加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息雅思口语6月16日考试话题汇总Part One
2012年6月16日的雅思考试已结束,家园英语版团队第一时间整理出了全国各地雅思口语部分所考的话题。同时,也将这次考试的变化进行了分析,供烤鸭们参考,希望能对大家未来的雅思口语考试有所帮助。 从各考点的考试情况来看,6月16日考试旧题为主,出现了少部分新题及一些旧题换新的题目。本次雅思口语考试出现新话题有:A family news that made you happy、An electronic device。 Part One Name (澳洲、南昌、成都、深圳、郑州) Does yourname have any meaning? Do youwant to change your name? Hometown (澳洲、南昌、北京、杭州、成都、天津、郑州、重庆、哈尔滨) Where areyou from? Tell meabout your hometown Are thereany changes in your hometown? What doesit look like when you are a child? Transport (澳洲) Whatkinds of transport do people choose? Is thebus crowded? Family members (深圳) House or Apartment (深圳、北京、杭州、昆明) Whichroom do you like best? Primary & Elementary school (深圳、北京) Photograph (北京、南昌、深圳、青岛、昆明、郑州、天津) Do youlike to keep photos? Do youthink that photos are the best way to keep something in memory? Healthy Diet (南昌、成都) Major (北京、杭州、深圳) Toy (北京、重庆) Relaxation (北京、昆明) Whatleisure activities do you do? Whypeople do leisure activities? Do youthink people have enough time to relax? Is itimportant to relax? Clothe & Fashion (北京、杭州、深圳) Driving (杭州) Friends (杭州、成都、沈阳、郑州) Color (北京、厦门) Flower (郑州、重庆) Do youlike plastic flowers? Relatives (杭州) Ideal job in the future (杭州) Exercise (沈阳、重庆) Television (天津) Do you like TV programs? How long do you spend on watching TV? Do parents in China prevent their children from watchingTV? why? Computer (天津) Presents (北京) Drawing (北京、深圳)
寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: 雅思口语6月16日考试话题汇总Part One雅思口语6月16日考试话题汇总Part Two Part Two 事件题 An occasion you have to be polite(深圳、北京) Describean occasion you have to be polite。 when。 where, how to be polite Part3 How to be polite? What’s the difference between Chinese and westernersin behaviors? How to make the foreigners understand your politeness? How to conceal your bad feelings? What’s the difference between being polite and beingfriendly? A Free day(北京、南昌、苏州、青岛) Describe a free day you want to enjoy/what you woulddo if you have a day off from your work or school You should say: Where you will go What you will do Who you will spend the day with And explain how you think you would feel at the end ofthis day Advertisement (南昌、苏州、郑州) Describean advertisement that you think is successful。 You should say: what is advertised what the advertisement contains what kinds of people would be (or, are) interested in and explain why you think this advertisement workswell。 Part 3 Whatinfluences does the advertisement have on the brand? Whatkinds of broadcasting advertisement will bring about the best effects? Shouldthe cost on advertisement be cut down? What arethe advantages and the disadvantages of the advertisement? An experience that make you laugh (北京、哈尔滨) Describe a thing or experience make you laugh You should say: What the event was When and where it happened Who participated in this event What you saw or did And explain why this event made you laugh Part 3 Which ismore interesting, book or TV program? What somefeel funny but others not towards the same thing? Why dosome people always look cool? What arethe benefits to laugh? A difficult thing you did well (北京、深圳、杭州、重庆) Describe something difficult you did。 You should say: what is was when and where you did it who was with you and explain why you think this was difficult。 Part Three Do youthink it’s a good thing to be ambitious? What’sthe situation of risky jobs in china? Do youlike challenging difficult things? Whatkinds of jobs are risky in china? A historical Event (北京、深圳、哈尔滨) Describe a historical event you know You should say: When it happened Where it happened What it was And explain why you still remember it The first day of school/course/job(成都、哈尔滨) Describeyour first day of school/course/job Youshould say: When ithappened Where ithappened Whathappened Andexplain how you felt during that day。 Part 3 How dopeople usually find jobs? Shouldthe government offer help for those who are looking for jobs? Shouldthe graduates ask for advices from others? A Sport Event (成都) Describe a sportingevent you have never been to but would like to go to and watch。 You should say: what it is what happens at this event who you would like to go with and explain why you would like to go to this sports event。 Part 3 DoChinese students play sport? DoChinese adults play sport to keep healthy? A Birthday Celebration (沈阳、深圳、厦门 ) Describea birthday celebration that you enjoyed Journey in childhood You should say: Whose birthday itwas Who was there What you did And explain whyyou enjoyed it Part 3 Is there any change of the transports? Why people choose different transport forms? Which is the most expensive transport form? A group activity you took part in (墨尔本、北京、青岛、成都) Describe a group activity you took part in atcollege what did you do who was with you how the team influenced you Part 3 Howpeople treat old people in your country? Do youthink old people like join group activities? why? Is itimportant in your country for children to do group activities? How aboutadults? What kindof group or club will be popular in the future?why? A family news that made you happy (苏州、青岛、哈尔滨)新话题 When What Andexplain why it made you happy Part 3 How doyour family members communicate with each other? Are thereany differences of the communicating methods nowadays and in the past? Whatkinds of communicating methods will appear as the technology develops?
寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: 雅思口语6月16日考试话题汇总Part One人物题 A famous person (北京、郑州、昆明) Describea famous person you would like to meet。 Youshould say: who thisperson is (or, was) how youfirst learnt about him or her how/whythis person is famous andexplain why you would like to meet this person。 A Child (成都) Describea child you know What is he/she like What about his/her personality And how do you know him/her An interesting Old man (成都)骨灰级旧题 Describean interesting old man Youshould say: Whohe/she is How yougot to know him/her Whathe/she often does Andexplain the reason why you think he/she is interesting Part 3 Imagineyou are an old person, what will happen? 五分问题 What arethe advantages and disadvantages to be old? In yourcountry, at which age people may be regarded as being old? What willhappen to old person in the future? An old friend you wantto see (深圳、哈尔滨) Describean old friend you want to see Youshould say: Who thisfriend is How longyou have been known each other When youwould like to meet him or her What youwould like to do together Andexplain why you want to see him or her A happiest person (郑州、哈尔滨) Describe a happiestperson you know You should say: Who the person is How you know theperson How the person showhappiness And explain why youthink the person is the happiest A Family member who past but lived aninteresting life (重庆) Describea past family member who led a interesting life You should say: Who the person was What kind of person he or she was What you and this person usually did together And explain why you think the person led aninteresting life A film character (哈尔滨) Describea character in a film you like。 Youshould say: who thecharacter is when youfirst saw the TV programme or film what kindof person the character is andexplain why you like this Character。 地点题 An interesting public place (苏州) Describean interesting public place in your hometown or city Youshould say: whatplace this is whousually goes there whypeople go there andexplain why people think it is an interesting place to visit。 Part 3 Shouldthese public places charges from people? What thebenefits to build these public places? A Natural beauty for relaxing (澳洲、长沙、杭州、哈尔滨、深圳) Describe a place of natural beauty You should say: Where it is What it is What do you do there and explain why do you it is nice Part 3 What theinfluence will the tourist bring to the scenic spots? Whichdepartments care about the environmental problem? How tosolve the problems? Do youthink education will have positive influence on the environmental protection? How doindividuals take part in environment protection? Whatkinds of behaviors will cause bad influence on the environment? 物品题 A work of art (深圳、北京、天津) Describea painting or work of art that you have seen。 Youshould say: when yousaw this work of art where yousaw it what itlooked like andexplain your impression of it。 A gift you give to someone (成都) 骨灰级旧题 When Whom yougive the gift to Andexplain why you choose the gift Part 3 Why dopeople like to send gifts rather than receiving gifts? A book you would like to recommend to others (昆明)旧题换新 DescribeA book you would like to recommend to others Youshould say: what'sthe name of the book what typeof book it is whatcontent it has andexplain you would like to recommend to others A TV program (杭州) Describe a TV program that you like to watch You should say: What type of program it is When you watch it Why you watch it And explain what you learn from this program Part 3 Whatkinds of TV programs are most popular in your country? Will thechildren imitate the violence in the TV? Science Lesson in secondary school (杭州、厦门、郑州) Describea science lesson that you had in school。(such as biology, chemistry or physics) You should say: When you attended this lesson Where you attended this lesson What you learned And explain how you learned it And explain what happened in the lesson Part 3 How doyou think Chinese Science Lesson? Do youthink that boys are more skilled in science?
寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: 雅思口语6月16日考试话题汇总Part OneAn electronic device (天津、昆明) Describe an electronic device you own or willing to own you should say: what is it。 how did you get it。 what do you use it for why do you think it's useful。 Part 3 How doestechnology be used in Education? Can youdescribe the change of technology used in Education? Comparetechnology in the past and now An item of clothing andjewelry you wear in a special occasion (天津) Describe an item of clothing and jewelry you wear in aspecial occasion。 You should say: What this clothing or jewelry looks like Where you bought it On what special occasions you wear it And explain why you wear it on special occasions or andexplain what other people think about it Part 3 What are differences of the attitudes between men andwomen toward fashion? What is the discrimination between the traditionalclothing and national clothing? Something you want to buy when you haveenough money (沈阳、哈尔滨、北京) Describesomething expensive you would buy when you have enough money。 Youshould say: what itis how longyou saved for it where youwould buy it andexplain why you want to buy it。 An musical group(or concert) in your country (北京) You should say: Which person or band Who often likes listening to their/his/her songs What kind of music they/he/she sing(s) And explain why you admire them/him/her 动物话题 Describe a situation that you came with wild animal(重庆) You should say: Where you came with wild animal With who What it looks like Where it lives Part 3: Why should we protect animals? Is it good to keep animal in the zoo? Which animal don’t adapt to be closed in the zoo? To people ,is there anything can replacing animal?
寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: 雅思口语6月16日考试话题汇总Part One2012年6、7月雅思口语考试话题预测 从各考点的考试情况来看,6月16日考试旧题为主,出现了少部分新题及一些旧题换新的题目。本次雅思口语考试出现新话题有:A family news that made you happy、An electronic device。 对于计划参加今年6、7月考试的考生,新东方在线网络课堂雅思辅导团队提醒大家需要注意以下几个方面: 一、重点关注在其他国家和地区出现的话题。 6、7月的国内考生可以好好准备,可能近期在国内考试中会出现。 比如A Free day这个话题卡在6月9日那场考试出现在澳洲考场,这次在国内的北京、南昌、苏州、青岛等多个考场出现。 A child话题卡在5月26日悉尼考场出现,这次在国内的成都考场出现。 出现在6月9日日本考场的Science Lesson in secondary school的话题,在这次国内的杭州、厦门、郑州等多个考场出现。 二、重视骨灰级话题。 6月16日考试出现了骨灰级话题,不排除接下来几场考试中再次出现,比如An interesting Old man,a gift you gave others。 三、重视旧题翻新题。 比如关于book的话题,以前常考的是your favorite book或是abook you would like to read. 此次话题变为:A book you would like to recommend to others。其实在准备话题卡思路上不变。 四、对于高频出现的话题卡大家要好好准备。 如A Natural beauty for relaxing,Science Lesson in secondary school等。 五、近期出现的话题在同一个考场也可能反复出现。 如话题your first day of school/course/job,此话题在5月26日哈尔滨考场出现,在本次考试中再次出现。 除以上内容外,请大家关注6月16日各地口语话题汇总。
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