加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息on-premises是什么意思
最近看到这么一段话,对其中的on-premises不太清楚。请问这个词是什么意思? ...Patersons rebranded itself as CloundPay--a strategy securely aimed at ridding itself from its on-premises reputation by adopting the moniker of their highly successful multi-national SaaS payrole offering.
看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: on-premises是什么意思看Wikipedia是怎样解释on-premises的:On-premises software is installed and run on computers on the premises (in the building) of the person or organisation using the software, rather than at a remote facility, such as at a server farm somewhere on the internet.Premises的意思是生产场所, 营业场所. Premises不是Premise的复数形式, 是有独立含义的单词. 根据Wikipedia的解释, On-premises Software指的是运行在用户或组织所在的经营场所计算机中的软件. 与On-premises Software相对的概念应该是Software as a Service, 或者Computing in the Cloud. 即软件或者计算是安装并运行在远端的Cloud/Internet/Network中的.
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