加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息和光棍节有关的英语词汇及其它


最简单的说法是single. 虽然“光棍”一词非常形象且喜感满满,但其实说到底就是“单身”嘛。因此平时我们用single一词足以表示“光棍”了。比如说: Dan was a single guy living at home with his father and working in the family business.丹是个光棍,在家与父亲同住,并在自家的事业工作。 此外,bachelor这个词也可以专门表示“光棍”。 He is a bachelor, once he is fed, no one is hungry in his family. 他是光棍儿一条,一人吃饱全家不饿。 我们知道,bachelor还可以表示“获学士学位的人”。那么,为什么这个词既是“光棍”又是“学士”的意思呢?有种说法是以前的学校都是男女分校,也就是我们常说的unisexual school, 导致学士都是光棍啦!不过究竟是不是这个原因就无从考证啦。 几天后即将要到来的“光棍节”,就是Single's Day了。Single's Day can be a day to spend with family.没错,单身节也可以和家人一起度过哦。 关于光棍节 (Singles Day) 的起源有很多种说发,最玄乎 (unreliable, incredible) 的一种说法是此节起源于1111年11月11日那天(是不该叫做超级光棍节啊?),最被广泛认可的是起源于上世纪(听起来好久远的样子)90年代南京高校的校园趣味文化。不管光棍节到底是怎么来的,至少每年11月11日 还“光”着的童鞋有了属于自己的节日。 两个人有中西方情人节 (Valentine's Day) 可过,单打独斗的童鞋也有节过了,虽然总感觉带着点悲催 (miserable) 的色彩。 One's Day 和 Bachelor Day 也都可以表示“光棍节”。 One's Day 好说,一个人的节日就是光棍节呗,不过童鞋们可不要把 Bachelor Day 理解为“学士节”,bachelor 除了学士,还有单身汉的意思。 光棍节的标志性早餐是四根油条 (deep-fried dough stick) 和一个包子 (steamed stuffed bun),代表4个“1”和1个点(11.11)。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 和光棍节有关的英语词汇及其它单身的人最不想听到的24句话 “你现在有对象吗”,“爱情将会发生在你最不经意的时候”,“你只是太挑剔了”……单身男女们每每听到这些话心里总是有说不出的苦啊。还单身着的你最不愿意听到哪句话呢?1. How are you still single? You’re so great.你怎么还单身着!你人这么好。2. It’ll happen when you least expect it.爱情将会发生在你最不经意的时候。3. Don’t you ever get lonely?你从没有感到过孤单吗?4. Aren’t you worried you won’t be able to have kids?你没担心过你可能不会有孩子吗?5. Are you seeing anyone?你现在有交往的对象吗?6. You should try online dating. My friend met their husband/wife that way.你该试试网恋。我有一个朋友就是那么遇到自己的丈夫/妻子的。7. They don’t deserve you.他们配不上你。8. You are such a catch.你条件这么好!9. Don’t worry, you’ll find someone someday.不要担心,你总有一天会找到对的那个人的。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 和光棍节有关的英语词汇及其它10. He’s just not ready for a serious commitment yet.他只是还没准备好对你做出认真承诺而已。11. One day when you’re married, you’ll wish you were single.等有一天结婚了,你会希望你还是单身的。12. There are plenty of fish in the sea.天涯何处无芳草。13. You’re just too picky.你只是太挑剔了!14. Just don’t turn into some crazy cat lady.千万不要变成一个爱猫狂啊,大姐。15. She probably just lost your number.她可能只是把你的号码弄丢了。16. At a wedding: “You better get out there, they’re doing the bouquettoss.在婚礼上:“你最好离开这儿,他们要抛捧花了。”17. You’re just too busy right now.你现在只是太忙了。18. You have to love yourself before you can love someone else.你必须首先爱自己,再去爱别人。19. In reference to your best friend: "Have you guys ever thought of dating?"你们没想过在一起约会吗?(指你与你的好朋友)20. I can’t wait to meet your future spouse, they are going to be amazing.我等不及想见你未来的另一半了,他们一定让人惊讶。21. We’ll all be laughing about this someday.以后我们想到这个都会笑死的。22. You should let me set you up, I know the perfect person for you.你应该让我帮你撮合,我知道哪样的人最适合你。23. Don’t give up, it’ll happen.不要放弃,爱情总会出现的。24. You don’t need anyone.DAMN RIGHT!你不需要任何人! 太对了!

