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回复: 加拿大华人match医生考的usmle?

回复: 加拿大华人match医生I matched too this year in Canada. It is difficult but possible. 1) Write MCCEE, MCCQEI, OSCE NAC, MCCQEII. Get Scores as high as possible. The OSCE NAC is most important.2) Improve your English!! Practice, practice, practice!!3) Get three references letters from attending physicians in Canada. Connections, Connections, and Connections! Canadian clinical experiences with them are the most important. 4)Be patient. It took me 10 years after I immigrated to Canada.

回复: 加拿大华人match医生看看,还是有match的医生前辈吧。 谢谢建议,非常中肯。刚开始的时候肯定是觉很难考试,但是到后来也许才会明白,英语和这边的临床经验,和临床医生的推荐信是也许比考试本身更重要的东西。要考医生,一定要指定短期,中期和长期的计划,而不是简单的头脑发热。祝大家好运!

回复: 加拿大华人match医生I matched too this year in Canada. It is difficult but possible. 1) Write MCCEE, MCCQEI, OSCE NAC, MCCQEII. Get Scores as high as possible. The OSCE NAC is most important.2) Improve your English!! Practice, practice, practice!!3) Get three references letters from attending physicians in Canada. Connections, Connections, and Connections! Canadian clinical experiences with them are the most important. 4)Be patient. It took me 10 years after I immigrated to Canada.点击展开...咨询一下,40岁,英语好,医学专业自认为不错(考试应该能考高分),脱离临床很久,请问机会大吗?如果有,是考加拿大的还是美国的好些?谢谢指点。

回复: 加拿大华人match医生我也正准备考试,同道之人共同帮助!我的邮件:[email protected].

回复: 加拿大华人match医生It is understandable that we want to know our chance to match into residency. Here is the link for match statistics. These data give the most objective picture how competitive it is to match into residencies in Canada. http://www.carms.ca/eng/operations_R1reports_11_e.shtmlNote: IMG has two types:1) CSA (Canadian Study Medical School Abroad) and 2) Immigrant IMG. CSA has much higher match rate (Roughly 50% will be matched). Above data do not distinguish CSA and immigrant IMG so that match rate may appear higher than the reality for immigrant IMG.

回复: 加拿大华人match医生I matched too this year in Canada. It is difficult but possible. 1) Write MCCEE, MCCQEI, OSCE NAC, MCCQEII. Get Scores as high as possible. The OSCE NAC is most important.2) Improve your English!! Practice, practice, practice!!3) Get three references letters from attending physicians in Canada. Connections, Connections, and Connections! Canadian clinical experiences with them are the most important. 4)Be patient. It took me 10 years after I immigrated to Canada.点击展开...Thank you so much for your message!I just did my QE2 yesterday and did my NAC OSCE on Mar. I feel frustrated sometime because this is already my sixth years in Canada. Your message remind me that the most important thing in this journey is tenacity and be patient.Thanks!!!

回复: 加拿大华人match医生这面好像很多的program里面都有中国人,说明啥问题? 可行不? 可行。难不难? 难。 能不能干这事?哈,这要看自己喽。了解自己的人,才知道自己是不是那块料。就是当不上医生,也不说明你比别人差。每个人的机遇不同,尽力就好,哈。

回复: 加拿大华人match医生Thank you so much for your message!I just did my QE2 yesterday and did my NAC OSCE on Mar. I feel frustrated sometime because this is already my sixth years in Canada. Your message remind me that the most important thing in this journey is tenacity and be patient.Thanks!!!点击展开...Congratulations that you have approached to the end of the tunnel! It was the most difficult part in the matching process to complete all the exams. I know how difficult it is to get those exams done! It takes years. The NAC OSCE score will determine whether you will have an interview for Family Medicine residency in Ontario next year. I have know n four immigrant Chinese doctors in Canada. All of them are attending physicians now in Canada.

回复: 加拿大华人match医生这面好像很多的program里面都有中国人,说明啥问题? 可行不? 可行。难不难? 难。 能不能干这事?哈,这要看自己喽。了解自己的人,才知道自己是不是那块料。就是当不上医生,也不说明你比别人差。每个人的机遇不同,尽力就好,哈。点击展开...Check out this forum. You can find many insider's information. You will make your dream come true.

回复: 加拿大华人match医生Check out this forum. You can find many insider's information. You will make your dream come true.点击展开...sorry. Here is the link.http://www.rxpgonline.com/forum181.htm

回复: 加拿大华人match医生看看,还是有前辈来给咱指点的。谢喽。sorry. Here is the link.http://www.rxpgonline.com/forum181.htm

回复: 加拿大华人match医生多谢各位,留个印,好好研究。

回复: 加拿大华人match医生I matched too this year in Canada. It is difficult but possible. 1) Write MCCEE, MCCQEI, OSCE NAC, MCCQEII. Get Scores as high as possible. The OSCE NAC is most important.2) Improve your English!! Practice, practice, practice!!3) Get three references letters from attending physicians in Canada. Connections, Connections, and Connections! Canadian clinical experiences with them are the most important. 4)Be patient. It took me 10 years after I immigrated to Canada.点击展开...Dreamers never give up!加油吧!

