・ Palwasha Salehy 416-572-0490 [email protected]・ Farnaz Esfahanian 416-658-3101 [email protected] If you want to reach your true potential and take part in major projects that match your ambitions, do not hesitate and join our team!Our telecommunications company offers a perfect blend of technical skills and a deep understanding of the telecommunications industry. As well-known name in the industry, SC360 is a national company that has managed to establish itself as the outsourcer of choice for telecommunications services in both Quebec and Ontario.We perform installation and repair of cable Internet, television and telephony in our residential customers. You must be interested in telecommunications, have mobility, be flexible, and like to work outside and perform manual labor.Whether you’re interested in supporting our projects with your technical knowledge or your management experience, SC360 can help you achieve your career aspirations. ・ www.skillsforchange.org ・ http://www.sc360.com/en/company/

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