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 和光棍节有关的英语词汇及其它15个理由,不结婚也很棒 喜欢享受单身生活?不想受到婚姻的拘束?谁说不想结婚的恋爱就是耍流氓?给你看看可以不结婚的十五个很棒的理由!Most of us have hit the age where most everyone we know is married, engaged, or dying to get married. Where does that leave us? Those who are happily single? Those of us who dread weddings, could care LESS about wedding dresses or engagement rings? What about us?我们所认识的大多数人差不多都已经到了结婚、订婚或是渴望结婚的年龄。对于我们这些黄金单身汉或是不在乎婚纱婚戒的恐婚一族而言,这该情何以堪啊。。我们又是怎么看待这一问题的呢?Here are a list of compelling reasons you shouldn't get married.以下这一清单是一系列你不应该结婚的强有力的理由。1)Despite what everyone else says, you LOVE the single life.不论其他任何人怎么说,你就是热爱你的单身生活。2) You know you'll have to share both the ice cream and the television remote.你要知道,结婚后你就不得不与另一半分享美味的冰激凌,还要争抢电视遥控器。3) You'll have to boot Pablo the Pool Boy.结婚后你就不得不赶走那些临时的性伙伴,比如那个清理游泳池的Pablo.4) You like to sleep across the whole bed.你喜欢横着睡在整张大床上。5) You can't stand sharing your space, especially when you know that with marriage comes dude stuff - like that awful Bud Light sign.你无法忍受与人分享自己的私密空间,尤其是婚后男人带过来的随身用品,比如那个可恶的百威淡啤广告牌。6) You know that colonies of dirty socks will follow you everywhere you go the moment you let a guy move in.你会发现当你让那家伙住进来后,无数的臭袜子就会跟着你满天飞。7) You'd rather be able to break it off and move on without having to involve the courts.你宁愿处在恋爱阶段,喜欢就继续,不爱就吹了,也好过于结婚后牵扯到法院去。8) Your toilet seat will NEVER be the same.你的马桶座圈永远不会和从前一样是落下的。9) You don't want to have to answer to anyone - you can come and go as you please.你不想也不必对任何人负责,你可以来去自如。10) Marriage = one person for the rest of your life. One person for the rest of your life = BORING.婚姻=找一个人共度余生。找一个人共度余生=无聊终老。11) Marriage is expensive. So is divorce. You'd rather take the cash and travel around Europe for three years.结婚和离婚都是高消费的,你还不如拿着这些钱去欧洲环游三年。12) Your main priority is climbing that corporate ladder and making yourself a success in your career.你现在的首要任务是职场晋升并在事业上取得成功。13) Getting a break on your taxes and car insurance, despite what they say, isn't a reason to settle down.不论别人怎么说,在税收和汽车保险上获得优惠都不能成为结婚的好理由。14) Marriage is an antiquated tradition, much like not allowing women to vote. Why bother with an institution that fails half the time?结婚是一种陈旧的传统,就像不允许女性参与投票一样。那又何必浪费一半的失败婚姻去为旧习俗去费心呢?15) You know that marriage = compromise. You don't feel that you need to compromise everything to be with someone else.你知道结婚=妥协。你会觉得你没有必要样样事情都和别人妥协。What are some other reasons you can think of not to get married?你还能想到其他不去结婚的理由吗?

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 和光棍节有关的英语词汇及其它追根溯源日趋流行的光棍节 11月11日是光棍节哟,还在单身的同志们拉上三五好友庆祝一下去吧~顺便来了解一下光棍节的起源:)不甘寂寞的单身青年们,今天可是告别单身的好机会呢。  Singles Day falls on every November 11th, and as the nameindicates, this relatively new holiday is one exclusively forpeople who are still living the single life. I was a bit surprised when I [gm88nd]d 'Singles Day' on the Internet, to find that China isthe only country in the world that has set aside a special day forsingles to celebrate their lives. To find out more about thiscelebration, read on。  每年的11月11日是“光棍节”。节如其名,这个新鲜的节日是专门为那些还过着单身生活的人们设立的。我在[gm00nd]上搜索一下,惊讶地发现中国是世界上唯一一个专门为光棍们设立节日的国家。来一起了解一下这个节日吧~  Origin of Singles Day 节日起源  Betting 打牌  An old story goes that once there were four single men, leadingvery boring lives. None of them were married, or had lovers, or didanything exciting. They just sat around all day and playedMahjong。  故事从四个过着单调生活的单身汉说起。他们没有人结婚,连女朋友都没有,日子过得无精打采,终日打麻将度过。  One day they played Mahjong from 11 in the morning until 11 atnight. During the game, no matter who won, the winning card wasalways the 'four columns' card (the card shows four independent,parallel columns in two lines). Even more of a coincidence, it wasNov 11, or 11/11. In order to commemorate the day, they nicknamedit Singles Day。  有一天他们打麻将从早上11点打到了晚上11点。奇妙的是,不管谁赢,都赢在了“四条”上。更加巧合的是,这一天正是11月11号。为了纪念这一天,他们给它命名为“光棍节”。  University culture 大学传统  Singles Day was first celebrated at various universities inNanjing, capital city of Jiangsu Province during the 1990s. It gotthe name Singles Day because the date is comprised of four "ones".These college students have since graduated, and carried theiruniversity tradition into society. Singles Day is now a special dayfor all fashionable youths。  光棍节最先在90年代的江苏南京各大高校兴起。之所以叫“光棍节”是因为这一天的日子有四个光棍一样的“1”。大学生们毕业了,把这个传统带到了社会上,光棍节就成了时尚青年们的一个特殊节日。  