回复: 加拿大华人match医生看到很多先辈,我才来一年,仍然任重而道远。共勉。

Pendant que par fiertéL'on joue comme des guerriersCroyants, êtres éternelsEt ça nous fait peur回复: 加拿大华人match医生The case I posted below does not mean to discourage you. It is just a matter of fact. We should learn it positively. The bright side:the Chinese lady of age 50 matched into Queens' FM residency. The learning point: English, communication, the clinical skills are important to survive the residency. "In Zhang v. Queen’s University, the HRTO dealt with a different type of discrimination claim brought by an IMG. Rather than a challenge to a policy or regulation related to IMGs, the Tribunal heard a claim alleging individual discrimination in how an IMG was evaluated in the 12-week Assessment Verification Program (AVP). Dr. Zhang received her medical training in China. She self-identified as a woman over the age of 50, from China, who was single-parenting her son at the relevant time. She claimed that her failure to successfully complete the 12-week AVP in family medicine at Queen’s University resulted from discrimination based on race, place of origin, age, and family status.After hearing the evidence of the applicant and four witnesses for the respondent, including the applicant’s three evaluators during the program and the AVP program director, the Tribunal concluded that there was insufficient evidence to support a connection between the applicant’s failure to succeed in the program and any prohibited grounds of discrimination. The Tribunal decision-maker noted the inability of the applicant to communicate coherently during the hearing, despite having a very good command of the English language. As a result, it was not possible to get the applicant to provide the Tribunal with the background necessary to fully evaluate her allegations. As well, the Tribunal gave weight to the documentary evidence which consistently showed that the applicant was below average, with an insufficient knowledge base and clinical skills.While the applicant was being closely monitored and was given additional support, this was not due to her place of origin or other personal characteristics, but rather because of a deficit in her clinical skills. Finally, the Tribunal noted that everyone in the AVP program comes from a place other than Canada. While this does not mean that discrimination in the program cannot exist, the applicant in this case was unable to prove that she experienced discrimination because of her race, place of origin, age, and family status."

回复: 加拿大华人match医生感谢cosy88的信息。简单两句。认识很多很多国内来的医生,能做上residency的人非常少。但几乎所有的这些人都在“梦想”着。很多人都在暗地里考试,但是前途可以说是非常不现实的。残酷一点说,就是根本不可能。能愿意认清自己的人不多,因为没人愿意承认自己不行。所以,大家没必要非要自我安慰的去走这条路。95%的人只是贡献了你的money给了那些考试和认证机构。能match上的人也不少,你要是能认清自己,清楚加拿大的system,比较年轻,语音好,open personality,有connection.有family support,enough money and time for exams。我强烈建议你考。 你的机率不会小。否则别想。有那钱吃点喝点算了。何必非要争强好胜,咋活不是活。"In Zhang v. Queen’s University, the HRTO dealt with a different type of discrimination claim brought by an IMG. Rather than a challenge to a policy or regulation related to IMGs, the Tribunal heard a claim alleging individual discrimination in how an IMG was evaluated in the 12-week Assessment Verification Program (AVP). Dr. Zhang received her medical training in China. She self-identified as a woman over the age of 50, from China, who was single-parenting her son at the relevant time. She claimed that her failure to successfully complete the 12-week AVP in family medicine at Queen’s University resulted from discrimination based on race, place of origin, age, and family status.

回复: 加拿大华人match医生Ontario Family medicine requirement for interview.Highlights:EE- 424NAC-OSCE- 79"Details regarding the Interview Process:Will I receive an interview offer? The 6 Ontario schools usually receive over 1300 applications, and can only offer interviews to a maximum of 300 applicants. Applicants with exceptionally high scores in NAC- CE-2, or MCCEE will be invited for interviews. For those who graduated before Dec. 31, 2011, NAC or the 2010 CEHPEA CE1 exam is highly preferred. Previous interviewees have average scores as follows: NAC at 79, CE-1 at 663, EE at 424. Applicants who are not interviewed will not be ranked by the programs. If I receive an interview offer, do I have to travel to all 6 schools for interviews? To avoid unnecessary travel and time off from work, you only need to attend a single Ontario joint interview. The 6 Ontario Family Medicine programs will conduct a standardized interview at 6 locations (Hamilton, Kingston, London, Ottawa, Thunder Bay, and Toronto). Only the Ottawa location will provide interviews in both English and French. You will be asked to provide us with 3 preferred interview locations. Applicants will only be assigned to Thunder Bay if it is their first choice. The choice of interview location will NOT affect the applicant’s ranking. Each program director will use your joint interview score to decide on your ranking independently."From CaRMS 2013 Circle.

回复: 加拿大华人match医生马克一下。

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