加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Canadian Tire distribution Centre in Brampton are in a need


We are working with Canadian Tire distribution Centre in Brampton and are in a need of 60 people as soon as possible. Please forward this posting Carlos Francis, Job Developer Next Steps Employment Center VaughanToronto District School Board4585 Highway 7, Unit 7,Woodbridge, OnOffice: 905 851-6921Front Desk: 905 851-6551Fax: 905 851-6623www.next-steps.ca

Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian回复: Canadian Tire distribution Centre in Brampton are in a need of 60 people60 HEAVY GENERAL LABORERS- START ASAP1 Year ContractIF INTERESTED PLEASE CONTACT US AT 1-888-550-6376 Press "0" and ask to speak to a representativeShift - Thursday to Sunday Mornings 5:45am to 3:45pm -Saturday to Tuesday Mornings 3:45pm to 1:45amDay Shift Pay - 12/hr for the first 35 days (5 weeks) post-orientation /$13/hr after working for 3 days (5 weeks) post-orientationEvening Shift: $12.60/hr for the first 35 days (5 weeks) post-orientation/$13.60/hr after working for 3 days (5 weeks) post-orientationLocation - Brampton - Queen and GorewayRequirements:• Must have warehouse experience doing physical heavy lifting • Must be able to work 10 hour shift• Must be able to do lots of standing throughout the shift • Must be able to keep up the pace with full time employees • Ability to move50-80lbs at any given time• Must have good work ethic, this job isn't easy and is very repetitive • Good communication and written skills and follow direction given by the supervisor • Must have safety shoes • Must be able to multi tasks and can do other task than what's assigned • Attention to details IF YOU HAVE REGISTERED WITH TRILLIUM AND INTERESTED WITH POSITIONS PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AND SPEAK TO YOUR REPRESENTATIVE.

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