The main way to celebrate Singles Day is to have dinner with yoursingle friends, but it's important that each person pay their ownway to show their independence. People also hold 'blind date'parties in an attempt to bid goodbye to their single lives。  主流的庆祝方式就是和光棍朋友们一起搓一顿,而且一定要实行AA制。为了脱离单身,人们也会举办相亲会,介绍单身男女认识。  Creative celebration 新奇庆祝  For breakfast on Singles Day, singles often eat four youtiao(deep-fried dough sticks) representing the four "ones" in "11.11"and one baozi (steamed stuffed buns) representing the middledot。  光棍节的早上,单身青年们会吃四根有条,代表11.11的四个“1”,再吃一个包子,代表11和11之间的那个点。  Many singles also choose to say goodbye to their single lives onthis day. Many attend 'blind date' parties and many people chooseto marry on this day. In addition to meaning 'single' the four'ones' of the date can also mean 'only one' as in 'the only one forme.' Some people will use this date and this meaning to tell theirspecial someone that they are the only 'one' in their heart。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 和光棍节有关的英语词汇及其它你为什么还单身? Let's face it, the majority of people who are single are not single because they honestly and truly choose to be that way. Yes, there are people out there who are single and love it and wouldn't change it for the world but these people are in the minority.让我们面对现实吧:大部分单身的人之所以还单着,并不是因为他们发自内心地愿意选择这种生活方式。当然的确有些单身的人喜欢这样,而且不想做出改变。但这些人毕竟是少数。So, if most people who are still single would rather be in a relationship (of some kind), why are there so many single people out there?那么,如果大多数单身的人或多或少是想开始一段感情的,为什么还有那么多单身的人呢?I happen to be single myself and believe that there are some pretty good reasons to explain why single people like myself seem to stay single.我自己刚好也是单身,我相信有一些原因可以很好地解释为什么像我这样的单身人士依然孤家寡人。If you're one of the single people, keep on reading to see if one of these "top 5 reasons why you're alone" can explain why you're still single.如果你也是单身,接着往下读,看看“单身理由” 里有没有哪一条符合你的情况。1. You're shy and/or not very outgoing:你比较害羞,或者不够外向Whether we like it or not, people who are outgoing tend to get noticed and that includes getting noticed by the opposite sex. Where does that leave shy single people? We're just not that likely to get noticed if we don't make eye contact with others and make a point of trying to get to know them. It's a sad fact, but true.不管我们是否认同,外向活泼的人更容易引人注意,包括吸引异性的注意。那些害羞的单身人士可难办了。如果我们不和别人进行眼神的交流,也不表现出我们渴望了解他们,我们就不太可能引起他人的注意。听起来挺叫人难过,不过这是事实。Being shy is at least 50% genetic so there's only so much we can do to overcome this. The good news is that there are lots of shy single people out there -- admittedly, the hard part is hooking up, but it happens, so don't despair.害羞至少有一半原因来自遗传,所以我们仍然可以去克服它。好消息是还有很多害羞的单身人士。不过不得不承认,难点在于你们如何跟他们搭上腔,但成功的例子也确实会发生,所以别绝望。2. You were in a long-term relationship:你曾经有一段长期的恋情Being in a long-term relationship is much different than dating. If your long-term relationship ends, there is a lot more to deal with than if you'd only been dating for a few months. Take a 10-year relationship that's ended, for example: there's 10 years of good memories, bad memories, lost commitments, joy, hurt - you name it - to try to deal with.长期的恋情和短暂的约会大不相同。如果你结束了一段长期的恋情,你需要解决的问题比约会了几个月的人多得多。比如说一段10年的恋情结束了,留下了10年的美好回忆、糟糕回忆、未兑现的承诺、各种喜悦和痛苦,凡是你能数出来的都需要去应对。Assumedly, if you were in a 10-year relationship, the person you were with knew you well - your likes, dislikes, your quirks, your friends, family, hopes, dreams, etc. You probably knew each other so well that it was like you had your own secret language. Even if the relationship ended badly, that's a lot to try to replace!通常情况下,如果你们曾经在一起10年,那个人会非常了解你:你的好恶、你的怪癖、你的朋友、你的家人、你的希望、你的梦想等等。你们大概非常了解对方,就好像他/她是你专属的秘密语言一样。即便这段恋情以糟糕的方式结束了,想要找人取代他/她的位置依然不容易。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 和光棍节有关的英语词汇及其它It's no wonder that single people with long-term relationships in their past seem to stay single. Whether it makes sense to them or not, they just can't seem to find someone who can replace what they once had whether what they had was good or not. The key here is that they will never be able to find a direct replacement but they can find someone new who is equally if not more worthwhile and hopefully a better match. It takes time, openness and commitment to build another long-term relationship from scratch and it can be scary and overwhelming.