加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息申请Centennial college 遇到新问题
申请Centennial college 遇到新问题,我在OCAS网上填写有关内容并交了95加元申请费和60元成绩翻译认证费,由于该机构要求原始成绩单须由我原大学提供,我毕业于80年代中期,学校没有我的成绩单,成绩单原件在我的人事档案中,移民时我将其复印并翻译让学校盖章交给移民局,申请成功后,代理把成绩单给了我,我将它带到了这里.今天我收到Centennial college 一封信,信的名字是Acknowledgement of Apllication for admission,在信中给了我学生号,让我确认我所选的专业,并说We will send you information on the status of your application soon (including any outstanding admission requirements)....并说Please be sure your transcripts are submitted to ontariocolleges.ca as soon as possible.请问各位学长,我该怎么办?把我手头的盖有红印的成绩单寄出?还是把此单寄回学校再由学校密封寄给他们?还是直接等待学校的面试和考试(前面有人介绍不用提供成绩单),如果不提供成绩单学校会不会不理我?想不到快50的人想上学却遇到这样的事,万望各位高人/学长给予指导,在此深表谢意.
想搬到萨省 为选城市发愁请给点建议。回复: 申请Centennial college 遇到新问题万望回答
想搬到萨省 为选城市发愁请给点建议。回复: 申请Centennial college 遇到新问题打电话给学校的注册办公室
回复: 申请Centennial college 遇到新问题应该复印件寄给OCAS就可以了吧,不过如果不需要转学分应该不用成绩单吧,不是很清楚,建议去学校问问。
回复: 申请Centennial college 遇到新问题Hi,I can't type Chinese from this computer. I had same problem as yours. I called Ontario Colleges first and they only accept the Official transcript Report from China. What I did was: sent my Transcript to Ontario Colleges from the College I want to apply. And explain my situation to the Register Officer of the College. Attached my Resume with my application to the College. Now I am confirmed get the offer from Ontario Colleges. Good luck!
回复: 申请Centennial college 遇到新问题Hi,I can't type Chinese from this computer. I had same problem as yours. I called Ontario Colleges first and they only accept the Official transcript Report from China. What I did was: sent my Transcript to Ontario Colleges from the College I want to apply. And explain my situation to the Register Officer of the College. Attached my Resume with my application to the College. Now I am confirmed get the offer from Ontario Colleges. Good luck!点击展开...非常有用的信息,请问你给OCSA交了多少钱,毕业证或学位证给他们寄了吗,是原件还是复印件?成绩单从这里的College寄到OCSA用的是原件还是复印件?不好意思问了这么多问题
想搬到萨省 为选城市发愁请给点建议。回复: 申请Centennial college 遇到新问题ding!
回复: 申请Centennial college 遇到新问题Hi,I can't type Chinese from this computer. I had same problem as yours. I called Ontario Colleges first and they only accept the Official transcript Report from China. What I did was: sent my Transcript to Ontario Colleges from the College I want to apply. And explain my situation to the Register Officer of the College. Attached my Resume with my application to the College. Now I am confirmed get the offer from Ontario Colleges. Good luck!点击展开...
回复: 申请Centennial college 遇到新问题你要申请centennial college,可以直接和我联系,我可以为你获得录取通知书(免申请费)
回复: 申请Centennial college 遇到新问题请问:我现在在ontarioncollege.ca网上已经交了95$并且我的成绩单已经在魁省公证过了,我的问题是:1.下一步我该如何申请CENTENNIAL COLLEGE,是学校给我发考试的信件?2.我的成绩单要送到学校去呢? 自己真是弄不清楚,请高人指点。多谢,多谢!
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