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内容简介:《西方哲学史》是一部在全球知识界影响巨大的学术名作。自20世纪60年代初期介绍到我国后,在知识分子中产生了普遍影响,不少人都曾焚香静读。将其视为案头的必备哲学读本。其叙述年代从希腊文明的兴起一直到现代的逻辑分析哲学。在这部哲学史中,罗素特别对他认为对西方哲学的发展有着重要影响的历史事件和人物辟专章作了较详细的论述。作者(Bertrand Russell)简介:罗素(1872—1970),当今时代理性主义和人道主义的代言人,是西方思想解放与言论自由的见证人。二十世纪最有影响的哲学家、数学家、逻辑学家之一,分析哲学创始人,同时也是活跃的政治活动家,并致力于哲学的大众化、普及化。作为哲学家,罗素的主要贡献在于数理逻辑方面,是逻辑原子论和新实在论的主要创始人之一。以此为基础的现代分析哲学在西方近代哲学史上具有重要的地位。罗素出身于英国一个贵族家庭,是罗素伯爵的第三代继承人,其祖父曾两次出任英国首相。1945年,罗素在美国出版了《西方哲学史》一书,该书不但为罗素带来了丰厚的收入,还是罗素获得1950年诺贝尔文学奖的重要原因之一。其代表作有《西方哲学史》、《神秘主义与逻辑》、《怀疑论》、《婚姻与道德》等。Book One - ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY - [Part I. The Pre-Socratics][CHAPTER I] The Rise of Greek Civilization№.1 - In all history, nothing is so surprising or so difficult to account for as the sudden rise of civilization in Greece.Much of what makes civilization had already existed for thousands of years in Egypt and in Mesopotamia, and had spread thence to neighbouring countries. But certain elements had been lacking until the Greeks supplied them. What they achieved in art and literature is familiar to everybody, but what they did in the purely intellectual realm is even more exceptional.译文在全部的历史里,最使人感到惊异或难于解说的莫过于希腊文明的突然兴起了。构成文明的大部分东西已经在埃及和美索不达米亚存在了好几千年,又从那里传播到了四邻的国家。但是其中却始终缺少着某些因素,直等到希腊人才把它们提供出来。希腊人在文学艺术上的成就是大家熟知的,但是他们在纯粹知识的领域上所做出的贡献还要更加不平凡。 小编评注希腊文明的辉煌成就是有目共睹的,德国哲学家黑格尔曾说说:“一提到希腊这个名字,在有教养的欧洲人心中,尤其在我们德国人心中,自然会引起一种家园之感。”其实,对于深受西方文化熏陶的现代中国人而言,希腊又何尝不会引起我们的家园之感呢?短语笔记account for - 说明(原因等);对 ... 负责;(在数量方面)占 ...举一反三on account of - 因为例(1)The treasurer has to account for the money paid to him.(财务负责人必须说明交给他的钱是怎样用的。)(2)On account of his more elevated position, the general had the enemy at vantage.(因为处于较高的位置,那位将军占敌人的上风。)№.2 - Where a religion was bound up with the government of an empire, political motives did much to transform its primitive features.译文只要一种宗教和一个帝国政府结合在一片,政治的动机就会大大改变宗教的原始面貌。小编评注论宗教与政治的互动关系。短语笔记be bound up with - 与 ... 密切相关, 和 ... 息息相关举一反三bound的另两个相关短语用法:表示开往某地,仅有目的地时,用be bound for,后接目的地;表示从某地开往某地,出发地和目的地都有时,用be bound from...to...例(1)Her illness is bound up with the pressure of her study and work.(她的疾病与她紧张的学习和工作有密切关系。)(2)The ship is bound from Qingdao to Shanghai.(这艘船是从青岛开往上海。)№.3 - The Homeric gods were the gods of a conquering aristocracy, not the useful fertility gods of those who actually tilled the soil. As Gilbert Murray says: "The gods of most nations claim to have created the world. The Olympians make no such claim. The most they ever did was to conquer it. And when they have conquered their kingdoms, what do they do? Do they attend to the government? Do they promote agriculture? Do they practise trades and industries? Not