Numerous studies have shown that money is the No. 1 reason why couples argue, and many of the recently divorced say those battles were the main reason why they untied the knot1. Here are six most common mistakes couples make when handling money issues, along with some advice on how to correct them.

1. Merging the FinancesThe Wrong Approach: United we stand, divided we bank2. The Right Approach: It’s yours, mine and ours.One of the first issues newlyweds face is how to handle their finances. Should you merge everything you have and earn into one joint account, or should you maintain individual accounts and open a joint one for household expenses?For many newlyweds, the right choice may be somewhere in the middle. Assuming you both have a clean bill of fiscal health, finding a way to blend finances comfortably without feeling like big brother is watching every financial move you make can dramatically cut down on fights. Over time – once kids and mortgages come into play – many couples find that merging all their finances is simply easier. But unless you’re both comfortable with the idea, there’s no need to rush things.1. 财务合并错误认识:要么都一块花,要么各自存起来。正确认识:资金是你的,是我的,也是我们大家的。新婚夫妇面对的首要问题之一便是如何进行财务管理。是该将双方所有的固有资金及盈利都放到一个共同账户中,还是二人分别拥有各自的账户,然后新开一个共同账户用于存储家庭开支?对许多新婚夫妇来说,正确的选择介于二者之间。如果夫妻二人都没有负债,那就找到一种合适的方法来进行资金融合,而不要造成一种总有一位老大哥盯着你每一笔资金流动的感觉,这样一来可以显著减少夫妻之间的争吵。久而久之——当孩子和房贷问题出现时——许多夫妇都会觉得将资金合并会让日子更好过一些。不过,除非你们双方都很习惯这样做,否则还是应该慢慢来。2. Dealing with DebtThe Wrong Approach: Your debt will ruin us; you must find a way to pay it off. The Right Approach: It’s our debt: Let’s decide how to pay it off together.Like it or not, once you’re married, your spouse’s debts can become your problem. Granted, you’re not legally responsible for the credit-card balances ran up3 before you got married, or for any loans opened in your spouse’s name alone – provided you keep your finances completely separate. But even with separate finances, your spouse’s credit score4 will affect your ability to get joint credit.For those couples not yet married, it may be worthwhile to think about a prenup5, just to make sure that assets that one spouse brings into a marriage will always be protected from the other spouse’s creditors. But those who’ve already tied the knot should find a way to pay down the debts as quickly as possible, and without any late payments.2. 还债问题错误认识:你的债务会让大家一起倒霉,你必须想办法还清。正确认识:债务是我们大家的,讨论一下如何一起将它还清吧。无论你愿不愿意承认,一旦你们结了婚,配偶的债务也会变成你的麻烦。当然,对于婚前积存的信用卡欠款,你是没有法律义务偿还的。如果你在财务上保持完全独立,你对单独以配偶姓名开立的账户上的贷款也不负法律责任。不过,就算你财务独立,配偶的信用评分也会对你申请夫妻联名信用卡产生影响。对那些还未成婚的伴侣来说,制定一份婚前协议可能是必要的,这么做是为了保证一方带入新家庭的资产可以永久不被另一方的债主剥夺。但对已婚夫妇来说,应该想办法尽快还清债务,不要有任何延期支付。 1. untie the knot: 离婚。2. 此句改自名言“United we stand, divided we fall(合则兴,分则亡)”。3. run up: 积欠(账款或债务)。4. 信用评分系统(Credit Scoring System)指根据借款方的借款与还债历史、债务状况等信息给予不同的分数,用来决定是否核准新贷款或信用额度的统计与评估系统。5. prenup n. 婚前协议。
寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: 夫妻间六个错误财务认识上面向您介绍的是关于财务合并(Merging the Finances)和还债问题(Dealing with Debt)的错误认识,这里我们将再向您介绍两个可能会引发夫妻二人争吵的错误财务认识。

