加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息MGen 1.5 - Rethink Careers Panel Discussion Event


加华1.5代 ( http://mgeneration.ca/ )在为你奉上一个独一无二的获取答案机会—“事业又成”职业议论会。我们邀请的八位嘉宾来自不同的行业并拥有独特的经历。他们将介绍他们的工作,分享心得体会,评价发展空间。欢迎大家踊跃提问。会后所有参与者将在轻松的气氛中相互交流。非常期待你的出席!We are at a time and place where many of us are a few years past graduation, and are wondering, where are we going with our lives? Is there anything else out there?MGen 1.5 presents the one and only event of this kind to answer this question. We have invited panelists from several different industries to speak about their jobs, the pros and cons, the career growth opportunities, and the day-to-day life on the job. We have also invited professionals with "unconventional lives" to talk a bit about the world 'out there'. We encourage Q&A by audience members. There will be an intimiate social following the event for all attendees. SIGN UP NOW TO ATTEND!Early bird tickets are $10.http://rethinkcareers.eventbrite.ca/Refreshments will be provided.PANELISTS| Sam Guo | Associate in Private Equity Firm, ex-Morgan Stanley| Sophia Lu | Consultant, Accenture; Director of Business Development at Merit Education| Jason Wang, CPA, CA | Senior Accountant at KPMG LLP| Ben Meng | U of T Law, former Entrepreneur | Lu Zheng | Chemical Engineer| Jessie Huang |Wedding Planner; Owner of Flair Weddings and Events| Ethan Wang | Entrepreneur; Owner of a construction and real estate development company| Betty Zhang | Graphic Designer; Office Manager at Mobiroo Inc, Art Instructor at Art One Academy Location:Woodsworth College Residence - WO20321 Bloor St W, Toronto, ONM5S 1S5http://goo.gl/maps/OH6XG

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