a bit of it. Why should they do any honest work? They find it easier to live on the revenues and blast with thunderbolts the people who do not pay. They are conquering chieftains, royal buccaneers. They fight, and feast, and play, and make music; they drink deep, and roar with laughter at the lame smith who waits on them. They are never afraid, except of their own king. They never tell lies, except in love and war."译文荷马的神祇们乃是征服者的贵族阶级的神祇,而不是那些实际在耕种土地的人们的有用的丰产之神。正如吉尔伯特•穆莱所说的:“大多数民族的神都自命曾经创造过世界,奥林匹克的神并不自命如此。他们所做的,主要是征服世界。……当他们已经征服了王国之后,它们又干什么呢?他们关心政治吗?他们促进农业吗?他们从事商业和工业吗?一点都不。他们为什么要从事任何老实的工作呢?依靠租税并对不纳税的人大发雷霆,在他们看来倒是更为舒适的生活。他们都是些嗜好征服的首领,是些海盗之王。他们既打仗,又宴饮,又游玩,又作乐;他们开怀痛饮,并大声嘲笑那伺候着他们的瘸铁匠。他们只知怕自己的王,从来不知惧怕别的。除了在爱和战争中而外,他们从来不说谎。”小编评注希腊的悲剧精神乃是源自希腊人的混合宗教,即远古西亚宗教的内核注入荷马宗教的形式之中,生命得到了最高的表现形式。短语笔记till the soil - 松土,耕地举一反三表达耕种的短语有很多,例如:cultivate land - 开垦贫瘠土地;plough the field/land - 耕地例(1)All this to rise with the roosters and till the soil. (这都是为了饲养公鸡,种田耕地。)(2)Land being the cultivated manicured place that provides, whatever, the harvest, things like that while wilderness was some place that was barren, it does not produce fruit. (被开垦培育过的土地为人们提供丰收的果实,有些荒野地却是贫瘠的,不会产生果实。)(3)After the seventh year, i.e. the sabbatical year, farmers can plough field again. (第七年过后,也就是安息年,农民可以继续耕地。)№.4 - The civilized man is distinguished from the savage mainly by prudence, or, to use a slightly wider term, forethought. He is willing to endure present pains for the sake of future pleasures, even if the future pleasures are rather distant.译文文明人之所以与野蛮人不同,主要的是在于审慎,或者用一个稍微更广义的名词,即深谋远虑。他为了将来的快乐,哪怕这种将来的快乐是相当遥远的,而愿意忍受目前的痛苦。小编评注文明是内涵伦理、道德的价值理想,现代性的内在野蛮性不是一种外在之物,而是内在于现代人的心灵之中。因此,我们现代人更加需要懂得审慎、畏惧和有敬仰之心。短语笔记for the sake of - 为了;为了 ... 的利益举一反三近义短语: for the purpose of - 为了 ... 目的;为了 ... 而做某事例(1)We kept silent for the sake of maintaining peaceful relations with Russia.(为了维持和俄罗斯的和平关系,我们一直在保持沉默。 )(2)For the purpose of being more handsome on his wedding day, he had woolen wedding clothes made to order. (为了婚礼那天显得帅气些,他特意定做了一身呢料礼服。 )№.5 - Civilization checks impulse not only through forethought, which is a self-administered check, but also through law, custom, and religion. This check it inherits from barbarism, but it makes it less instinctive and more systematic.译文文明之抑制冲动不仅是通过一种自我抑制的深谋远虑,而且还通过法律、习惯与宗教。这种抑制力是它从野蛮时代继承来的,但是它使这种抑制力具有更少的本能性与更多的组织性。小编评注造成文明洗心革面的惟一重要的变化,是影响到思想、观念和信仰的变化。自我约束,在道德范畴内,是非常美好的一种品德。短语笔记forethought - 深谋远虑;先见;考虑将来例The Industrial Revolution has unfolded, for the most part, without design or forethought.( 工业革命开展已久,但多半时候并未经过缜密思考,也没有前瞻的视野。)
