加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息JEBCO 继续招聘


JebCO扩大生产,继续招聘钳工,焊工,喷沙..., 详情请查看 http://www.jebcoindustries.com/Corporate-careers.htmlJebCO expanding in BarrieBARRIE - JebCO is hiring again after scoring contracts in Ontario’s mining industry.The Barrie company and needs skilled labourers to work in its local facility.“Trades such as welders, fitters and project managers familiar with medium to heavy-steel fabrications are the idea candidate,” said Brett Murray, president.This year, the company has already hired 40 new staff to keep up with demand for its products. JebCO produces CNC machining that helps the mining industry, and also makes units for water treatment and petrochemical uses.They have a 100,000-square-foot facility on Ellis Drive, and Murray said he’s expecting his plant to be the hub of activity in the next few months.They were awarded contracts from Detour Gold, a new mine opening north of Timmins, and VALE in Sudbury.“Just these two projects alone will require 85 to 100 flatbed standard and wide-load transports to deliver the 13,500 pounds of steel leaving the facility daily.”Mayor Jeff Lehman said the contracts are a great win for the local company.“Not only is JebCO increasing its number of high-quality industrial jobs, the economic spin-off to local companies supporting JebCO with materials and supplies will result in even more jobs and business growth in Barrie,” said Lehman. http://www.jebcoindustries.com/Corporate-careers.html

Barrie - 百里 地产经纪 - 金玫 MEI JIN恋居百里十五载, 荣获Master 钻石奖电邮:[email protected]; 微信: wejmjm电话: 647-848-5898; 705-717-5298赞反馈:2008k 2012-06-17#2 金
Broker,地产经纪 Master 钻石奖得主
358 $0.00 回复: JEBCO 继续招聘IBM在BARRIE新建数据中心.

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