加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息“Selfie自拍”成牛津词典2013年度热词及其它


Selfie – "a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website" – has been named word of the year by Oxford Dictionaries editors, after the frequency of its usage increased by 17,000% over the past 12 months.  Selfie(自拍)—— 指的是“人们为自己拍的照片,通常指人们用智能手机或电脑摄像头拍摄然后上传到社交网站上的照片” ——刚被《牛津词典》编辑评为2013年度词汇,在过去12个月里,它的使用频率上涨了170倍。  Editorial director Judy Pearsall said: "Using the Oxford Dictionaries language research programme, which collects around 150m words of current English in use each month, we can see a phenomenal upward trend in the use of selfie in 2013, and this helped tocement its selection."  《牛津词典》编辑部主任朱迪·皮尔索尔说:“在牛津词典语言研究项目中,我们每月都会搜集15万个当下人们正在使用的英语词汇,在这个过程中我们发现selfie(自拍)一词的使用率在2013年度中显示出惊人的上升趋势,由此我们决定将这个词选为年度词汇。”  The word can be traced back to a post on an Australian online forum in 2002: "Um, drunk at a party, I tripped ofer [sic] and landed lip first (with front teeth coming a very close second) on a set of steps. I had a hole about 1cm long right through my bottom lip. And sorry about the focus, it was a selfie."  这个词的使用起源,可以追溯到2002年有人在澳大利亚某论坛上上传的一张照片,上传者这样写道:“唔,在派对上喝醉了,我绊了一跤,嘴唇先着地(紧接着上齿着地),磕到了楼梯的台阶上。我的下唇磕出了一个直径约1厘米的洞。不好意思照片有点糊,这是一张自拍照。”  It has since produced an array of spinoffs, including helfie (hairstyle self), welfie (workout selfie), drelfie (drunken selfie), and even bookshelfie – a snap taken for the purposes of literary self-promotion.  随着这个词的走红,人们也创造了一系列相关的衍生词,如helfie“发型自拍”、welfie“健身自拍”、drelfie“醉后自拍” 甚至 bookshelfie“书柜自拍”——即专门为了标榜自己的学识而自拍的照片。  Judy Pearsall explained its evolution: "The hashtag #selfie appeared on the photo-sharing website Flickr as early as 2004, but usage wasn't widespread until around 2012.  朱迪·皮尔索尔解释了这个词的进化史:“#selfie(#自拍)作为一种网上照片分享标签,2004年就在Flickr网上出现了,但直到2012年这个词才开始被广泛使用。”  "In early examples, the word was often spelled with a -y, but the -ie form is more common today and has become the accepted spelling. The use of the diminutive -ie suffixis notable, as it helps to turn an essentially narcissistic enterprise into something rather more endearing. Australian English has something of a penchant for -ie words … so this helps to support the evidence for selfie having originated in Australia."  “早先人们使用这一词的时候,通常单词以-y结尾,但后来以-ie结尾的拼写方式使用频率更高,于是就成为了公认的拼写方式。值得注意的是,-ie这个表示昵称的后缀的使用,它将这个词原先带有的自恋的意味变成了一种可爱的意味。澳式英语特别喜欢使用以-ie为后缀的词汇…… 这也证明了selfie这个词是从澳大利亚起源的。”  selfie 例句:  1. My homework was too boring, so I took a selfie and posted it to tumblr.  做作业太无趣了,所以我拍了一张自拍照、发布到了Tumblr网上。  2. My friend takes a lot of selfies and won't hang out with people hotter than her.  我的一个朋友很喜欢自拍,而且不跟长得比自己好看的人一起玩。

看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: “Selfie自拍”成牛津词典2013年度热词及其它新版《牛津英语词典》将增收一个新词“Doh” 新版《牛津英语词典》将增收一个新词:“Doh”。这个词语因为20世纪福克斯家庭娱乐公司的电视动画系列片“辛普逊一家子,The Simpsons”而著名,牛津词典下的定义是:用来表达沮丧感,而这种沮丧感是在意识到事情变得糟糕、或者没有向原来计划的方向发展,或者意识到刚说了傻话、干了傻事而表现出来的,也用以暗示别人说了傻话、干了傻事。

