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看到很多同志移民加拿大后可能会考虑改行,那么到底改哪行更好呢,这里提供一个权威数据库供大家参考,相关网址是 http://www.alis.gov.ab.ca/occinfo/Content/RequestAction.asp?format=html&aspAction=GetHomePage&Page=Home 从这里可以查到阿尔波它省各个行业的详尽数据,包括各个职位的Duties,Working Conditions,Personal Characteristics ,Educational Requirements ,Employment and Advancement ,Salary ,Other Sources of Information ,Related Occupational Profiles ,Related High School Subjects , Related Post-Secondary Field of Study。相信大家看完后会对加拿大各个行业有个完整的认识。也会发现和中国同名职业描述相异之处。比如对于Accountant,(相关表述贴在最后大家看一下,)其中有提到The average salary was $50,600 a year. Accountants who have professional designations generally earn significantly more.但是对于Accounting Technician,The average salary was $32,400 a year.至于两者有什么区别,网页中有详尽的描述。虽然该数据库只是针对阿省,相信对于整个加拿大也有很强的参考意义吧。附录对accountant的描述Accountant Produced NOVEMBER 2005 Accountants provide financial reporting and consulting services for organizations and individuals. NOC Number(s): 1111.2 Educational Requirements: 4 years post-secondary education/training Employment Outlook: Employment turnover plus average occupational growth in Alberta Interests: M I D --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Duties | Working Conditions | Personal Characteristics | Education | Employment | Salary | Other Information | Related Occupations | Related School Subjects | Related Field of Study-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Duties Accountants work in business and industrial organizations, educational institutions, government and private firms that offer accounting services to the public. Duties vary from one position to another but, in general, accountants:design and administer accounting and information systems that include records of assets, liabilities and business transactions prepare budgets, tax returns and financial statements analyze financial information to assist in planning financial management policies, business strategies and the control and use of business assets provide personal and corporate income tax and estate planning services provide internal and external auditing services (for more information, see the Internal Auditor occupational profile) make recommendations regarding solutions to business and financial problems provide support in litigation matters serve as bankruptcy trustees and business valuators.Accountants may have one of three professional designations:Certified General Accountant (CGA) Certified Management Accountant (CMA) Chartered Accountant (CA) Working Conditions Accountants usually work in an office setting. Their hours of work vary depending on the organization and level of responsibility but overtime is often required at company budgeting time, month end or in late winter and early spring (when public accountants are busy with year end corporate work and personal income tax returns). Depending on the position, some travel may be required. Personal Characteristics Accountants need the following characteristics:good oral and written communication skills critical thinking, logical analysis and problem solving skills the ability to work alone and as part of a team high ethical standards.They should enjoy: having clear rules and organized methods to guide their activities developing innovative solutions to problems directing the activities of others. Educational Requirements Training to become an accountant involves a combination of related post-secondary education and practical experience. Specific requirements vary depending on the professional designation.To be certified by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Alberta (ICCA), Chartered Accountants must:have a university degree or an equivalent combination of education and experience be employed with a CA firm approved to train students enrol in and complete the Chartered Accountants School of Business (CASB) program which includes online facilitated learning modules and group interactive learning meetings with facilitators.Overall, after allowing for study leaves, two to three years are generally required to complete the ICAA program. The final national exam is generally completed before experience requirements.To be certified by the Society of Management Accountants of Alberta, Certified Management Accountants must:have a university degree with 18 prerequisite syllabus topics pass the national CMA entrance exam complete the two year Strategic Leadership Program while employed full time in a qualifying accounting-related management position.To be certified by the Certified General Accountants' Association of Alberta, Certified General Accountants must:have a bachelor's degree. CGA has agreements with post-secondary institutions that allow students to concurrrently study for the CGA designation as well as earn a bachelor's degree. complete 18 courses. Individuals who have taken equivalent post-secondary education courses may be granted exemptions up to a maximum of 14 transfer credits. Courses may be taken prior to obtaining employment in the accounting field but the program is designed for people who are working full-time. a minimum of twenty four months of full-time practical experience in finance and accounting.Prospective students are strongly advised to check specific requirements and course suitability with the appropriate professional association, institute or society before enroling in post-secondary program. In Alberta, the following post-secondary institutions offer degree programs in accounting. Athabasca University offers a four year Bachelor of Commerce degree program with a major in accounting. Anyone 16 years of age or older may apply for this distance education program. Grande Prairie Regional College offers a Bachelor of Commerce program in conjunction with Athabasca University. Grant MacEwan College in Edmonton offers a Bachelor of Applied Business Administration - Accounting degree program. Applicants for this two year program must have an Alberta business administration diploma in accounting (or equivalent) including specified courses with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.3 on a 4.0 scale . Lakeland College in Vermilion offers a Bachelor of Applied Financial Services degree program. Applicants for this two year program must have a recognized two year diploma in business administration. Mount Royal College in Calgary offers a four year Bachelor of Applied Accounting degree program. The entrance requirement is a high school diploma with a 60 per cent average in English Language Arts 30-1 (or English 30), Pure Math 30 and three other appropriate Grade 12 subjects. The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) in Edmonton offers a Bachelor of Applied Business Administration - Accounting degree program that includes two directed field study semesters in industry. Applicants for this four semester program must have a two year business diploma from an accredited institution with