加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息$0.50/pc - Profitable Online Book Store Inventory-Could earn


FS: Profitable Online Book Store Inventory Liquidation - Could earn up to $10,000/monthWe have about 10,000 English/French books for sale in Ottawa (*Business is not for sale*, Inventory only). The books are currently not listed. Various titles & authors. All like new or in very good condition. The books are already boxed and ready for pick up. Books are of just about every genre imaginable: history, biography, kids, novels, mass markets, trade paperbacks, psychology, art, various sciences, politics, economics, cooking and so on. Good for book lovers as well as book vendors / resellers. The books were all hand picked as/for a Profitable Online Book Store Inventory. For serious buyers, we will be glad to print the previous sales records to show that you could also earn up to $10,000/month (depends on the time and effort you put in, of course). Will wholesale as a lot only for $5,000 per 10,000 books (more or less), that's about $0.50/pc. You would have a chance to open the boxes to look at the books before you make the purchase decision. Books are basically boxed by category but may be mixed with others. We will do an estimate together to decide the # of books in the boxes (no need to count one by one). Pick up in Ottawa east only (no delivery). Anyone wishing to inspect the lot is free to do so. Simply email and we'll schedule a visit. QQH with your phone # if you have any questions. - Work from home selling books on the internet.- Start selling books online today and start making a profit today!- Easiest job in the world. Become your own boss.- About 10,000 books in very good condition- Millions of registered members looking to buy books world wide.- Online web site available to customers 24/7 365 days a year.- Business specifics: Home base business.- Can be run full time or in your spare time (Just a few hours is sufficient to operate this business)- Management team: Can easily be operated by just one person.- Customers: International.- Competition: Other Internet book sellers.- Total market value of Inventory = $100,000- Selling price: $5,000 for the inventory (books) only

回复: $0.50/pc - Profitable Online Book Store Inventory-Could earn up to $10K/Monup

回复: $0.50/pc - Profitable Online Book Store Inventory-Could earn up to $10K/Monup

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