所以那些过去有过长期恋情的人保持单身就不足为奇了。不管有没有道理,他们似乎就是找不到人来替代曾经那个人的位置,不管那个人究竟是不是那么好。关键在于他们永远不可能找到一个直接的替代者,但是他们可以找到一个新的人,即便不比原来那个人更值得,但至少也是个不错的另一半。结束一段伤痛、再次建立一段 长期的感情需要时间、坦然和承诺。最初可能会让人提心吊胆、喘不过气。3. You've been single a long time and are set in your ways你单身太久,已经习惯了自己的生活方式The longer you live as a single person, the more independent and self-sufficient you're forced to become. While this is not necessarily a bad thing, if taken to the extreme, it can hinder your efforts to find a mate. If you're used to doing everything yourself and for yourself only, it may be very difficult to let someone else into your life even though you may crave that closeness.你单身的时间越久,你就迫使自己变得越独立、越靠自己。这并不是坏事,但如果走向极端,会阻碍你找到另一半。如果你习惯了凡事亲力亲为,而且只为自己而做,也许就很难让另一个人走进你的生活,哪怕你也许渴望这种亲密。Unfortunately, this becomes more and more true as we get older. I'm pretty set in my ways myself and all I can hope for is that if the right one does come along, that I will let him break through my wall of independence that I have created.不幸的是,随着我们渐渐长大,事情就越是如此。我已经非常习惯按自己的方式生活,我唯一能期望的是,如果那个对的人真的出现了,我会允许他打破我已经建立起来的这座独立的墙。4. You live in a small town or village你住在小镇或者小村子里Let's just play the numbers game here. Imagine you live in a small town of 3000 people and you're a woman. You're looking for a man, so you're down to 1500 to choose from except that 75% of them are taken so that leaves you with 375. Out of those 375, let's say 15% of them fall within an appropriate age range of you which brings you down to about 57. Out of those 57, you're sure not going to be compatible with all of them; there may be a few you're compatible with but how are you going to find them?我们来玩个数字游戏。假设你是女性,住在一个只有3000人的小镇里。你在寻找一个男人,那么你的选择范围就降到了1500 人,其中可能有75%的人已经有所属,那么留给你的还有375人。这375人中大概有15%的人符合你的年龄范围,所以还剩57人。而这57人当然不是每个都适合你;其中也许有一些和你般配的,但是你要怎样找到他们呢?Just because you live in the same town doesn't mean that you're going to bump into each other on the sidewalk or at the grocery store. Of course, these are completely made up statistics but are generally what you're dealing with in small towns. If you want more dating options, you'll have to move to the big city.你们住在一个镇上不代表你们会在路边或者杂货店里偶遇。当然,这些只是假设的数据,但通常来讲你在小镇上的情况就是这样。如果你想要更多的约会机会,恐怕得搬去大城市。5. You're just too picky你太挑剔了Yes, we all want to have a Brad Pitt or Megan Fox type hanging off our arms but it's just not going to happen. Even if we don't want that, we have a list in our minds of traits that our future soulmate must possess and sometimes that list can be rather long, perhaps too long.是的,我们都想要一个布拉德·皮特这样的帅哥或是梅根·福克斯那样的性感美女挽着我们的胳膊,但这太不现实了。哪怕我们期望没这么高,我们心里都列出了未来的灵魂伴侣必须符合的条件,有时这些条件还不少,也许太多了。While nobody wants to "settle", you might want to ask yourself if everything on your list is really that important. Does it matter that much how tall the person is? How much money they make? What color hair they have? It might be worth relaxing some of your standards and seeing what kind of results you get. Remember, nobody is perfect.没有人想被他人的条件“框定”,你也许应该问问自己,这些条件真的都这么重要吗?这个人的身高很重要吗?他赚多少钱很重要吗?他/她的头发是什么颜色很重要吗?你也许应该把自己的标准放宽一些,然后来看看结果如何。记住:完美的人不存在。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 和光棍节有关的英语词汇及其它中国单身男女的心酸寻爱记 Singles Day in China is the celebration -- or mourning -- of being unattached. Started by students in Nanjing in the mid-1990s, the date was selected in observation of its four solitary digits: 11/11. 中国“光棍节”,一个庆祝(或哀嚎)没人相伴的节日。光棍节起源于90年代中期,由南京的几位大学生创立,节日定在每年的11月11日,因为这四个光秃秃的数字,看上去像极了“光棍”。While relatively obscure in most other countries, Singles Day is likely to increase in prominence as more single men in China are unable to find female partners. According to a recent study by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, more than 24 million Chinese men could find themselves without spouses by 2020.​虽然光棍节在其他国家的文化中看来有些难以理解,但在中国,光棍节的影响力越来越大,在中国有越来越多的单身男性找不到女朋友。据中国社会科学院最近的一项调查显示,到2020年全中国将有2400万男性找不到配偶。Celebrating Singles Day comes in many forms across the Asian nation, and like Christmas and Valentine's Day, it has become a multi-million dollar industry.中国各地均有不同形式来庆祝光棍节的仪式。就和圣诞节、情人节一样,光棍节已经成了一门能创造几百万收益的产业。The Fig Tree, a luxury pastry school in downtown Beijing, is offering a chocolate truffle-making course to foster "fun, flirting, measuring and mixing," among singles on Thursday.