加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息跟老板吃饭不能做的那些事
Having the boss over for dinner can be a very pivotal moment in your career. It can bring your relationship and therefore career on to a whole new level. But it is also a major risk. You are inviting this person and their family or significant other into your home and possibly cooking a meal for them. You are completely exposing yourself. That’s why we thought we would talk to experts about exactly what you should not do。 同老板吃饭会成为你职业生涯中非常关键的时刻。它可以带给你新的职场关系,也会把你未来的职业带到一个新的高度。但是,同老板吃饭风险也很大。你是把你的老板,他的家人或者是其他重要的人请到了你的家里,而且很可能会为他们亲自下厨。这时候,你完全把自己暴露了出来。所以,我们必须要向专家请教,在这个关键时刻,什么事情不应该做。 1.Do not bring up awkward sensitive office matters 不要提及办公室敏感话题 Loose lips sink promotions and opportunities, says career coach, personal branding expert and author Ellen Lubin-Sherman. Do not bring up matters of sensitivity such as office romances。 职业生涯导师、个人形象塑造专家和作家Ellen Lubin-Sherman告诫说,大嘴巴会让你错失升职和其他各种机会。不要提及敏感话题,例如办公室恋情。
看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: 跟老板吃饭不能做的那些事2.Do not share the office gossip and judge your coworkers 不要谈论办公室绯闻,不要评价你的同事 Surely you jest, says career coach, personal branding expert and author Ellen Lubin-Sherman. “You’re going to offer your evaluations of other employees to the boss? Most unseemly and unprofessional,” she said。 Ellen Lubin-Sherman 说,你肯定只是开个玩笑而已。“你是在想你的老板评价你的同事吗?这个时候是最不适宜,最不得体的时候。” Cosimina Nesci, Personal & Corporate Image Brand Specialist, told about office politics at work: Discussing other employees demonstrates your lack of loyalty to your colleagues and the organization。 个人及公司形象塑造专家Cosimina Nesci谈及办公室政治时说,谈论自己的同事说明你缺乏对公司和同事的忠诚。
看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: 跟老板吃饭不能做的那些事3.Do not get drunk 不要喝醉 Bottoms up but not for you, says career coach, personal branding expert and author Ellen Lubin-Sherman. One glass of wine will suffice, as you want to keep your head on straight。 Ellen Lubin-Sherman说,一仰而尽对你不合适。如果你想保持头脑清醒,一杯葡萄酒已经足够。
看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: 跟老板吃饭不能做的那些事4.Do not treat your boss like your best friend 别把自己的老板当成最好的朋友 Do not confide in your boss during the dinner. That includes: Marital and children problems, money issues, and speeding tickets。 吃饭时,不要完全信任你的老板。这样的话题包括:婚姻、孩子、金钱、超速罚单。
看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: 跟老板吃饭不能做的那些事5.Do not make this the time to try new, exotic recipes 别尝试做新奇菜系 Do not experiment with unfamiliar dishes for the dinner’s menu。Serve the food you’ve made on previous occasions that received rave reviews。 别在同老板吃饭的时候实验新的菜系。端上来的饭菜要是曾经大家赞扬过的。
看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: 跟老板吃饭不能做的那些事6.Do not throw your boss out like you would with your friends 别像对朋友那样将老板扫出门 Do not yawn or look at your watch if the boss has overstayed his welcome. Consider it a compliment。 如果老板待的时间比较久,不要打哈欠,不要看手表。把老板的迟走当做是表扬吧。 7.Dress the part 穿着适宜 Cosimina Nesci, Personal & Corporate Image Brand Specialist, told that visual appearance is still important. Dress for the occasion whether it is shorts by the pool and BBQ or a formal dinner。 个人及形象塑造专家Cosimina Nesci表示,这个时候外表形象仍然很重要。无论是在游泳时穿着短裤,烧烤时休闲一身,还是晚宴时优雅正式,着装一定要适宜。 8.Get rid of the kids 把小孩子支开 Unless it is a specified family party then get a babysitter so you don’t have to worry about the kiddos。 即使是个特殊的家庭聚餐也要把孩子交给保姆照看,这样,你就不需要担心孩子的问题。
看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: 跟老板吃饭不能做的那些事9.Avoid controversial topics 避谈争议性话题 Manhattan psychologist Dr. Joseph Cilona told that avoid potentially emotional topics like politics, religion, or other subjects that typically involve strong feelings and opinions. If you want to avoid direct questions about your opinion on loaded subjects, try responding with a general question related to the same topic。 曼哈顿心理学家Joseph Cilona博士讲到,避谈可能存在争议的话题,例如,政治、宗教或其他存在强烈感情或个人观点的话题。如果你想避谈相关问题,可以试着将这个问题转向所有人。 Also, keep on topics that are introduced by who you’re speaking with, said Cilona. Use clarifying questions to confirm and validate the speakers point of view. Ask direct questions or try to speculate what the person is feeling emotionally and integrate this into your responses. For example, “It sounds like you’ve been really passionate about sailing for a long time. How often are you able to enjoy it?” Cilona博士说,要和向你提出问题的人谈话。通过叙述问题,肯定并强调说者的观点。直接问问题,或者推测说者的心思,回答时投其所好。例如,“听说你对出海很着迷,多久享受一次啊?”
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