[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT]回复: 罗素 - 《西方哲学史》Book One - ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY - [Part I. The Pre-Socratics][CHAPTER II] CHAPTER II The Milesian School№.1 - The Greeks were rash in their hypotheses, but the Milesian school, at least, was prepared to test them empirically. Too little is known of Thales to make it possible to reconstruct him at all satisfactorily, but of his successors in Miletus much more is known, and it is reasonable to suppose that something of their outlook came from him. His science and his philosophy were both crude, but they were such as to stimulate both thought and observation.译文希腊人是勇于大胆假设的,但至少米利都学派却是准备从经验上来考查这些假设的。关于泰勒斯我们知道得太少了,因而不可能完全满意地恢复他的学说,但是关于他的米利都学派的后继者们,我们知道的要多得多;因此设想他的后继者们的看法有些得自于泰勒斯,这是十分合理的。他的科学和哲学都很粗糙,但却能激发思想与观察。 小编评注米利都的泰勒斯(Thales,前624—前547)是古希腊第一个自然科学家和哲学家,希腊最早的唯物主义学派——米利都学派的创始人。泰勒斯生于米利都,他的家庭属于奴隶主贵族阶级,所以他从小就受到了良好的教育。短语笔记make it possible - 使...成为可能例Broadcasting satellites make it possible for us to hear news from all over the world.(广播卫星使我们都能听到来自世界各地的消息。 )№.2 - This conception of justice --of not overstepping eternally fixed bounds--was one of the most profound of Greek beliefs. The gods were subject to justice just as much as men were, but this supreme power was not itself personal, and was not a supreme God.译文这种正义的观念--即不能逾越永恒固定的界限的观念--是一种最深刻的希腊信仰。神祇正象人一样,也要服从正义。但是这种至高无上的力量其本身是非人格的,而不是至高无上的神。小编评注强调了唯物主义科学的客观性。短语笔记subject to - 经受,遭受;使处于……的控制下;使接受,使容忍举一反三subject oneself to supervision - 接受监督例(1)They may be beaten eventually to death by a man in their home or subject to what we consider torturous behavior or imprisonment. (或许,这些妇女最终被,家中的男人殴打致死,或者最终屈服于这种殴打折磨,甚至监禁。)(2)Financial activities of institutions of higher learning should be subject to supervision in accordance with law. (高等学校的财务活动应当依法接受监督。)№.3 - The Milesian school is important, not for what it achieved, but for what is attempted. It was brought into existence by the contact of the Greek mind with Babylonia and Egypt. Miletus was a rich commercial city, in which primitive prejudices and superstitions were softened by intercourse with many nations.译文米利都学派是重要的,并不是因为它的成就,而是因为它所尝试的东西。它的产生是由于希腊的心灵与巴比伦和埃及相接触的结果。米利都是一个富庶的商业城市,在那里原始的偏见和迷信已经由于许多国家的相互交通而被冲淡了。小编评注泰勒斯是古希腊的著名哲学家、天文学家、数学家和科学家。他招收学生,建立了学园,创立了米利都学派。他不仅是当时自发唯物主义的代表,同时也是较早的科学启蒙者,人们称他为“科学之祖”。短语笔记be softened by - 使……缓和举一反三be sharpen by - 使……受打磨例(1)Although food prices may rise moderately as a result of the drought , the impact will be softened by government intervention to ensure adequate grain supply . (虽然干旱导致食品价格稍有上涨,但是由于政府会确保粮食的足够供给,因此价格的上涨将会得到缓和。)(2) In the Mood for Love in the U.S., forging Sharpen your own is the best all over the world; you are not afraid of a strong enemy to show himself, and is the most vigorous and brave! (在我们的花样年华中,你们磨砺锻造了自己,就是全世界最好的;你们不畏强敌,展示了自己,就是最勇敢最有魄力的!)