加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息NBA篮球实用英语口语,打篮球的来围观咯


NBA 各种投篮方式  (slam) dunk:(强力)灌篮  bank shot:擦板球  double pump:拉杆式投篮(verb)  fade-away shot:后仰式跳投  hook shot:钩射投篮  jump shot:跳投  layup:带球上篮  perimeter shot:中距离投篮  set shot:立定投篮   three-point shot:三分球  NBA 各种统计术语  assist:助功  block shot:阻攻,盖火锅儿  defensive rebound:防守篮板球  field goal percentage:投球命中率  field goal:投球命中  free throw percentage:罚球命中率    free throw:罚球offensive rebound:进攻篮板球    rebound:篮板球  scoring:得分  steal:抄截  three-point shot percentage:三分球命中率  turnover:失误  场地装备篇  backboard:篮板  back court:后场  freethrow lane:罚球圈,禁区  freethrow line:罚球线  front court:前场  game clock:比赛用时钟   halftime:中场休息时间  hoop:篮框,篮圈  mid-court:中场  net:篮网  painted area:罚球圈,禁区  restricted area near the basket:禁区内篮框下的小圆圈区域  rim:篮框,篮圈  scoring table:记录台,记分台  shot clock:时限钟(进攻方在24秒内必须投篮,并且球必须触及篮框,否则即违例)   three-point line:三分(球)线  top of the circle:靠近禁区顶端之三分(球)线附近  wing:(左、右两边)底线区域

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: NBA篮球实用英语口语,打篮球的来围观咯规则篇  blocking foul:阻挡犯规  buzzer:(比赛用的)蜂鸣器(表示时间终了,换人…等)  charging foul:(带球)撞人(犯规)  dead ball:死球(停止比赛进行时段)  defensive basket interference:防守方干扰投篮得分  delay of game:阻碍比赛之正常进行  disqualification:犯满离场,"毕业"  double dribble:两次运球(违例)  ejection:驱逐出场  elbowing:打拐子  expiration (of game, first half…):(全场比赛,上半场…的比赛)时间终了  first half:上半场  first (second, third, fourth) period:比赛的第一(第二,第三,第四)节  five ticks left on the (game clock, shot clock…):(全场比赛,时限钟上…的)时间只剩下5秒钟  flagrant foul:恶性犯规  foul:犯规  foul out:犯满离场,"毕业"  foul trouble:快要犯满离场,"领到一张准毕业证书"  full timeout:全时(100秒的)暂停  goaltending:干扰投篮得分  hand-checking:以手掌推挡对方进攻球员之犯规动作  held ball:持球(双方均持球不放)  illegal defense:防守违例  illegal offense:进攻违例(见isolation)  isolation:四位进攻球员在一边,而由第五位球员单吃对方防守球员  jump ball:争球,跳球  loose ball foul:双方均无持球权时的犯规(通常发生于双方争夺篮板球时)  offensive basket interference:进攻方干扰投篮得分  out of bound:球出界线(千万不要说outside)  overtime:加时赛,延长赛  referee:裁判  second half:下半场  shot clock violation:违反24秒内必须投篮(并且球必须触及篮框)时限之规定  substitute:换人(上场、下场)  suspension:停止出赛(之处罚)  technical foul:技术犯规  ten-second violation:进攻方10秒钟内未带球过中场之违例  three-second violation:(篮下)3秒钟之违例  throw a punch:出拳打架  throw in:发球入场  traveling:(带球)走步  twenty-second timeout:只有20秒钟之暂停  walking:(带球)走步

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: NBA篮球实用英语口语,打篮球的来围观咯1. Jordan made his much-anticipated return before a sellout crowd at Madison Square Garden.  Jordan在万众期盼下重返美国职篮联盟,首场在(纽约的)麦迪生广场花园(球场)的比赛座无虚席。  sellout:门票售罄。  a sellout crowd:满座,客满,座无虚席。  SRO:比赛、音乐会,电影的门票售罄时,常挂出「SRO」的牌子,SRO就是Standing Room Only的头字语(每个单前缀个字母的组合字),意为「(座票售罄)只剩站票」。  2. He was cheered during player introductions, jeered when he tossed up an airball less than three minutes into the game and scrutinized on every move the rest of the night.  在介绍球员出场时他(Jordan)受到观众的欢呼;比赛进行到三分钟时,他投出一个「篮外空心球」也引起观众的讪笑;接下来的整晚比赛,观众的焦点都集中在他身上。  cheered:欢呼。  jeered:嘲笑,糗。cheered和jeered是一对押韵的反义字,你注意到了吗?  airball:没碰到篮框的「篮外空心球」;「面包」。  on every move:一举一动。  the rest of the night:今晚比赛从此之后,「后来整场比赛」。  scrutinized:不是普通的「观看、观察」,而是很仔细地「观看、观察」。  3. Jordan's first touch 10 seconds into the game resulted in a pass to Laettner for a shot that clanged off the rim.  比赛进行到十秒钟时,Jordan首度接到球,然后他传给了Laettner,Laettner投篮,碰到篮框而弹出来。 .  rim:篮框  clanged off the rim:clanged本来是指金属物体被撞击到时所发出的声音,亦即它是个拟声字,现在拿来当动词用,让你感觉「撞击声」,是很生动的用字;比用「碰到 touched」或「弹回bounced」要高明一点,你同意吗?球碰到篮框(rim)而弹「离开(回来)」,其中表示「离开」的介系词用off.  4. “Last year we probably would have lost this game by double digits,” said Nets coach Byron Scott.  网队教练Byron Scott说,「换作去年的话,这场比赛我们可能要输十分以上。」  double digits:两位数(字)。就比赛分数而言,就是「十分」。