看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: “Selfie自拍”成牛津词典2013年度热词及其它牛津字典年度热词候选:你知道woot的意思吗  随着网络的广泛运用,越来越多的网络词汇融入到我们的日常生活中去。此次,牛津字典将其列为年度热词候选的“woot”,便是一个来自于网络游戏的词汇。这个看似很简单的单词,大家知道是什么意思吗?  woot:an exclamation of happiness(感叹词,用语表达兴奋欣喜之情)  ? 这个词是怎么来的呢?  Woot originated as a hacker term for root (or administrative) access to a computer。  However, with the term coinciding with the gamer term, "w00t", which was originally an truncated expression common among players of Dungeons and Dragons tabletop role-playing game for "Wow, loot!", the term passed into the net-culture where it thrived in video game communities and lost its original meaning and is used simply as a term of excitement。  (想试试自己的翻译实力吗?点击文章应用的“贡献翻译稿”将以上内容翻译成中文吧!通过有沪元奖励哦^^)  话说woot这个词直到今年才被牛津字典列入热词候选么,人家韦氏词典动作可要快很多啦。在韦氏2007年度词汇中,woot便名列第一。  像“woot”这样来自于“Wow, loot!”的构词法让人感觉好新奇,小编一下子想起曾经看到“围观”的英语说法,circusee(circus+see)了。其实说是中式英语,在构词法上和woot是如出一辙啊。不过,像circusee这样的词毕竟米有被收录字典中,大家平时运用的时候还是要注意场合哦^^。

看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: “Selfie自拍”成牛津词典2013年度热词及其它今天看到了Zen这个词语,于是查阅了一下牛津词典,却发现注释是这样的 (a Japanese Form Buddhism,禅,禅宗)为什么会是一种日本的佛教呢?日本的是从中国传过去的,为什么不说是chinese,也不说india呢? "Zen" is the Japanese pronunciation of the character "禅" which is pronounced "chán" in Mandarin Chinese. The same character is read "Sun" in Korean. Zen is a contraction of the seldom-used long form zenna (禅那; Mandarin: chánnà), which derives from "dhyānam" (Sanskrit) or "jhānam" (Pāli), meaning meditation.