№.4 - The next stage in Greek philosophy, which is associated with the Greek cities in southern Italy, is more religious, and, in particular, more Orphic--in some ways more interesting, admirable in achievement, but in spirit less scientific than that of the Milesians.译文希腊哲学的下一阶段是和意大利南部的希腊城市相联系着的,它有着更多的宗教性,特别是有着更多的奥尔弗斯教义--在某些方面是更有趣的,它的成就是可赞美的,但是它的精神却比不上米利都学派那样科学了。小编评注奥尔弗斯教,一般译为俄耳甫斯教。神秘主义的俄耳甫斯崇拜是围绕解放神狄俄尼索斯-扎格列欧斯展开的,其中狄俄尼索斯-扎格列欧斯被视为世界的最高统治者、世界的灵魂。扎格列欧斯反对提坦们的战斗,扎格列欧斯之死及其复活等事件,都被俄耳甫斯秘密教仪视为一种象征,是人的生命在自然与精神世界中历险的象征。短语笔记in particular - 特别地,尤其举一反三同义词:particularly例(1)The risk is that Europe will get hit harder , in particular its financial system .(风险在于欧洲将遭受更严重的冲击,特别是欧洲的金融体系。)(2)[w=Cumming]Cummings actually boldly experimented with this principle and he attracted the attention of the linguists, particularly a linguist named Dell Hymes. (对此,卡明斯做了一个大胆的试验,吸引了语言学家的注意,特别是德尔海默斯。)
[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT]回复: 罗素 - 《西方哲学史》Book One - ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY - [Part I. The Pre-Socratics][CHAPTER III] Pythagoras№.1 - The opposition of the rational and the mystical, which runs all through history, first appears, among the Greeks, as an opposition between the Olympic gods and those other less civilized gods who had more affinity with the primitive beliefs dealt with by anthropologists.译文理性的东西与神秘的东西之互相对立贯穿着全部的历史,它在希腊人中间最初表现为奥林匹克的神与其他较为不开化的神之间的对立,后者更接近于人类学者们所研究的原始信仰。小编评注由于对历史观基本问题的不同回答,形成了两种根本对立的历史观:唯物主义历史观和唯心主义历史观。短语笔记run through - 扫视;排练例In other words it doesn't just return when it finds one, it's going to run through all of them. All right?(但是它将会继续运行,换句话来说当它找到一个结果时,它不会立刻返回结果它会先遍历所有的内容?)№.2 - Cornford says, "tend to be otherworldly, putting all value in the unseen unity of God, and condemning the visible world as false and illusive, a turbid medium in which the rays of heavenly light are broken and obscured in mist and darkness."译文康福德说,受他所鼓舞的各种体系"都是倾向于出世的,把一切价值都置于上帝的不可见的统一性之中,并且把可见的世界斥为虚幻的,说它是一种混浊的介质,其中上天的光线在雾色和黑暗之中遭到了破坏,受到了蒙蔽"。小编评注康福德(《从宗教到哲学》)说:在他看来,“毕达哥拉斯代表着我们所认为与科学倾向相对立的那种神秘传统的主潮。”短语笔记tend to be - 倾向于;趋向于举一反三be apt to - 有……倾向的例(1)But they're great listeners and then they translate that into interactive learning and the organizations tend to be great listening organizations. (他们也善于倾听,然后将其转化为互动式学习,那么整个团队也会变得善于倾听。)(2)The busier you are, the less harm you will be apt to get into, the sweeter will be your sleep, the brighter and happier your holidays, and the better satisfied will the world be with you. (你愈是忙碌,你就愈不容易受到伤害,睡得更甜,假日也更灿烂、更快活,而世界对你的表现也更加满意。)