此处介系词用by,有「相差」的意思。  “Last year we probably would have lost this game by double digits,” 这句中用了would have +p.p. 是一种假设语气。意思是说「如果我们还是去年的阵容的话,这场比赛我们可能要输十分以上」;但是今年,我们有了不同的阵容—事实上,今天这场比赛不但没有输十分以上,而且还赢了。  5. Kidd, acquired from Phoenix in a blockbuster deal for fellow All-Star point guard Stephon Marbury, also stepped up on defense.  在(纽泽西网队)与凤凰城太阳队进行大规模球员交易时,以同样也是明星球员的Stephon Marbury交换来的Kidd也加强了(全队的)防御力量。  a blockbuster deal:球队之间「大规模的球员交易」。纽泽西网队用Stephon Marbury交换凤凰城太阳队的Jason Kidd,这句里的「交换」变成英文时,用介系词for就可以了!  stepped up:字面上是「站出来、挺身而出」的意思。“…also stepped up on defense”意为「也加强了(全队的)防御力量」。  6. Indiana connected on 21 of its first 29 from the field in opening a 45-28 lead with 7:34 left in the first half.  印地安纳溜马队前29次投篮有21次中的,到了上半场比赛进行到七分三十四秒的时候,已拉开到45:28的领先比数。  这里的connected不是「连接」而是「投篮命中」的意思;connected on 21 of its first 29意为「前29 次投篮命中21球」。  7. Wells then sank two straight jumpers to put the game out of reach at 92-87 with 1:53 to go.  比赛还剩一分三十五秒前,Wells连续两次跳投中的,使比数拉开到92比87,使得对方回天乏术。  out of reach:追赶不及。  sank two straight jumpers:连续两次跳投命中。此处sank是「投篮命中」的另一种说法,不是「下沉」。不同于「跳投」(jumper)的投篮方法还有:  lay-up:带球上篮。  reverse lay-up:反手带球上篮。  hook (shot):钩射。  dunk:灌篮。  jam:灌篮。  reverse dunk:反手灌篮。  slam dunk:强力灌篮。dunk、jam和 slam都可以当动词用。  bank shot:擦板球。bank还可以当动词用。  tap in:托[拍]球(进篮框)。  “fade-away” shot:「后仰式」投篮。  “double pump”:「拉杆式」投篮。  8. Starting at shooting guard in place of Derek Anderson, who has a sprained right ankle, Wells resembled his old, quick self Wednesday night.  Wells代替扭伤了脚踝的Derek Anderson担任先发得分后卫,看起来像是已恢复他过去快动作的水准。  starting:先发。篮球比赛中,两对各有五位先发球员。  starter:先发球员。  bench player:「后发」球员,替补球员,板凳球员。  bench warmer:上场时间很少的球员,通常在场「下」把板凳都坐暖了。  sixth man:替补球员中最好的球员,通常是第六个上场(第一个替补)的球员。  shooting guard:得分后卫。  in place of:代替。「代替」在中文是动词,然而在英文中可用介系词词组in place of来表达。  Wells resembled his old, quick self:Wells看起来像「过去动作敏捷速的自己」,也就是「恢复他过去快动作的水准」。  sprained:扭伤(脚踝、膝盖、肌肉…)。  …Anderson, who has a sprained right ankle,  请注意!Anderson与who之间的逗点是必要的:这是关系子句的「非限定用法」,夹在in place of Derek Anderson 和Wells resembled之间,用来补充说明Derek Anderson(扭伤了脚踝)。如果没有逗点,是属于「限定用法」,强调「那个扭伤了脚踝的Derek Anderson」—似乎在暗示另外还有一个「没有扭伤脚踝的Derek Anderson」。除非真的有两个Derek Anderson— 一个扭伤了脚踝,另一个没有 —否则没有必要「限定」到底是指哪一个Derek Anderson.  9…… Rasheed Wallace missed all 10 of his first-half shots and scored just 10 points on 2-of-17 shooting. He was 6-of-8 from the line.  Rasheed Wallace在上半场比赛中投十球全部落空;全场投十七中二,罚八进六。  2-of-17 shooting:投篮十七次命中两次。  6-of-8 from the line:投罚球八次命中六次。the line指「罚球线」(free-throw line)。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: NBA篮球实用英语口语,打篮球的来围观咯1. "I don't think we ran out of gas……"  我不认为(我队的输球)是因为体力不继的关系。  ran out of gas:gas代表一种能量,在球场上指的是体力。因此,ran out of gas 就是「耗尽体力」。请注意,此处动词用 run,是「用」的意思;run out of money就是「没钱用了、钱花光了」。  2. Minnesota dished out 39 assists and turned the ball over just nine times.  明尼苏达(灰狼队)在比赛中有39次助攻,仅有9次失误。  dished out:传球给队友使其轻松得分。用「端盘子出去」来比喻「传球出去」。「助攻」的动词表达法。  assist:「名词」助攻,也可以当做动词用。  turned the ball over:将控球权「转(turn)」「过去(over)」(到对方手中),也就是「失误」。名词是 turnover,但在英文中既可用动词表达(turn the ball over)也可用名词表达(have a turnover)。  3. After holding off the short-handed Miami Heat 86-82 Thursday night for just the second 4-0 start in franchise history, coach George Karl lashed out at his players for their lackadaisical attitude and sloppy play.  周四晚的比赛中,(公鹿队)以86比82力克短缺人手的迈阿密(热浪队),是队史上第二度以连续四胜展开新球季。比赛结束后教练 George Karl把他的球员痛骂一顿,指责他们比赛时未尽全力、马马虎虎的态度。  4. My momentum had me all totally off-balance. I pump-faked. I knew I had him. I saw him jumping. I was trying my best just to get into him, try to go into his body. But I had already lost my footing.  