北京市中心一家叫菲格树的高级烘焙学校,从这周四起开始招收学习松露巧克力的学生。“乐趣及情致一体、衡量及混搭并进”是他们的宣传主题。他们招的都是单身学徒。"Baking brings people together," said Lin Zhong, school owner and pastry chef. "[We] invite the city's singles ... for an education in flirting and chocolate making."“烘焙将人们的距离拉得更近”,校长及主厨Lin Zhong说道,“我们旨在邀请全城的单身人士......教会他们如何边制作巧克力边调情。”For those with more adventurous tastes, Beijing's flagship amusement park Happy Valley is hosting a day of activities for singles, featuring games that include a singing contest entitled "Bachelor's Love Song." Another activity in store: a dedicated area in which singles can "confess their true feelings."对于那些更喜欢冒险的人来说,北京具有代表性的游乐园欢乐谷就将以一系列的游乐项目庆祝光棍节,其中包括一个名为“单身情歌”的歌唱比赛,另一个针对光棍们推出的活动叫做“说出你的爱”。All of this mingling comes at a price. For every male who buys a full price ticket for $25, he may bring one female along at no cost. 以上这些游乐项目当然不会是免费的。每一位买价值25美元全价票的男士可以免费带一位女士入场。Shenzhen's theme park, Splendid China, which boasts miniature replicas of many of the country's most famous landmarks, will host a vegetable hunting contest, much like an Easter egg hunt, to encourage singles to meet. The vegetables, mostly cucumbers and tomatoes, will be hidden throughout the park in a scaled-down Great Wall and bite-size Forbidden City.深圳的一家名为“锦绣中华”的主题公园拥有许多世界知名地标建筑的复制品。他们将在光棍节举行“蔬菜猎人”比赛,就跟复活节寻彩蛋的游戏差不多,旨在让单身人士们相遇。蔬菜主要由黄瓜、番茄组成,它们将被藏在公园的各个角落,以缩小版本的长城和紫禁城为主。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 和光棍节有关的英语词汇及其它In Shanghai, the city's main "marriage market" nestled in People's Park is teeming with more traffic than usual. Concerned parents of unmarried children posted personal ads and photos, boasting their education, salary levels and height and weight proportions. The advertisements line the perimeter of the park, and many anxious parents sit along the curb, hoping to meet another set of parents to make a good match.在上海,人民公园中赫赫有名的“相亲市场”一定比平时还要爆满。那些为单身孩子忧心忡忡的父母们展示着子女的个人信息、照片,夸耀他们的学历、薪水、身高、体重等各种信息。相亲广告贴满了人民公园的外围墙,而心急如焚的父母们则在旁等候着合适的人选前来与自己儿女配对。To the west in the city of Xian, singles can reenact a famous Tang Dynasty love story or learn about the principles of love at Qujiang Cave Ruins Park, which claims to be the "first love-themed park in China."往西走,在古都西安,单身人士们能参与扮演一个有名的唐代爱情故事,或在曲江寒窑遗址公园学习爱情守则,据说这是中国第一个爱情主题公园。​However, in a society dominated by children who grow up without siblings (due to China's one-child policy), finding love on Singles Day is unlikely to be as easy as a walk in the park.然而在一个以独生子女为主的社会里(缘于中国的计划生育政策),在光棍节成功“脱光”可远远没有听上去这么简单。"For a lot of young men, they feel that what can make them more attractive to their potential dates is their good education, a good job and a lot of money ... [and] a car and apartment handy so they can attract more women," said Dr. Chang Wei, a psychologist at Beijing United Family Hospital. "That leads to a lot of young men working 10-12 hours a day with no time to socialize. Parents feel they have to step in and help them find dates, and sometimes the men are okay with that."“很多年轻男人认为,自己的教育背景、工作和钱财将决定自己在异性面前的吸引力…如果还有车有房的话,那就在女人眼里更加抢手了,”北京和睦家医院的心理医生常伟说道。“这导致很多年轻男性每天工作10-12小时,连社交的时间都没有。他们的父母感到自己西药出手帮助自己孩子寻找对象,而孩子们也往往同意这样做。”Not everyone desires to be matched up, though. In a survey of white-collar workers on popular Chinese jobs site Zhaopin.com, about 70 percent of married or committed individuals said they missed being single.然而并不是所有年轻人都愿意被凑成对。中国知名的智联招聘网站曾进行过一项针对白领的调查显示,70%已婚或已订婚的受访者都表示:他们怀念单身时光。Once frowned upon in China, divorce is now common, too. In 2009, more than 2.46 million couples divorced in the country, almost twice the number in 2001. 离婚在过去的中国是不大能被接受的,然而现在已变得十分普遍。2009年,中国有246万对夫妇离婚,这个数字几乎是2001年的两倍。But like many singles in China, Alexandra Shi, an undergraduate student at Beijing Foreign Studies University, is looking for love. This year, she'll mark the day with her fellow single friends, and they will likely take one chopstick and make a wish to not be "a 'single stick' anymore." Alexandra Shi是一位来自北京外国语大学的本科学生,她和许多单身人士一样,正渴望找到真爱。今年她将和其他几位同样单身的好友一同庆祝光棍节,并且她们会拿起一根筷子,许下“尽快摆脱单身” 的愿望。"Being single is not cool...for me, being in a relationship would do me good I guess," Shi said. "But being single for now doesn't make my life miserable. Definitely don't want to celebrate next year's Singles Day though!" “单身并不酷……对我来说,也许谈恋爱对我更有好处吧。” 石小姐说道。“虽然单身的时光也不能算痛苦,但明年这个时候,我绝对不要再过光棍节了!”