看贴你愉快,回贴你精彩回复: “Selfie自拍”成牛津词典2013年度热词及其它日前,牛津英语在线词典上将上海常用词“嗲”收入词典中。“dia”被定义为名词,意指“嗲的事物”,用作感叹或者表示同意,此外还加入了“diaist”、“diaistic”、“diaism”等相关词汇。这个来自“dear”的“嗲”原本就是英语世界的词汇,此番又改头换面回到了英语世界。     《牛津英语词典》旨在收录所有已知词汇的用法,以及词汇在不同地区之英语的变化,不少对英语词汇的学术研究都以它作为切入点。近期,Wiki、Google等网络热门词汇被收录入《牛津英语词典》,词典新词汇责编Graeme Diamond表示,收录“Wi-ki”很符合这本一百多岁的老词典的收录方针。尽管这个来自夏威夷的词汇真得不那么英语。“我们按照所搜集到的文档资料来判断是否增加新词。”《牛津英语词典》主编John Simpson在一份声明上说明。“Dia”因为在上海这个国际大都市的知名度而被收录,也正符合《牛津英语词典》顺应潮流日新月异的宗旨。       英文词性/牛津英语在线词典      ①dia n. 嗲的事物(总称 dias) / inte. 表示惊叹(Dia!You’re so adorable!) 表示同意(-Shall we meet in the Time Square? - Dia!)      ②diaism n. 嗲主义;崇尚嗲的理念(Diaism 拜嗲教)      ③diaist n. 嗲人      ④diaistic adj. 嗲的      ⑤diaisticable adj. 可嗲的,令人觉得嗲的;undiasticable adj. 不嗲的,令人觉得不嗲的      ⑥diaisticate v. 发嗲 over-diaisticate v. 过分嗲 counter-diaisticate v.互嗲;作天作地;搞(Shanghai dialect) rediaisticate v. 连续嗲;不停嗲      ⑦diaistication n. 嗲的事物(单独个体,可数)      其他延伸词:      cyber-diaist n.网络红人      superdiaistic adj.超级嗲的      undia prep.不如……嗲的       中文 词性/新华字典      嗲形diǎ 形容撒娇的声音或态度:嗲声嗲气。嗲得很。      [方言]:形容撒娇的声音或姿态。如:嗲得很;嗲声嗲气 自以为优越而表现出得意或傲慢的样子。      例句:“侬嗲啥!” “滋味真嗲!”来源来自“dear”      “嗲(dia)”来源于英文的“dear”,原意指亲爱的,可爱的,引申为娇柔的,撒娇的,媚态万千的。“嗲”的词义很广,小女人的娇气、妩媚可以讲作“嗲”。小孩向大人、小女人向大男人表示出小鸟依人、百般妩媚则讲作“发嗲”、“嗲声嗲气”。          Chiling Lin is very diaistic. 林志玲很嗲。      争议 褒贬不一      在1962年4月上海《新民晚报》第三版《街头巷语》栏中对这个“嗲”字有过一番争论。一连刊载了六篇文章。      一种观点提出:“嗲”字的原意是表示“女人故作娇态”是个贬义字,它的“新义”最初出自社会上小流氓之口,是一小圈人中的“行话”不宜滥用。另外,什么好的东西都说成“嗲”,是部分青少年不努力学习汉语,是用词贫乏的表现。      而另一种观点则认为:“英雄不论出身低”,论词不能光看本义,如今有不少的常用词都从贬义转义而来。一个词要看它在发展过程中能否经得起考验和群众的使用认可,现在“嗲”又有了新的引申义,表示“好,佳,精彩,够味”。有些地方用“嗲”字的妙处不可能用其他词来代替。各持论据。然而,时间则是考验一个词的唯一尺度。      至今,这个“嗲”字仍活跃在上海人的口中,而且还传到了全国甚至全世界。      如今上海话的“嗲”是“好”的同义语,这个“嗲”字,体现出女人的教养,这其中包括了女性的妩媚、温柔、姿色、情趣、谈吐等等,具有一种特有的魅力。      大词典 世界上最大的词典      词典当中,编辑时间最长、参加人数最多、内容最丰富的就是《牛津英语词典》。这是一本历史悠久、具有权威性、声誉经久不衰的世界上最大的词典。要说明的是,出一本字典并不如我们想象中的那样简单。《牛津英语词典》第一卷推出是1888年,而全部出齐则是1928年。共收录词条41.4万多条。《牛津英语词典》的第二次大规模补充也历时29年,直至1986年才完成。第三版在2000年启动,至今仍旧在编撰中。      在线版 一季一更新      此次收录“嗲”的是牛津英语在线词典。     1997年《牛津英语词典》推出在线版,目的很简单,就是通过网络用最快捷的方式,加入新单词。在线版《牛津英语词典》每季度升级一次,每次至少加入1000个新单词。但在线服务并不便宜,每年注册费高达350英镑。牛津大学出版社称:教育机构可以得到很高的折扣,但在可以预见的将来还没有提供分期付款服务的计划。(记者 张暄)  --------------------------------------------    查了官方网站 http://dictionary.oed.com/  三月份新词更新列表如下(就是没有见到什么DIA):  Notes on OED’s March 2008 release of new words  hellzapoppin’ adj.  Soon after the release of the 1941 film musical Hellzapoppin’, based on a 1938 theatre production Hellzapoppin (contemporary promotional material for the theatre version seems to prefer no apostrophe at the end, while most posters for the movie include one), this adjective appears on the scene, used to mean ‘action-packed’ or ‘ostentatious’. However the writers (or promoters) of the musical did not pluck this eye-catching title from nowhere, although the inclusion of a ‘z’ does appear to be their innovation; we have found a long line of evidence back to 1875 for the phrase ‘hell’s a-popping’, used as a rough equivalent to ‘all hell is breaking loose’     ecopolitics n.1  One of the important aspects of the current release of revised words from across the alphabet is the huge growth it shows in the use of the combining form eco-, which in turn reflects the wide range of environmental concerns which have gained increased prominence in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. This word, however, provides evidence of the use of a different kind of eco-, conveying the sense ‘economic’. First found in 1944 and already fading from use by 1980, as ecological issues begin fully to lay claim to the prefix, the word seems to have lost the battle for its particular linguistic niche, overcome by its stronger, more widespread rival eco-politics n.2 Economics still has its prefix, though, having retreated to the safer ground offered by the prefix econo-, another word included in this release of new material.     girlcott v.  Humorously understanding the verb boycott as showing the noun boy in its first element (it in fact derives from Captain Charles C. Boycott, who was an early recipient of the treatment to which he gave his name), this formation, denoting the carrying out of a boycott by women, has had a long life. It is first recorded in a short newspaper sketch of 1884, describing how the young women of Groton, Massachusetts ‘have resolved to girlcott any young man that smokes or goes out of the theatre between acts’.     immunosurveillance n.  Scientists in fast-moving research fields have to find ways to express new concepts, and when this involves adapting words that are already in use, the result can be vivid and evocative. When we encounter the word immunosurveillance, our imaginative curiosity is aroused by all the connotations of the word surveillance. Such a word easily becomes a part of the figurative vocabulary of health and disease, portraying cancer as a clandestine or subversive intruder against which the body must remain vigilant.    Graeme Diamond, Principal Editor, New Words, OED

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