specified coursework and a minimum GPA of 2.3. The Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) in Calgary offers a Bachelor of Applied Business Administration degree program. Applicants must have a two year business administration or accelerated accounting diploma, or equivalent, with specified coursework and a minimum GPA of 2.3. The University of Alberta in Edmonton offers four year and five year co-op Bachelor of Commerce degree programs with a specialization in accounting. Applicants must have completed one pre-professional year in a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science program. In general, the entrance requirement for these programs is a competitive average in English Language Arts 30-1 (or English 30) and four other appropriate 30 level subjects. The University of Calgary offers a four year Bachelor of Commerce degree and five year co-op degree programs with specializations in accounting. The entrance requirement is a high school diploma with a competitive average in English Language Arts 30-1 (or English 30), Pure Math 30 and three of the following: Math 31, Social Studies 30, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, Physics 30, Science 30, a language 30 other than English, one five credit Grade 12 subject. The University of Lethbridge offers a four year Bachelor of Management degree in accounting and five year combined degree programs. The entrance requirement is an average of 65 per cent in English Language Arts 30-1 (or English 30), three other approved 30 level subjects and a fifth approved Grade 12 subject, or an approved business administration/management diploma (for post-diploma admission).CGA students can earn an Honours Bachelor of Commerce degree by distance education through Laurentian University.The following post-secondary institutions offer two year Accounting or Business Administration diploma programs:Athabasca University Grande Prairie Regional College Grant MacEwan College in Edmonton Keyano College in Fort McMurray Lakeland College in Lloydminster and Vermilion Lethbridge Community College Medicine Hat College in Medicine Hat and Brooks Mount Royal College in Calgary NAIT in Edmonton and Fairview Portage College in Lac La Biche Red Deer College SAIT in CalgaryAdmission requirements for these programs vary but generally include a high school diploma or equivalent with a minimum average in specified Grade 12 courses such as English Language Arts 30-1 or 30-2, and Pure or Applied Math 30. Continuing education programs are often offered on an as needed basis.For current information about programs and mature student admission policies, please check post-secondary institution calendars or websites. Employment and Advancement Accountants may offer services on a fee-for-service basis or be employed on a salaried basis. They often work for: businesses governments management consultant practices corporate and personal tax preparation offices banks manufacturing companies stock exchanges credit offices public accounting practices educational institutions.Experienced individuals who have professional accounting designations may advance to management positions or teach at the post-secondary level. Those in public accounting firms can move through the ranks of senior staff to become managers and partners. In industry, they can become:controllers treasurers chief financial officers senior executives.In government, accountants may be employed as:budget officers internal auditors accounting managers information systems managers senior managers/executives.Accountants are part of the larger National Occupational Classification 1111: Financial Auditors and Accountants. In Alberta, over 75 per cent of people employed in this classification work in the following industries:Professional and Technical Services Oil and Gas Extraction Public Administration Finance, Insurance and Real Estate. The employment outlook in this occupation will be influenced by a wide variety of factors including:trends and events affecting overall employment (especially in the industries listed above) location in Alberta employment turnover (work opportunities generated by people leaving existing positions) occupational growth (work opportunities resulting from the creation of new positions that never existed before) size of the occupation.Over 25,750 Albertans are employed in the Financial Auditors and Accountants occupational group which is expected to grow 1.5 to 2.5 per cent each year from 2004 to 2009 in Alberta. It is forecasted that 300 to 600 new positions will be created each year in addition to job openings created by employment turnover. (Note: Since accountants form only a part of the larger occupational group on which this forecast is based, only a portion of the new positions created will be for accountants.)Employment turnover is expected to increase as members of the baby boom generation retire over the next five to ten years. Salary According to the 2005 Alberta Wage and Salary Survey, Albertans in the Accountants occupational group working part-time or full-time earned from $14,000 to $194,200 a year. The average salary was $50,600 a year. Accountants who have professional designations generally earn significantly more. Other Sources of Information Post-secondary institution calendars and websites (see Educational Requirements above)EDinfo website: www.alis.gov.ab.ca/edinfoCertified General Accountants Association of Alberta website: www.cga-alberta.orgInstitute of Chartered Accountants of Alberta website: www.icaa.ab.caSociety of Management Accountants of Alberta website: www.cma-alberta.com Related Occupational Profiles Accommodation Manager Accounting Technician Economist Internal Auditor School Business Official Systems Auditor Related High School Subjects Communication Technology; Enterprise and Innovation; Financial Management; Information Processing; Language Arts; Legal Studies; Management and Marketing; and Mathematics Related Post-Secondary Field of Study Business, Management and Administrative Studies Top of Profile --------------------------------------------------------------------------------For more information on career planning, occupations and educational programs, visit the Alberta Learning Information Service (ALIS) website at www.alis.gov.ab.ca, call the Alberta Career Information Hotline toll-free in Alberta at 1-800-661-3753 or 422-4266 in Edmonton (deaf and hard of hearing individuals can call 1-800-232-7215 toll-free for message relay or 422-5283 in Edmonton), or visit an Alberta Human Resources and Employment service centre near you.The information contained in this profile was current as of the dates shown. Salaries, employment outlook and educational programs may change. Please check the information before making any career decisions. Copyright © 2005 Alberta Human Resources and Employment

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