我的冲劲使我完全失去平衡。我做了个投篮的假动作,我知道对手被我的假动作骗过去了。  momentum:动量;惯性;(一股往前的)冲劲。  pump-faked:投篮的假动作:举起球,状似投篮,又放下。这种举起又放下求的动作,和帮浦(pump)的往复动作类似。「拉杆投篮」的动作是先举起球,放下,再做一次投篮动作,英文是double pump.  I had him:此处的 had是「欺骗」的意思,是及物动词,可以有被动式。Madonna著名的歌曲Like A Virgin中就有一句 "I've been had." (我上过当)。不过在 "I had him in the argument." (我在辩论中击败了他)和 "I had him there." (我以那一点击了他)中 had 意指(在竞赛、辩论中)击败……(对手)或占上风的意思,不可有进行式也没有被动式。  5. Elden Campbell was called for goaltending when be blocked an off-balance shot by Duncan.  Duncan身形不稳投出一球,被 Elden Campbell盖了一记火锅,但是被裁判吹「防守方封篮违例」。  goaltending:「防守方封篮违例」。依NBA篮球规则,投篮后,球在篮框正上方(虚拟的圆柱体内)无论进攻方或防守方均不得碰触,否则为违例。如为「进攻方封篮违例」则得分不算,「防守方封篮违例」时,不论球进与否,均算得分。  6. The Nets' second-stringers played a big part in a 17-4 fourth-quarter spurt that decided the game.  网队的二线球员在第四节比赛中有突出的表现,打出一波17比4的攻势,奠定了胜利。  second-stringers:二线球员。表示「担任副手的角色」可用一句 play the second fiddle 的成语。string指弦乐器的「弦」,second fiddle只管弦乐团的第二小提琴手的职位。  7. Kidd iced the game with a 3-point field goal and a jumper on which he lost his shoe.  Kidd投进一记三分球,又投进一记两分球,确保比赛的胜利,并且在投两分球时脱落了一只鞋。  iced the game:iced做为动词用,意为「确使」……(成功)。  8. Bradley and James Posey of the Nuggets each received personal fouls and technicals after getting tangled up under the Dallas basket while jostling for rebound positioning in the second quarter.  在第二节比赛中,Bradley与(丹佛)金块队的 James Posey在达拉斯(小牛队)篮下为了抢篮板球卡位而「纠缠」、「推挤」在一起,各自被吹一次个人犯规及一次技术犯规。  technicals:技术犯规,technical是technical foul的简称。  tangled up:纠缠。  jostling:推挤。  positioning:(取得、占到)某有利位置,position当做动词来用;因为是jostling for中介系词for的受词,因而必须使用动名词的形式。  9. G Nick Van Exel is leading the NBA in scoring. But the Nuggets are not exactly celebrating. No one else on the team has been finding the mark, so Van Exel has become offensive option Nos. 1, 2, and 3.  后卫 Nick Van Exel目前在NBA的个人得分领先群伦,实际上对(丹佛)金块队不是的庆祝的好现象。全队一直找不出其它任何射手,于是进攻时,一号射手是他,二号射手也是他,三号射手还是他。  G:后卫(guard)。  SG:得分后卫(shooting guard)。  PG:控球后卫(point guard),也称为「组织后卫」。  has been finding the mark:「完成进行时态」,表示该动作「起始于过去」时间,「延续到现在」,并且暗示还要「继续下去」。finding the mark是「找到目标(篮框)」,亦即「得分」。  offensive option Nos. 1, 2, and 3:NBA的进攻战术是首先传球给得分能力最强的队员出手投篮,这个队员是进攻时的第一选择(出手投篮的人)。由于金块队缺乏射手,所以说第一选择、第二选择、第三选择都是Nick Van Exel.  not exactly:并非真正地……;实际上不是……。例:The two were not exactly friends.那两个人并非真正的朋友。not exactly常在回答问题时用来表示「不完全正确」、「不见得」的意思。例如:You scored 600 in TOEFL; you must have studied for a long time.「你托福考600分,一定K了好久吧?」Not exactly. I studied for only one week. 「才不呢。我只K了一星期。」  10. Hawks forward Chris Crawford tore the anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee in a second-quarter collision with the Spurs' Malik Rose.  在比赛第二节时亚特兰大老鹰队的 Chris Crawford 与圣安东尼(马刺队)的Malik Rose相撞,以致左膝前十字韧带拉伤。  anterior cruciate ligament:前十字韧带,缩写成ACL.cruci-表「十字」之意。anterior 一字的 ante-表「前」之意。顺便提一下与 anterior 相同字尾的单字:posterior:「后面的」;interior;「里面的」;exterior:「外面的」;ulterior:另有用意的,别有用心的。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: NBA篮球实用英语口语,打篮球的来围观咯1. The Cleveland Cavaliers and San Antonio Spurs were trading one-point leads in the third quarter before Steve Smith took over.  克里夫兰骑士队与圣安东尼马刺队在比赛第三节交替以一分领先对手,一直到 Steve Smith掌握了大局。  trading one-point leads:trade本意是「以物易物」的意思。如果甲队队领先乙队一分,乙队投进一球倒领先一分;接下来甲队也投进一球再度领先一分。如此,双方你来我往,交替以一分领先对手,像是互相买卖,用上 trade 这个字,可说是十分贴切。  took over:take over有「接管」、「接办」、「接替」、「继任」及其它的意思,此处是比喻Steve Smith的连续得分终止了拉锯战,彷佛「接管」、主宰了比赛。  2. Gill, meanwhile, fractured the small finger on his left hand.  同时,Gill左手的小指骨折。  fractured:骨折。fracture可以当做「名词」也可以「动词」用。a fractured finger 中的 fractured是 fracture当「动词」时的过去分词形式,是「形容词」的作用,也可以说 a broken finger.  small finger:小指,也可以说 little finger.