加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息关于申请Reliability Status
公司HR把我的资料给政府Public Works and Government Service Canada,但是政府来信说 we are unable to process your request as the subject has lived outside Canada during the past FIVE YEARS in a country or countries where no international agreements exist for background inquiries.信里还说,我可以向这些部门投诉:Canadian Human Rights Commission, The Public Service Commission's Investigations Directorate or the Federal Count, Trial Division.在过去5年里,我确实有一次连续近7个月在国内玩,呆了几个城市,还有照顾家里生病的亲属。各位有没有过做这个Reliability Status?有没有什么经验?谢谢!
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