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 和光棍节有关的英语词汇及其它十大著名情书帮你泡妞 Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn  亨利八世写给安妮·博林  King Henry VIII originally courted Anne Boleyn’s sister Mary, but it was Anne who caught the English royal’s wandering eye — though she refused to be his mistress. She wanted to be Queen. Unfortunately for Anne, the temperamental King had another change of heart and ordered her execution in 1536. Henry VIII wrote Anne this letter in 1527:  国王亨利八世最初追求的是安妮·博林的姐姐玛丽·博林,不过皇室看中的却是安妮——虽然她拒绝做亨利八世的情妇。她想要做的是皇后,不过不幸的是,喜新厌旧的亨利八世之后却又变了心,1536年时下令处决安妮。1527年,亨利八世给安妮写下了这样的情书:  “I beg to know expressly your intention touching the love between us. Necessity compels me to obtain this answer, having been more than a year wounded by the dart of love, and not yet sure whether I shall fail or find a place in your affection。”  “我乞求你,清楚明白地告诉我你的心意,是否愿意与我相爱。我必须要得到这个答案,爱神之箭射中了我,伤口已一年有余,能否在你的心中占有一席之地,我却依然无从确定。”  Napoleon to His Wife Josephine  拿破仑写给妻子约瑟芬  The ruthless French leader had a sweet side for his wife Josephine. Although he divorced her when she could not have children, he continued to write to her. A few days after they were married, Napoleon left to command the French army near Italy. In the following months, he frequently wrote, expressing how much he missed her. He wrote the following on July 17, 1796:  拿破仑这位法国革命领袖残酷无情,然而对妻子约瑟芬却有柔情的一面。虽然因为约瑟芬无法怀孕而和她离婚,但他依旧保持着对她的通信。在他们婚后没几天,拿破仑就离开家,前往离意大利不远处的前线指挥部队。在接下去的几个月中,他频繁地给妻子写信,表达相思之情。1796年7月17日,他在信中写道:  “Since I left you, I have been constantly depressed. My happiness is to be near you. Incessantly I live over in my memory your caresses, your tears, your affectionate solicitude. The charms of the incomparable Josephine kindle continually a burning and a glowing flame in my heart. When, free from all solicitude, all harassing care, shall I be able to pass all my time with you, having only to love you, and to think only of the happiness of so saying, and of proving it to you?”  “自从与你分别,我时常郁郁寡欢。我的幸福就是能与你相依。我不断在记忆里重温你的爱抚、你的泪水、你深情的挂念。世上没有人能同你相比,你的魅力总会在我心中燃起熊熊烈火。我何时才能摆脱所有挂虑、所有恼人的担忧,和你共度生命中的每分每秒,向你证明,我只需要爱你,只需要想着向你诉说爱意时的幸福之感。”  Beethoven to His Immortal Beloved  贝多芬写给“永远的爱人”  The identity of Ludwig van Beethoven’s “immortal beloved,” who received a plethora of letters from the composer in 1812, is still a mystery, but historians believe it was Antonie Brentano, a diplomat’s daughter. Beethoven dedicated his Diabelli Variations Op. 120 to her, and in one of his letters found after his death, he famously wrote:  1812年,贝多芬“永远的爱人”收到了来自这位作曲家雪花般的来信,不过收信人的身份却依然无人知晓。不过,历史学家认为收信人是安东妮·布伦塔诺。安东妮·布伦塔诺是一位外交家的女儿,贝多芬将他创作的《迪亚贝利变奏曲》献给了她。贝多芬去世后人们找到了他生前的书信,在其中有一句著名的话:  “Though still in bed, my thoughts go out to you, my Immortal Beloved, Be calm–love me–today–yesterday–what tearful longings for you–you–you–my life–my all–farewell. Oh continue to love me–never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved. Ever thine. Ever mine. Ever ours。”  “我的人躺在床上,但我的思绪却飞向了你,我永远的爱人。请保持冷静-爱我-今天-昨天-我的眼中饱含泪水思念着你-你-你-我的生命-我的一切-永别了。噢,继续爱我吧,不要误会我这颗最赤诚地爱着你的心。我永远属于你。你永远属于我。我们永远属于彼此。”  