无名指:ring finger,中指:middle finger,食指:index finger,拇指:thumb,脚大拇指:big toe,脚小拇指:little toe,其它的脚拇指没有特别名称,依次序称为 second toe、third toe 和 fourth toe.  3. Jones scored five of his points in overtime to help the Heat snap a two-game losing streak.  Jones在延长赛时得到5分使迈阿密(热浪队)终止二连败。  snap:本意是指「突然断掉」,此处着重在「中断」,亦即「终止」之意。  streak:指比赛的「连续」的胜败; winning streak 连胜,连败。  4. Tariq Abdul-Wahad, the Denver Nuggets' best defensive player, will have an MRI exam Friday and undergo arthroscopic surgery Saturday on his left knee.  丹佛金块对的最佳防守球员Tariq Abdul-Wahad将于星期五接受「核磁共振造影术」检查,并于星期六进行左膝的「骨关节镜手术」。  MRI exam:过去常用来帮助诊断病情的「计算机断层扫描术」是 computer tomography(简称CT)。后来发展出3D扫描的 MRI「核磁共振造影术」,全名是 magnetic consonance imaging.另外还有一种 PET「正子放射断层扫描术」,全名是 positron emission tomography.  arthroscopic: arthro-或arthri-是表示「关节」的前缀,例如 arthropod是「身体有很多「节」的「节足动物」(-pod是「足」、「脚」的意思),arthritis是「关节炎」(-itis是「发炎」的意思)。-scope表「观察…的器具,…镜,…检查器」的字尾,例如,telescope望远镜,gastroscope胃内视镜, stethoscope (医生的)听诊器。-scopic是-scope的形容词字尾。  5. Marshall went to the line with 15.6 seconds remaining in overtime, with Kittles jawing at him as he stepped up.  延长赛终了前15.6秒,(爵士队)Marshall获得罚球机会;(篮网队) Kittles在Marshall站上罚球线时在一旁碎碎念。  the line:即the "free throw line" 罚球线。  jawing:「碎碎念」,「嘀嘀咕咕」讲一些有的没有的。  stepped up:挺身而出,站出来。  6. "Winning is the cure all," guard Greg Anthony said after the Bulls routed Houston 103-75 Tuesday night, sending the tired and depleted Rockets to their seventh straight loss.  星期二晚公牛队以103比75痛宰休斯敦(火箭队) ,使筋疲力竭的火箭队吞下七连败。后卫 Greg Anthony说,「赢球才是万灵丹。」  cure all:能治百病者,即是「万灵丹」,它的同义字是 panacea.  sending…to their seventh straight loss:此处的send (someone) to…是「逼使」(某人)落到…的地步。  depleted:使…「耗尽、枯竭」;累「呆」了,也可说dead tired(此处 dead为「副词」,是「极为…」的意思)。  7. Martin and Rogers received double technical fouls on the play that led to Rogers' flagrant foul. Martin took exception to the foul and practically wrestled Rogers down to the ground after being fouled.  Rogers 的恶性犯规造成他和 Martin被裁判吹「双方技术犯规」。Martin被恶性犯规后,心有不甘,几乎将 Rogers 用摔角的方式摆平在地上。  flagrant foul:「恶性犯规」。NBA规则中把「恶性犯规」分成两级:轻者判一次技术犯规,重者判两次技术犯规,并驱逐出场(to be ejected)。  took exception to…:1. (对…) 反对,(对…)表示异议;2. (对…)有反感,(对…感到)生气。  practically:几乎。  wrestled:用摔角的方式扭打。日式摔角(相扑)是 sumo wrestling,简称 sumo.  8. We've got to get him saying, 'In your face,' and 'Your mama,' and that stuff," said McHale.  McHale说,我们必须教会他说「在你面前」、「你妈…」之类的话。  In your face:意思是说,我就是要「在你面前」得分灌篮、盖火锅,你能奈我何?挑衅意味很强的一句话。  Your mama:暗指对方是「妈妈的乖宝宝」,妈妈吩咐什么就做什么,是个软脚虾,等于在说对方是个 wimp或 nerd.  stuff:…之类,叫不出名堂的东西;有人用blah, blah, blah…类似中文的「等等等…」。  9. We're working on that, it's coming slowly. I'm waiting for him to get a technical by hanging on the rim, then swinging, then slapping the backboard. "It's still 101, we're going to work on the advanced courses later.  我们还在努力,达成目标会慢一点。我心理准备好有朝一日他会因为「吊在篮框上,还摆一摆身体,拍两拍篮板」被裁判吹技术犯规。现在他的功力才只不过还在「初级课程」的阶段,我们准备以后训练他达到「高级课程段」的地步。  technical:技术犯规,是 technical foul 的简称。  101:初级课程。美国大学课程的代号,通常编号101的多是「初级课程」。  10. Los Angeles Clippers star Lamar Odom was reinstated by the NBA on Wednesday after being suspended for violating terms of the league's anti-drug policy. The 22-year-old forward will be eligible to play Thursday night against the New Jersey Nets at Staples Center.  因未遵守反毒规定而被 NBA 联盟禁止出赛的洛杉矶快艇队明星球员 Lamar Odom在星期三解除禁赛的处分。这位22岁的前锋将于星期四晚间返回 Staples Center 球场出战纽泽西篮网队。  reinstated:恢复资格、权利。  suspended:停止…的权利,在NBA来说就是禁止出场比赛;就学生而言,就是停学,就汽、机车驾驶人而言,就是吊扣驾驶执照。  eligible:符合资格的,与qualified略有不同,后者指「具有足够能力的」。其「名词」形式为eligibility,意为「资格(性)」。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: NBA篮球实用英语口语,打篮球的来围观咯1. Vince Carter, dubbed "Air Canada" for his Michael Jordan-like leaping ability and acrobatic dunks, has never faced Jordan in a NBA game before.  