3. Keeping Spending in CheckThe Wrong Approach: I’m a saver and you’re a spender. That’s the problem. The Right Approach: We both spend, but on different things. Let’s budget.Your husband keeps nagging at you that you spend too much, but then comes home one day with a huge smile and – surprise! – a 70-inch flat-screen plasma TV. He happily explains how he sealed the “terrific” deal. You’re definitely not impressed.What usually happens is that one spouse gets labeled the “spender” and is blamed for skimming all the money out the checkbook. In most cases, however, that’s not accurate. Studies show that men and women spend the same, they just spend differently. Women usually take care of most of the family’s daily expenses: the groceries, the bills, clothes for the family – while men spend on large purchases like plasma TVs, cars or computers. The solution here is to identify the real problem, namely, that you’re both spending money on a tight budget. Then sit down and decide how much money you’ll allocate to the “dailyness” of life, and how much to save for the big purchases. What we’re trying to do is to get the “Surprise!” out of it. 4. Investing WiselyThe Wrong Approach: You’re a risk-taker, I’m risk-averse. Hands off our retirement savings. The Right Approach: Let’s think in time frames and take as much risk as our goals allow. The fighting about how much risk to take with your investments based on how you feel about risk. You could be completely risk-averse with money you need for next year, but you can be a huge risk-taker with money you’re saving for retirement. If that doesn’t work for you, seek the help of a broker or a financial planner.Whatever your investment choices, review your investments together at least once a year and make sure that, overall, your portfolios1 balance each other out. 3. 做好消费安排错误认识:我存钱,你花钱,这就是问题所在。正确认识:我们都花钱,只是花在不同地方,一起预算一下吧。你的丈夫唠叨个不停嫌你花钱太多,不过某天他却笑容灿烂地带了个“大惊喜”回家——一台70英寸等离子纯平电视机!他开心地侃着自己如何拿下这笔“绝妙的”交易,而你却完全不感冒。情况经常会是这样:夫妻一方头顶“花钱人”的标签,因为不断消费被对方责备。但是,在多数情况下,事实并不是这样。研究发现,男人和女人花的钱一般多,只不过花的地方不同。女人通常将钱花在大多数的日常家庭消费中,比如杂货、账单和家人的衣物;男人则将钱花在诸如等离子电视机、汽车或电脑等大件物品上。我们给出的解决方案就是:要看出真正的问题所在。说白了就是两个人都要在比较紧张的预算下花钱。坐下来商量一下你们准备分配多少钱打点日常消费,准备存多少钱买大件商品。我们要做的就是避免出现那些“大惊喜”。 4. 精明投资错误认识:你爱承担风险,我却不愿冒险。不许动用我们的退休储蓄。正确认识:按时间段来考虑投资事宜,在目标允许的范围内尽可能多地承担风险。由投资会带来多少风险引发的争吵,其根本问题在于你如何看待风险。你可以抱着明年需要的资金不放而不愿冒一点风险,你也可以动用你们的退休储蓄金去承担很大的风险。如果这样对你没用,那就向经纪人或财务策划师寻求帮助。无论你们有什么投资选择,每年至少要在一起将这些投资项目回顾一次,要确定你们各自的投资组合在总体上相互持平。
寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: 夫妻间六个错误财务认识继财务合并(Merging the Finances)、还债问题(Dealing with Debt)、消费安排(Keeping Spending in Check)及投资问题(Investing Wisely)之后,这里我们将向您介绍最后两个可能会引发夫妻二人争吵的错误财务认识。

5. Keeping Money SecretsThe Wrong Approach: What my spouse doesn’t know will never hurt him/her. The Right Approach: Big financial secrets can ruin a marriage.Will you be shocked to hear that most couples do keep money secrets from each other? While secret trading or gambling may not be that common, SmartMoney.com’s survey saw 36% of men and 40% of women confess that they had at one time or another lied to their spouse about the price of something they bought. It’s the most common secret.Is it a big problem? Depends on how you deal with it. Most people also lie to themselves about what they’re spending, just as they lie to themselves about how much they’re eating. And let’s face it, if your wife saved up the extra $100 for her “only $30” Givenchy scarf from her monthly mad money, it’s not that big a deal. But if your spouse has been squirreling away thousands of dollars, it may be time to seek the help of a family finance professional. If this happened in a company, they’d call it embezzlement.6. Emergency PlanningThe Wrong Approach: We’re fine. We don’t need to worry about money. The Right Approach: Anything could happen. Let’s plan for emergencies.Even if you have a great career, earn a comfortable living and don’t have to worry about debt, you could find yourself woefully unprepared for an emergency. Couples today are under so much stress that anything could tip them. An unexpected pink slip, an accident, illness – anything could throw you off track if you don’t have an emergency savings account.All couples should have an emergency stash of three to six months’ worth of living expenses held in a safe place, like a money-market fund1. Simply knowing it’s there can reduce stress, since you know you’re not walking a fine line2 between comfort and catastrophe.5. 财务秘密错误认识:票子上的某些事儿他/她不知道也罢。正确认识:重大的财务秘密可以让婚姻破裂。多数夫妻之间都会向对方隐瞒一些财务秘密,听到这儿你是否感到震惊呢?当然了,像秘密交易和赌博这种情况还不是那么普遍。据SmartMoney.com网站的调查,36%的男性和40%的女性承认他们曾经向爱人隐瞒其所购商品的价格——这是最普遍的一种财务秘密了。这算是个大问题吗?那要看你如何解决这个问题了。对于自己到底花了多少钱,多数人都会糊弄自己,正如他们在吃了多少东西上糊弄自己一样。我们要正视这个问题。如果你妻子为了买条价格“仅为30美元”的纪梵希围巾而额外存了100美元零花钱,这算不上什么大事儿。但是,如果他/她存了好几千美元,你就要找家庭理财人员帮忙了。如果这种情况发生在某个公司里,它会被称为资金盗用。6. 救急资金错误认识:我们过得很好,没必要为钱操心。正确认识:什么事儿都可能发生,一起未雨绸缪吧。就算你事业如日中天,生活富裕,不必为负债担心,紧急情况到来时你还是会很悲惨地发现自己毫无准备。现在的夫妻们生活在种种压力之下,什么事儿都可能颠覆其生活——不期而至的解雇书、突发事故、疾病——如果没有应对紧急事件的储蓄账户,任何事儿都能让你们的生活脱轨。所有夫妻都应该安全地存有一笔可应付三至六个月生活开支的救急存款——比如一支货币市场基金。知道自己有这么一笔钱可以减轻你们的压力,因为这样一来你们就不用在安逸与灾难间绷紧神经生怕任何差错了。 1. 货币市场基金(money-market fund)是投资于货币市场上短期有价证券的一种互惠基金,它可以给中小投资者带来相对安全的增值收益,同时又拥有与一般开放式基金一样的流动性,有着“准储蓄”的美誉。2. to walk a fine line:(在一种没有过多余地的情况下)仔细斟酌拿捏。
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