Winston Churchill to His Wife Clementine  温斯顿·丘吉尔写给妻子克莱芒蒂娜  British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and his wife Clementine were married for 56 years and wrote to each other whenever they were apart. Winston wrote this letter to Clementine on Jan. 23, 1935, while she was traveling abroad:  英国首相温斯顿·丘吉尔和妻子克莱芒蒂娜携手走过了56个春秋,两人只要是分别,都会给对方写信。丘吉尔于1935年1月23日给正在国外旅游的克莱芒蒂娜写道:  “My darling Clemmie, in your letter from Madras you wrote some words very dear to me, about having enriched your life. I cannot tell you what pleasure this gave me, because I always feel so overwhelmingly in your debt, if there can be accounts in love…What it has been to me to live all these years in your heart and companionship no phrases can convey。”  “我亲爱的克莱米,你从马德拉斯寄来的信中写道让你的人生更为丰富,这些话对我来说太珍贵了。我无法表达出你给我带来了多少的快乐,因为我在想,如果爱也能够计算,那么我欠你的实在太多……这些年来,你对我的爱始终没有停歇,陪伴在我身边,我实在难以用言语表达这些事对我的意义。”  Charles Darwin to Emma Wedgwood  查尔斯·达尔文写给妻子爱玛·韦奇伍德  Charles Darwin, author of Origin of Species, wrote a pros and cons list for getting married, and eventually decided to propose to his first cousin Emma Wedgwood. The couple had a happy marriage, producing 10 children. Charles wrote this note to Emma just a few days before their wedding in 1839:  《物种起源》的作者查尔斯·达尔文列出了一张婚姻利弊清单,最终他决定向表妹爱玛·韦奇伍德求婚。他们两人婚姻美满,膝下有十个儿女。1839年两人结婚的前几天,达尔文在给爱玛的信中写道:  “How I do hope you shall be happy as I know I shall be. My own dearest Emma, I earnestly pray, you may never regret the great and I will add very good, deed you are to perform on the Tuesday: my own dear future wife, God bless you…”  “我多希望你也能和我一样幸福——我知道,我的未来将会有多幸福。我最爱的爱玛,你只属于我。我诚挚地祈祷,希望你永远不会为我们星期二要做的伟大举动而后悔。我会竭尽所能使之完美:我亲爱的未来的妻子,愿上帝保佑你……”  Frida Kahlo to Diego Rivera  弗里达·卡罗写给迭戈·里维拉  Although artist Diego Rivera was 20 years older than painter Frida Kahlo, she called him her “big child。” Kahlo loved Rivera, even though he was reportedly unfaithful. She once said, “I suffered two grave accidents in my life. One in which a streetcar knocked me down … The other accident is Diego。” The following is from a letter that Kahlo sent to Rivera in 1940:  墨西哥著名艺术家迭戈·里维拉尽管比画家弗里达·卡罗年长二十岁,弗里达·卡罗仍然将他唤作自己的“大孩子”。虽然有传闻称迭戈·里维拉不忠,不过弗里达·卡罗依旧爱着他。她曾说:“我的人生有两大沉痛的意外:一是被一辆有轨电车撞倒……二就是遇见了迭戈。” 下面的这段话出自1940年卡罗写给里维拉的一封信:  “Diego my love- Remember that once you finish the fresco we will be together forever once and for all, without arguments or anything, only to love one another. Behave yourself and do everything that Emmy Lou tells you. I adore you more than ever. Your girl, Frida (Write me)。”  “迭戈,我的爱人——请你记住,当你完成那副壁画之后,我们就将永远在一起,不会离开彼此了。我们不会争执,只会全心全意地爱着彼此。听话点,按照艾米·卢说的去做。我比从前任何时候都爱你。你的爱人,弗里达(回信给我)”  Richard Burton to Elizabeth Taylor  理查德·波顿写给伊丽莎白·泰勒  Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor were Hollywood’s It couple for over a decade. They fell in love on the set of Cleopatra in 1963, and married and divorced twice. Burton wrote this letter to Taylor during the early part of their first marriage in 1964:  理查德·波顿和伊丽莎白·泰勒这对夫妇曾叱咤好莱坞十余载。1963年在拍摄《埃及艳后》时,他们两人坠入爱河,之后经历过两次离离合合。1964年,波顿在他们第一次婚姻之初给泰勒写道:  “My blind eyes are desperately waiting for the sight of you. You don’t realize of course, E.B., how fascinatingly beautiful you have always been, and how strangely you have acquired an added and special and dangerous loveliness。”  “我目不见物,只愿再看到你。当然,你无法感受得到,伊丽莎白,你是多么地有魅力,你的可爱是多么地危险。”  