加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息报名了VCC的parmacy technician
昨天冲动网上报名了VCC的专业。 但好好研究一下,看到英文要求好高,要12级英文水平,还要生物12,化学11,数学11,有点出汗。 现在我的英文水平挺低的,才有ELSA5读。听说这个专业的排队得一年。我想在一年内把英文提高到这个水平,大家看行吗?具体是不是应该去VCC读呢?还是直接去读成人高中呢。 还是大家有好的建议?谢谢了。
付出就会快乐!!代理特价机票/酒店/邮轮/各种旅游套餐 wv 梦幻之旅游温哥华----嘉和旅游 电话:778-9192233 ELLA CHEN 微信: EllaVancouver 回复: 报名了VCC的parmacy technician英文没达到,你上不了正式的wait list。
回复: 报名了VCC的parmacy technician你去测试一下他们的CLB。这个专业,好像要求是CLB,听8,说8,读8,写8。只要达到他们的要求就好了。另外,好像还要求数学和生物吧。Program SpecificNote: New Admission requirements effective April 12, 20101) Grade 12 graduation, GED or equivalent including Chemistry 11 and Biology 12 (Human Biology) with a 'C' or greater or equivalent2) Proof of English Language Proficiency which includes a Canadian Language Benchmark of Listening 8, Speaking 8, Reading 8, and Writing 83) Math 11 (Principles of Math) with a C+ or higher OR,successful completion of the VCC Health Sciences Math Assessment with an 80% or higher http://www.vcc.ca/assessments4) Certified five minute keyboarding test with a typing speed of 35 net words per minute or higher with a maximum of 5 errors. For more information click here (students should expect to have achieved 50 wpm by the end of the program)5) Basic computer or word processing skills verified by either an employer or resume outlining computer skills
海外客家游子群:146691306good good study, day day work......回复: 报名了VCC的parmacy technician上周刚和adviser聊过,我和你的英语水平差不多。她的建议是先把英语弄上去。其他的课程如生物和数学可以在成人高中上,也可以在VCC上,基本上是免费的。但是最重要的还是英语。英语达不到级别都不能选其他的课。
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