加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息OSAP与买车的问题
请教一个问题,什么样的车才会影响OSAP贷款?很多人都说五千以内的没问题,但是我的一个朋友买了一辆六千左右的,据说也没事。而且我在OSAP官网上找到这么一段OSAP uses the "Blue Book" estimate to determine the value of your vehicle. You’re allowed to own a vehicle valued at up to $5,000 without it affecting your OSAP funding. Any value above $5,000 will be considered as an asset in your OSAP assessment. If you are married or a sole support parent, any value above $10,000 will be considered an asset for the Ontario portion of your OSAP funding. Certain situations allow for an appeal of this amount.点击展开...是不是可以理解为已婚人士可以拥有一万以内的车辆?
回复: OSAP与买车的问题单身的是5000 结婚了的家庭是10000
·生活百科 我被骗了,对吗? (水管工/热水器。)
·生活百科 地板隔热层