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I was hoping you might be able to help...I'm seeking a technical resource (ideally 2-3 yrs experience) for a 3 or 6 month, full-time contract position with Massive Insights. There is definitely a potential for full time employment following the initial contract.We operate in a start-up environment and have need for someone to help us with a variety of technically oriented tasks:- working with SQL/MySQL databases- working on data/system integration tasks using .NET/PHP/Java- working on marketing-oriented data like social, email, transactional, customers infoIdeally, this person has been exposed to a variety of digital marketing tools like web analytics, social media tools, email deployment tools, and may have experience with web development (e.g. css, javascript, html, etc.).If you do know of anyone who might be interested and fits the bill, I would certainly welcome any references. Please feel free to provide them my contact details, forward this email to them, or send me their contact details so I can follow up. Many thanks in advance,

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