加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息IT专业职位:SAN, VMware虚拟化
今天收到的电邮,如果哪位有SAN, VMware虚拟化技术背景的可以联系一下。祝您好运。Hi Yu, I'm working on a Permanent Technology Architect Role for one of Modis' premier Vancouver clients. We're looking for someone with strong hands-on storage (SAN) and VMware or virtualization experience. Our client offers opportunities for growth, the utilization of leading edge technologies, and a global presence with the flexibility of national or international transfer opportunities. If you're interested Yu, please reply with an updated resume, your availability, and your salary expectations. If you're not a fit for this role Yu, it would be greatly appreciated if you could point me in the direction of someone who I'd be able to network with for this great opportunity. Modis does offer a $500 referral bonus for any successful placement. Thanks very much for giving it a thought! Cheers, Derek Weeres Resource Development Manager, VancouverModis Canada Inc. Connecting the Best IT Talent with the Best Companies T: 604-689-8717 ext. 231 Learn more about Modis at modiscanada.com
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