因具有像 Michael Jordan 般弹跳能力与空中移步的妙技而被取了个「加拿大飞人」的绰号的Vince Carter,从来没有和 Jordan 交过手。  dubbed:古时国王封爵位时,以剑在受爵者的肩上轻轻点一下。这个动作称为 dub.现在「封给」某人一个绰号就借用了这个字。  Air Canada:Michael Jordan的绰号是 Air Jordan,而 Vince Carter 是加拿大恐龙队的王牌明星球员。Air Canada 就是在比喻 Vince Carter 是加拿大的Michael Jordan.恰好Air Canada也是加拿大最大的航空公司。  acrobatic:像是高空平衡走钢索、空中飞人、翻筋斗等高难度动作表演的。  2. LaFrentz had eight points in the final period, including a pair of 3-pointers that ignited the Nuggets' surge.  LaFrentz在比赛最后一节中得到8分,包括两记三分球,并发动金块队的一轮猛攻。  ignited:本来是「引燃」、「点火」之意,并可以用来指「发动」汽车的引擎,更进一步用来比喻「发动」、「发起」某个事件。  surge:本来是本来是「涌至的波浪」,后来也指「突然而来的(电)波」,此处则用来比喻得分「如波浪接二连三涌至」。  3. The officer stopped him and, based upon evidence that he was drinking, the officer arrested Mr. Francis and took him to central patrol, where he was booked for DWI.  警官要 Francis 停车。因为他握有 Francis 饮酒的证据而将 Francis 逮捕,并且将 Francis 留置于巡逻中心记录他酒醉驾车的事实。  stopped him:stopped在此处为「及物动词」,意为「使…停下来」。  based upon evidence that he was drinking:「that + 叙述句」= 「名词子句」,"that he was drinking"这个「名词子句」是evidence的同位语。  DWI:是 Driving While Intoxicated酒醉驾车的「头字语」。  booked:「登记」入册。book当做「动词」用,「预约」旅馆、机票、座位、就医…等,也用book这个字,因为所谓「预约」就是先「登记」名字以保留住旅馆、买机票、订座位、就医…等的优先权利。  4. The Raptors played with heavy hearts Dec. 23 after watching assistant coach Stan Albeck suffer a stroke before their game against the Heat.  12月23日晚比赛前,因为恐龙队助理教练Stan Albeck中风,球员都带着沉重的心情出战(迈阿密)热浪队。  with heavy hearts:带着沉重的心情。  suffer a stroke:中风。中文里「中风」可以当做「动词」或「名词」,但英文里的「中风」stroke只用做「名词」,因此务必要学会以「动词」suffer 或 have 搭配 stroke.stroke 虽然是疾病名称(通常为「不可数名词」),但是必须加上不定冠词 a.  5. Martin was assessed a flagrant foul late in Saturday's loss after delivering a right forearm to the face of Malone as he drove to basket on a fastbreak in the fourth quarter.  在周六败阵的比赛中,近第四节尾声时分,Martin在 Malone 快攻带球上篮时用右臂给了他一记「拐子」,被裁判吹了一次恶意犯规。  assessed:本意是「课以(税金、罚款)」之意,此处是「给予」处罚之意。  flagrant foul:恶意犯规。  delivering a right forearm:挥右臂(打拐子)。delivering是「加以(重击)」之意。  drove to basket:带球上篮。  fastbreak:快攻。  6. Billups split the defense with 4:13 left in the first quarter to cap a 10-2 run that put Minnesota ahead 25-14.  第一节比赛还剩下4分钟13秒时,Billups突破防守,完成一波 10 比 2 的攻势,使明尼苏达(灰狼队)以 25 比 14 领先对手。  split:原意是「使…裂开」,例如:「劈柴」,引申为「使…分开」,做「及物动词」用,此处是指「突破」防守。也可以当做「不及物动词」用,意为「分开、裂开」,例如:一条路「分岔」为两条路,裤子太紧被撑得「裂开」,都可用split.  cap a 10-2 run:cap是「完成」、「结束」之意。  put Minnesota ahead:put … ahead是「置…于前面」。  7. Two or three weeks ago, we might have crumbled under the pressure. We stayed poised. This team has really progressed in the right direction."  若是在两、三星期以前,我们可能在压力下溃不成军,但是我们保持沉着不乱。显然我球队是朝着正确的方向进步。  we might have crumbled under the pressure:用的是「假设语气」,表示「本来可能会 crumbled under the pressure而没有变成这样」。  crumbled:本意是「粉碎」,也可用来比喻建筑物的「崩塌」、势力的「瓦解」、希望的「破灭」。  stayed poised:stay是「维持…的状态」,后面加上「形容词」做为「主词补语」;用法类似的字还有 keep,remain,hold…等。  poised:(形容「人」)沉着的,泰然自若的。  8. With 9 1/2 minutes to play and the Lakers trailing by 12, Bryant turned to a heckler behind the scorer's table and said, "It's a long game. I wouldn't cheer too much if I was you."  比赛剩九分半钟,湖人还落后 12 分时,Bryant 对坐在记录台后面的一位喝倒采的观众说:比赛结束尚早;如果我换做你,绝不会那样子过头地喝采。  With 9 1/2 minutes to play:此处的 with 是「有」的意思。中文里的「有」是动词,而在英文里,有时候可用介系词 with 来替用。可见得中英互译时,单字的「词性」并不一定要对等。  trailing:落后。「落后」trail 的反义字「领先」是 lead.  heckler:起哄、喝倒采的人。  I wouldn't cheer too much if I was you.这句话用的是「假设语气」,说 if I was you其实是错误的;正确的说法应该是 if I were you.(老外也会有文法错误!!!)  9. The Lakers reeled off a 15-2 string to take a 17-6 lead seven minutes into the game, but Houston came back to narrow the gap to 21-16 by the end of the opening period.  