Ronald Reagan to Nancy Reagan  罗纳德·里根写给妻子南希  President Ronald Reagan wrote several love notes to his wife and eventual First Lady, starting when the couple first met. Nancy compiled some of his letters in her book I Love You, Ronnie. He gave her this note on Valentine’s Day in 1977:  自相识以来,美国总统罗纳德·里根给她的妻子、后来的第一夫人写过多封情书。南希后来将其中的一部分收入了她的《我爱你·罗尼》一书。1977年的情人节,里根将这封情书交给了南希:  “Dear St. Valentine,  “亲爱的圣瓦伦丁:  I’m writing to you about a beautiful young lady who has been in this household for 25 years now—come March 4.  我写的这封信同一位美丽的女士有关。到今年3月4日,她就在这个家庭生活了足足25年了。  I have a request to make of you but before doing so feel you should know more about her. For one thing she has 2 hearts—her own and mine. I’m not complaining. I gave her mine willingingly, and like it right where it is. Her name is Nancy but for some time now I’ve called her Mommie and don’t believe I could change。  我想请求您做一件事,但是在此之前,我希望您能对她有更多的了解。首先,她有两颗心:一颗是她自己的心,一颗是我的心。我对此毫无怨言,因为我心甘情愿地将自己的心交予了她,也希望这颗心一直在那。她的名字叫南希,不过一段时间以来我一直叫她“妈妈”,已经无法改口了。  My request of you is—could you on this day whisper in her ear that someone loves her very much and more and more each day? Also tell her, this “Someone” would run down like a dollar clock without her so she must always stay where she is。”  我对您的请求是:在今天这个特别的日子里,能否悄悄地靠在她耳边对她说,有一个人深爱着她,他的爱与日俱增?同时也请告诉她,如果没有她,这个人会像电子表一样停止运转,所以请她一直留在这个地方。”  Jerry Orbach to His Wife Elaine  杰里·奥尔巴赫写给妻子伊莱恩  The Law and Order star used to leave love poems for his wife every morning next to her coffee. Their 25-year marriage is chronicled in the book Remember How I Love You: Love Letters from an Extraordinary Marriage. Jerry wrote this letter to Elaine on one Valentine’s Day:  出演《法律与秩序》的演员杰里·奥尔巴赫每天早上都会在他妻子的咖啡旁放上一封情书。他们长达25年的婚姻全部都被记录在《记得我有多爱你:不一般的婚姻爱情书信》一书中。杰里在情人节给他的妻子写道:  “Valentine’s Day is here again. The weather looks cold and clammy…But I can happily go to work and try not to act too hammy. Cause I’ve got a warmness in my heart from my sunshine, my lifeline, my lambie! (I wish I could stay home and vie you a kiss!) xxx’s Jer”  “情人节又一次到来,天气又冷又湿……不过我能高高兴兴去上班,而且还得尽力让自己不要手舞足蹈。因为我的心中充满温暖,这份温暖来自于我的阳光,我的生命线,我的小乖乖!(多希望能留在家里,给你一个深情的吻!)你的杰里。”  Noah to Allie, The Notebook  《恋恋笔记本》中诺亚写给艾丽  O.K., so Noah and Allie may be a fictional couple, but Nicholas Sparks is a genius when it comes to composing a goose bumps–worthy love note. Novel turned movie The Notebook is the ultimate Valentine’s Day go-to。  好吧,诺亚和艾丽是小说中编出来的一对,不过尼古拉斯·斯帕克斯在写起让人起鸡皮疙瘩的情书来可是个天才。小说改编的电影《恋恋笔记本》已经成为了情人节的保留节目。  “My Dearest Allie. I couldn’t sleep last night because I know that it’s over between us. I’m not bitter anymore, because I know that what we had was real. And if in some distant place in the future we see each other in our new lives, I’ll smile at you with joy and remember how we spent a summer beneath the trees, learning from each other and growing in love. The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. And that’s what you’ve given me. That’s what I’d hoped to give to you forever. I love you. I’ll be seeing you. Noah。”  “我最爱的艾丽:昨夜我无法入眠,因为我知道,我们两人已经结束了。我的心中已经没有苦闷,因为我知道,我们之间的感情不是虚假的。如果将来我们都重新开始了自己的生活,在某个遥远的地方遇到了对方,我会对你快乐地微笑,回忆起我们在树下度过的那个夏天,回想起我们一起学习,在爱中成长。最美的爱情能够唤醒灵魂,让我们追求到更多;最美的爱情会在我们心中种下一团火焰,让我们的心灵回归平和。这就是你给与我的。我也是我曾希望能够永远带给你的。我爱你。我们会再相见的。诺亚。”

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