加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息招聘会计啦~~


Job Title: Accountant Responsibilities:•Ensure the integrity, timeliness, completeness and accuracy of internal and external reporting, with a priority on providing meaningful information that contributes to management decision making•Responsible for the oversight of general accounting functions, including fixed and intangible assets, payroll and compensation accounting, income / commodity taxes and general ledger accounting•Responsible for Quarterly Unaudited Financial Statements and Annual Audited Financial Statements•Responsible for the Annual external audit process•Interaction and co-ordination with tax planning, compliance and reporting requirements including Canadian income and commodity taxes, transfer pricing, research and development income tax claims, payroll remittance taxes and tax minimization strategiesQualifications:•University or College Degree, 3+ years’ experience in services or manufacturing industry experience and proven knowledge of Canadian generally accepted accounting principles•Financial reporting experience, including knowledge of best practices and procedures with proven thought leadership skills including ability to identify, lead and implement process efficiencies and value added solutions•Strong analytical, problem solving and organizational skills•Ability to set and meet deadlines for multi-deliverables / ability to prioritize effectively•The ability to work both independently and as part of a team•Excellent English communication skills both verbal and written•Demonstrated knowledge and experience of various software programs including MS Office (particularly MS Excel), financial software and databasePlease email to [email protected]

回复: 招聘会计啦~~楼主是不是以前写过一个在animal control公司工作的欢乐帖子,现在规模扩大要找新人了?

回复: 招聘会计啦~~which city?

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