湖人队在比赛进行到7分钟时,打出一波 15 比 2 的攻势取得 17 比 6 的领先,但是被休斯敦(火箭队)追上,到比赛第一节结束时已把比分拉近到 21 比 16.  reeled off a 15-2 string:原指钓鱼时放线(收线是 reel in),带有「轻松一连串取分」的意味。  seven minutes into the game:这样的用法比较简洁,而不必说 seven minutes after the game started.  narrow the gap:字面是「缩小了缝隙」之意,在篮球英语中就是「把比分拉近」的意思。narrow除了当「形容词」外也可以当「动词」用。  10. "They are a championship-caliber team," Pierce said. "You can't afford to get down 18 points like we did. If you do, you might as well pack your bags."  Pierce说:他们是个具有冠军水准的队伍;没有任何一队有落后 18 分的本钱-就像我们一样。如果哪一队真的落后18分,那不如卷铺盖走路吧。  championship-caliber:具有冠军队伍水准的。caliber,原指「枪管、炮管、子弹、炮弹…等」的口径尺寸,在此处意为「品质」,相当于 quality 的意思。  can't afford:付不起…的代价。afford是「付得起…」的意思,但是经常用在「否定句」与「疑问句」中。afford后面可以接实际有价值的「名词」或具抽象价值的「名词」;后面接「动词」时,必须用「不定词」的型式。  might as well:倒不如…。  pack your bags:卷铺盖、收拾行李,意为必输无疑,「准备败阵而返」。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: NBA篮球实用英语口语,打篮球的来围观咯1. Williams tried to hide his frustrations by hollering at the basket support, but official Mark Wunderlich walked the baseline in time to hear Williams colorful description of the no-call.  Williams想要掩藏他的失望,对着篮球架的柱子不满地大吼,但是裁判Mark Wunderlich恰好游走在底线而听见他对裁判没有吹哨所做说「多采多姿的」的话。  hollering:因为不满以大吼的方式表示抱怨。「对着」某事物或人的介系词用 at 搭配。  support:支撑物,指篮球架的柱子。  walked the baseline:沿着底线而行。walk在此处为「及物动词」,因此不需要接介系词 along.  colorful description:colorful是「多采多姿的」、「生动的」之意。这种「多采多姿的」的话多半都不是好话,因此带有一点讽刺的意味。  no-call:应该吹犯规或违例而未吹。但是,如果说 good no-call,是因为本来就没有犯规或违例而未吹,不吹犯规或违例是正确的。  2. Jones suffered a gash on the top of his head in a third-quarter collision, took seven stitches, and returned with 5:49 left to play.  在比赛第三节时Jones撞到头,使得他头顶开花而缝了7针;必比赛尚余5分49秒时,他返回场上续战。  suffered:受了…伤。  gash:裂缝,裂开。  took seven stitches:缝了7针。此处的「针」可以用缝纫的术语stitch,但是「缝」却不能用缝纫的术语 sew 而要用 take.  3. Golden State's Marc Jackson and Charlotte's Jamaal Magloire were ejected with 10:20 to play for scuffling under the basket. They became entangled while going after a rebound and were close to throwing punches when teammates separated them.  在比赛剩下 10 分 20 秒时,金州勇士队的Marc Jackson和夏洛特黄蜂队的 Jamaal Magloire 在篮下扭打成一团,双双被驱逐出场。他们是在抢篮板球时起了冲突。当队友把他们拉开时,俩人几乎就快要出拳扁对方了。  were ejected:另一种说法是 were thrown out of the game.eject是「驱逐出场」; expel 这个字也是同义字,但于运动方面时,eject较常用。战斗机出了紧急状况,飞行员要跳伞求生时,发动机关使自己从坐位上「弹出」机舱,也用 eject 这个字。另外,从录音机取出卡带,从CD音响退出 CD片,从 DVD 机退出 DVD 片也都是用 eject.  4. Martin caused a fracas at the end of Orlando's 109-96 win over New Jersey by knocking McGrady to the floor with a forearm on a layup attempt with 2:57 to play.  在纽泽西篮网队与奥兰多魔术队比赛还剩2分57秒时,Martin准备带球上篮并用拐子把 McGrady打倒在地板上,引起一场打闹。最后纽泽西篮网队以 109 比 96 取胜奥兰多魔术队。  fracas:喧闹,吵闹,打闹。  win over New Jersey:甲队胜乙队,win 后面介系词用 over;甲队败给乙队, loss 后面介系词用to.  knocking McGrady to the floor:knock当做「撞(倒)」之意时,是「及物动词」。请注意!knock当做「敲门」之意时,是「不及物动词」,因此不能说 knock the door 而必须在 knock 和 the door 之间加上介系词 on 或 at.  5. Kenyon Martin is developing a reputation as a dirty player, and his latest transgression —— a flagrant foul against Tracy McGrady —— might lead to his second suspension in less than three weeks.  Kenyon Martin打球很「脏」的恶名开始传开。他最近的罪行-对 Tracy McGrady 的恶性犯规 - 可能导致他在不到三星期之内二度被罚停赛。  transgression:罪,罪行。  lead to:导致。  in less than three weeks:在不到三星期之内。  suspension:「停赛」、「禁止出场比赛」。「停学」处罚、「吊销(扣)」驾照,也都用suspension.  6. But Stackhouse and Atkins hit back-to-back jumpers, then Stackhouse blocked Ilgauskas' shot and hit two free throws at the other end to make the score 90-82.  但是 Stackhouse 和 Atkins 连续跳投得分,然后 Stackhouse赏了Stackhouse一记「火锅」,又在前场罚进两球,使比数成为90比82.  back-to-back:「连续的」。「连续两场比赛」是 back-to-back games,「连续三场比赛」可以说 back-to-back-to-back games.  