№.3 - It might seem that the empirical philosopher is the slave of his material, but that the pure mathematician, like the musician, is a free creator of his world of ordered beauty.译文仿佛经验的哲学家只是材料的奴隶,而纯粹的数学家,正象音乐家一样,才是他那秩序井然的美丽世界的自由创造者。小编评注毕达哥拉斯发现了数在音乐中的重要性,数学名词里的“调和中项”与“调和级数”就仍然保存着毕达哥拉斯为音乐和数学之间所建立的那种联系。他把数想象为象是表现在骰子上或者纸牌上的那类形状。我们至今仍然说数的平方与立方,这些名词就是从他那里来的。短语笔记pure - 单纯的;纯洁的;完全的 [源自拉丁文] pūrus(=pure,untainted)。举一反三purity n.纯净;纯洁;纯粹impure a.不纯的;不纯洁的;不道德的impurity n.杂质;污秽purify vt.净化;提纯purification n.净化;洗罪puritan n.苦行者;清教徒 a.苦行的;清教徒的puritanical a.像清教徒的;严厉刻板的例Things can't become holy and can't come into contact with the holy or the sacred if they are not first pure. (事物不可能变得神圣或是与神圣有联系,如果它们连纯洁都算不上。)№.4 - The axioms and theorems are held to be true of actual space, which is something given in experience. It thus appeared to be possible to discover things about the actual world by first noticing what is self-evident and then using deduction. This view influenced Plato and Kant, and most of the intermediate philosophers.译文公理和定理被认为对于实际空间是真确的,而实际空间又是经验中所有的东西。这样,首先注意到自明的东西然后再运用演绎法,就好像是可能发现实际世界中一切事物了。这种观点影响了柏拉图和康德以及他们两人之间的大部分的哲学家。小编评注他们处理形而上学问题的共同特点,在于运用逻辑的手段对实在或思想本身有所阐发和交代。只有真理性认识(即理性认识)才能认识事物的本质,从而确定了理性在认识论上的地位。短语笔记appear to - 似乎,好像举一反三同义词组:seem to - 似乎,好象;看起来例(1)Another complication is that sometimes two different names appear to be the same one, being similar in sound , but different in origin . (而另外的复杂因素则可能是,有时两个名字是一样的写法,一样的读音,但却有不同的来源。)(2)The heroine of the mask, as you know, doesn't seem to have a Christian name. She's not Britney or Lindsay. (你们也知道《面具》里的女主角,似乎没有教名,她不是布兰妮或林赛。)
[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT]回复: 罗素 - 《西方哲学史》Book One - ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY - [Part I. The Pre-Socratics][CHAPTER IV]Heraclitus№.1 - Heraclitus, though an Ionian, was not in the scientific tradition of the Milesians. He was a mystic, but of a peculiar kind. He regarded fire as the fundamental substance; everything, like flame in a fire, is born by the death of something else. "Mortals are immortals, and immortals are mortals, the one living the other's death and dying the other's life." There is unity in the world, but it is a unity formed by the combination of opposites. "All things come out of the one, and the one out of all things"; but the many have less reality than the one, which is God.译文赫拉克利特虽然是伊奥尼亚人,但并不属于米利都学派的科学传统。他是一个神秘主义者,然而却属于一种特殊的神秘主义。他认为火是根本的实质;万物都象火焰一样,是由别种东西的死亡而诞生的。“一切死的就是不死的,一切不死的是有死的:后者死则前者生,前者死则后者生”。世界是统一的,但它是一种由对立面的结合而形成的统一。“一切产生于一,而一产生于一切”;然而多所具有的实在性远不如一,一就是神。小编评注赫拉克利特(?ρ?κλειτος,前540年-前480年),古希腊哲学家、爱非斯派的创始人。生于以弗所一个贵族家庭,相传生性犹豫,被称为“哭的哲学人”。他的文章只留下片段,爱用隐喻、悖论,致使后世的解释纷纭。