加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息2011年不同职业的平均工资
回复: 2011年不同职业的平均工资按小时算起来和平均月薪好像差别比较大啊
北京227. 2010.04.06 初料妥投悉尼 20120223 毕业 20120625 北京长登多伦多20121126 Downtown上班按小时算起来和平均月薪好像差别比较大啊点击展开...请问您说的是跟哪个平均月薪数据比较的呀?
回复: 2011年不同职业的平均工资social worker是什么啊
漫游温哥华 INSPIRING VANCOUVERsocial worker是什么啊点击展开... 4152 Social workers Social workers help individuals, couples, families, groups, communities and organizations develop the skills and resources they need to enhance social functioning and provide counselling, therapy and referral to other supportive social services. Social workers also respond to other social needs and issues such as unemployment, racism and poverty. They are employed by hospitals, school boards, social service agencies, child welfare organizations, correctional facilities, community agencies, employee assistance programs and Aboriginal band councils, or they may work in private practice.Example Titlesco-ordinator of social workmedical social workerpsychiatric social workersocial work supervisorsocial worker
回复: 2011年不同职业的平均工资 4152 Social workers Social workers help individuals, couples, families, groups, communities and organizations develop the skills and resources they need to enhance social functioning and provide counselling, therapy and referral to other supportive social services. Social workers also respond to other social needs and issues such as unemployment, racism and poverty. They are employed by hospitals, school boards, social service agencies, child welfare organizations, correctional facilities, community agencies, employee assistance programs and Aboriginal band councils, or they may work in private practice.Example Titlesco-ordinator of social workmedical social workerpsychiatric social workersocial work supervisorsocial worker点击展开...就是社工、福利工作人员等
回复: 2011年不同职业的平均工资
回复: 2011年不同职业的平均工资就是社工、福利工作人员等点击展开... 似乎很赚! 牙医忒狠了,咋就这么赚钱?
漫游温哥华 INSPIRING VANCOUVER2011年不同职业的平均工资中文和后面的注解是自己加的,如果有不对的地方,请各位不吝指出,呵呵点击展开...
回复: 2011年不同职业的平均工资参考,谢谢。但是为何这么少?
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