7. The Kings caught the Suns flat-footed to start the game, hitting five of six 3-point attempts en route to a 23-7 lead with 6:03 left in the first period.  国王队在比赛一开始就让太阳队措手不及,三分球六投中五,在第一节比赛还剩 6 分 03 秒时把比数一路飙到 23 比 7.  caught the Suns flat-footed:catch (someone) flat-footed是「使某人措手不及」之意。  attempts:出手投篮(企图得分)。  en route to…:en route 是「法文」,意为「经由…的路途向…而去」,引申为「一路…达成…的结果」。  8. Playing in front of their franchise-record fifth straight home sellout and ninth this season, the Clippers beat the Bucks for the eighth time in their last 11 meetings in Los Angeles despite blowing the big lead.  在创新球队纪录的连续五场,也是本季球赛的第 9 场满座观众面前,快艇队虽然从大幅领先变成落后,但终于赢得在洛杉矶主场近 11 场比赛的第 8 场胜利。  franchise-record:球队纪录。franchise是「加盟球队」。Steve Francis 是火箭队的镇队之宝(franchise player),因姓式 Francis 的拼字与 franchise 类似,因此绰号 Steve "Franchise".  fifth straight:连续第五场。  sellout:客满,满座,门票售罄。还有一种说法是 have a capacity crowd,capacity是指体育馆(或剧院、音乐厅…等)的全满座位数量。  despite:「虽然」、「即使」,是「介系词」而不是「连接词」,后面接「名词」。  9. The Miami Heat blew a chance at finally scoring 100 points. But they didn't let a win slip out of their grasp.  迈阿密热浪队本来得分可以破百却搞砸了。不过,他们并没有让到手的胜利溜走。  blew a chance:blew就是「把…事搞砸了」,是「及物动词」,后面接搞砸了的事件。  slip out of their grasp:slip out of…是「从…溜掉」,grasp是指(胜利的)「掌握」。  10. The Clippers especially faltered at the free-throw line, where they went just 14-for-25, missing three in overtime. None were as costly, though, as the two Lamar Odom missed right before Davis' game winning shot.  快艇队特别是在罚球方面屡屡失手,罚25球仅中14,延长赛中更是三度落空。然而当 Lamar Odom 在 Davis 投入致胜的那球之前恰好两罚不中,影响全局代价至高。  faltered at the free-throw line:falter原意是「支支吾吾」、「说话结结巴巴」、「迟疑」。当(汽车、机车)引擎反反复覆似将熄火又没熄火,彷佛在「迟疑」到底要不要熄火,可以用 falter 这个字来描述这样的动作,而且还可以用它的同义字 hesitate 来表达。此处 faltered at the free-throw line 字面上是「在罚球在线迟疑」,是用来比喻「罚球一会儿进,一会儿不进」不能连续罚进球的「迟疑」现象。  "None were as costly, though, as the two Lamar Odom missed right before Davis' game winning shot." 里的 though 不是连接词而是副词。它插在句中,有着「转变语气」的作用。一般在解读句子时,可以先暂时忽略插入的字句,这样会比较容易理解句子。本句成为 "None were as costly as the two Lamar Odom missed right before Davis' game winning shot.",是个 as… as 的句型;Lamar Odom missed…是修饰 the two 的关系子句,前面的 which (that) 因为是关系子句动词 missed 的受词,因而被省略了。本句可以看成 "None were as costly as the two (which) Lamar Odom missed." 句中 though 的副词用法,也可以将它放在句尾,如:"None were as costly as the two Lamar Odom missed right before Davis' game winning shot, though." 句中 " right" before…是「恰好」在…之前。  另外,并非所有以 -ly 结尾的单字都是形容词; costly 就是个形容词。通常名词后面加上-ly结尾的单字是形容词,如:friend 是名词,加上字尾 -ly 后,friendly 成为形容词;形容词后面加上 -ly 结尾的单字才是副词,如:different 是形容词,后面加上-ly 结尾后,differently 成为副词。只有少数的名词以-ly结尾,如:anomaly「反常」。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: NBA篮球实用英语口语,打篮球的来围观咯1. Abdur-Rahim and Houston's Kenny Thomas were ejected late in the third quarter after their battle for position in the lane escalated into a fight. Both threw punches before being separated along the baseline.  在比赛第三节,Abdur-Rahim 与休斯敦(火箭队的) Kenny Thomas 从在禁区卡位演变成一场干架后,双双被驱逐出场。两人在底线附近互殴后被队友拉开。  ejected:驱逐出场。NBA规定,球员在球场上只要挥拳,立刻驱逐出场不赦,另加罚款,更严重者禁赛若干场。  battle for position:抢占有利位置。  in the lane:此处 lane 指「禁区」、「三秒钟区」,又叫做 painted area 或 key area.  escalated:(战情)节节升高,(战情)扩大。「电扶梯」是 escalator,与「电梯」elevator不同。  threw punches:挥拳揍人。  2. Sixers coach Larry Brown said. "We didn't handle their pick-and-roll or dribble penetration and we didn't talk a few times. You name it, we got exposed.  76人队教练 Larry Brown 说:「我们挡不住他们的「挡切战术」或「带球切入」,我们沟通不良。总而言之,我们是露洞百出。」  pick -and-roll:「挡切战术」。pick是「单挡掩护」,又可说 screen.为队友「做」单挡掩护可说 set pick (for somebody) 或 set screen (for somebody)。「传切战术」是 give-and-go.  dribble:「运球」。两次「运球」是 double dribble.  penetration:突破,切入。  You name it:(千千万万个理由)随你怎么说,想说什么就说什么,总而言之。  we got exposed:意为「对方使我方暴露(出弱点)」,请注意本句是「get + 过去分词」的句型,get 是「使…成为(某种状态)」之意。  3. The Wizards again played short-handed, Richard Hamilton, the scorer who can best draw defenses away from Jordan, won't be back until next month, and Christian Laettner was sidelined again with a charley horse.  魔法师队再度兵源短缺。除了 Jordan 以外最能吸引对方防守力的在 Richard Hamilton,在月底前将无法上场,而 Christian Laettner因为筋肉拉伤也挂病号。  short-handed:人手短缺,缺少人手的。  was sidelined:(被要求)坐在场边 (sideline),通常是因为受伤无法上场比赛。此处把 sideline 当做动词用。  charley horse:筋肉僵硬,抽筋。charley 应该用大写字母开头 (Charley)。  4. Washington coach Doug Collins said. "They're physically tired. They're emotionally tired. We haven't had many easy wins. Everything we do we have to scratch and claw for. As we get a little tired, we get stagnant."  华盛顿(魔法师队)教练 Doug Collins 说:「他们体力不支,又精神不济。我们没有几场比赛赢得轻松。我们场场比赛都必须拼劲十足;当我们稍露疲态,就会原地踏步。」  scratch and claw:拼劲十足。scratch 和 claw 都是「抓」的意思,比喻像野兽般用爪子猎抓食物。  stagnant:停滞不动,毫无进展,原地踏步。原指「水」等的不流动,进而指「生活、心情、工作、人」等的沉滞、不振,又指「景气」的萧条。  5. This team has raised the bar, from making the playoffs to being one of the elite teams in the league," Kidd said.  Kidd说:「这一队已节节顺利,从一支能打季后赛的球队成为联盟的强队之一。」  raised the bar:此处 bar 原指公路收费站、停车场常见的栅栏。栅栏放下时阻止车辆通行;栅栏升起 (raised) 时,排除了障碍,车辆可以顺利通行。  making the playoffs:有资格打「季后赛」(playoffs)。此处的 make 意为「做…(事)得以成功、有资格做…(事)」,例如:通过选拔测试,「成为」国手,可说 "make" the national team.  6. "We hung in there with Minnesota and then came in here and really cleaned the glass against these guys," Skiles said…  (凤凰城太阳队教练) Skiles说:「我队和明尼苏达(灰狼队)坚持拼下去,而球员在场上奋勇争抢篮板球…」  hung in there:坚持下去。  cleaned the glass:争抢篮板球。原意指「擦玻璃」,但此「玻璃」并非指一般的「门窗玻璃」,而是指以「玻璃纤维」(fiberglass) 材质的篮板。  7. "Somebody wrote in the press the other day that we should be moving in the lottery direction, which is an absolutely asinine, insane thought process," Riley said.  (迈阿密热浪队教练) Riley 说:「前几天有人在媒体上写说我队会朝着加入「乐透选秀团」的方向走,简直是既驴又疯狂的想法。」  press:媒体,新闻界。  in the lottery direction:每季正规比赛结束后,未打入季后赛的球队可有优先的选秀权,选秀的次序以「乐透」抽签方式来决定。  asinine:驴子 (ass) 的。其它许多与动物有关的形容词也是以 -ine 为字尾,例如 bovine 牛的,canine 犬的,corvine 乌鸦的,elephantine 象的,equine 马的,feline 猫的,leonine 狮的,leporine 兔的,lupine 狼的,ovine 羊的,porcine 猪的,serpentine 蛇 (serpent) 的,ursine 熊的。  8. "I have a long memory," said Jordan, recalling Davis' antics in the 94-75 romp Nov. 27, which dropped the Wizards to 3-10 and prompted Jordan to utter "We stink. "  Jordan说:「我还深深记得 11 月 27 日以 75 比 94 惨败(给克里夫兰骑士队)的比赛中 Davis 那滑稽古怪的动作。」这场落败使得魔法师队的成绩跌到 3 胜 10 负,因而引发 Jordan 说「我们烂透了」那句话。  have a long memory:有长久的记忆,深深记得。  recalling:(回)想起…;recalling此处不可以用remembering,因remember着重在「记住」而非「回想」。  antics:滑稽古怪的动作,耍宝的动作,搞笑的动作。  romp:轻而易举地获胜或成功。  prompted:促使,驱使,激起,唤醒。  stink:本意是「发出臭味」,在「俚语」中是「极为差劲」或「臭名在外」之意。  9. After being booed off their own court at halftime, the Knicks came back from a 19-point second-half deficit and gave their fans something to cheer about.  在自家主场的比赛中场休息时被本地球迷嘘后,尼克队于下半场比赛中从落后 19 分追上比数,赢得本地球迷的喝采。  booed:「嘘」,「喝倒采」。  came back:从落后追上比数。  deficit:比分相差之数。  10. We easily could've let it have a snowballing effect," said Williamson, a reserve forward. "The more aggressive we are, especially on defense, the better we are.  替补球员 Williamson 说:「我们不可能让「雪球效应」发酵。我们越有拼劲儿-尤其是在防守方面-我们表现地越好。」  easily:无疑地。  could've let it…:「假设语气」的用法:could [would, should, might] + 动词的过去分词。  snowballing:「雪球效应」;雪球会越滚越大,比喻事件的迅速扩大。  The more … the better……:越…越…。请注意:在两个 the 之后要用形容词的比较级而非形容词的的最高级。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: NBA篮球实用英语口语,打篮球的来围观咯好东西,收藏了

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·生活百科 地板隔热层



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