短语笔记regard as - 把…认作例Here I advanced a criterion which I regard as the only valid one. (我在这里提出了一个标准,我认为是唯一的标准。)№.2 - As might be expected, Heraclitus believes in war. "War," he says, "is the father of all and the king of all; and some he has made gods and some men, some bond and some free." Again: "Homer was wrong in saying: 'Would that strife might perish from among gods and men!' He did not see that he was praying for the destruction of the universe; for, if his prayer were heard, all things would pass away." And yet again: "We must know that war is common to all and strife is justice, and that all things come into being and pass away through strife."译文我们可以料想得到,赫拉克利特是信仰战争的。他说:“战争是万物之父,也是万物之王。它使一些人成为神,使一些人成为人,使一些人成为奴隶,使一些人成为自由人。”又说:“荷马说‘但愿诸神和人把斗争消灭掉’,这种说法是错误的。他不知道这样就是在祈祷宇宙的毁灭了;因为若是听从了他的祈祷,那末万物便都会消灭了。”又说:“应当知道战争对一切都是共同的,斗争就是正义,一切都是通过斗争而产生和消灭的。”小编评注公元前六到五世纪,古希腊唯物主义哲学家赫拉克利特则把人们区分为自由人和奴隶,并且认为这种区分的根源在于战争。短语笔记believe in - 信仰;信任举一反三trust in - 信任;依靠;存放例(1)Any person who is really profoundly humane can't believe in everlasting punishment. (真正非常慈悲的人决不会相信永远的惩罚。)(2)Russia 's wheat export ban accelerates the risk of a price spike and again undermines the trust in food trade . (俄罗斯的小麦出口禁令加大了价格飙升的风险,并再次破坏了对粮食贸易的信任。)№.3 - His ethic is a kind of proud asceticism, very similar to Nietzsche's. He regards the soul as a mixture of fire and water, the fire being noble and the water ignoble. The soul that has most fire he calls "dry." "The dry soul is the wisest and best."译文他的伦理乃是一种高傲的苦行主义,非常类似于尼采的伦理。他认为灵魂是火和水的混合物,火是高贵的而水是卑贱的。灵魂中具有的火最多,他称灵魂是“干燥的”。“干燥的灵魂是最智慧的最优秀的。”小编评注继毕达哥拉斯之后,赫拉克利特对灵魂概念也作了解释。从仅存的著作残篇看,赫拉克利特涉及到灵魂问题的论述并不多,但也不难看出,他在批判地吸取泰勒斯和毕达哥拉斯灵魂观点的基础上,循着从物质及其运动出发然后引出认识论意义的途径,对灵魂概念作了新的规定。短语笔记be similar to - 与…相似举一反三have … in common - 与…有共同之处例(1)Most banks' tests were based on historical crises , but this assumes that the future be similar to the past.( 大多数银行测验都是依据历史上出现过的危机,但是这种假设是将来的情况会与过去的相同。)(2)What these companies also have in common are unglamorous surroundings.(这些面包店的共同点是周边环境很单调。)№.4 - The doctrine of the perpetual flux, as taught by Heraclitus, is painful, and science, as we have seen, can do nothing to refute it. One of the main ambitions of philosophers has been to revive hopes that science seemed to have killed. Philosophers, accordingly, have sought, with great persistence, for something not subject to the empire of Time. This search begins with Parmenides.译文象赫拉克利特所教导的那种永恒流变的学说是会令人痛苦的,而正如我们所已经看到的,科学对于否定这种学说却无能为力。哲学家们的主要雄心之一,就是想把那些似乎已被科学扼杀了的希望重新复活起来。因而哲学家便以极大的毅力不断在追求着某种不属于时间领域的东西。这种追求是从巴门尼德开始的。小编评注承认理性灵魂不死并非毕达哥拉斯个人的杜撰,赫拉克利特也同样承认。这是因为赫拉克利特也同样没有清楚地意识到物质和精神的区别,也同样把精神的东西想象为物质性的东西,于是在解决物质和精神的关系问题时,亦即从认识论方面探讨灵魂问题时,也同样得出了理性灵魂不死的论断。只是我们必须注意到,赫拉克利特是在强调了感性认识,肯定了人具有认识客观自然界的能力,并在考察了人的整个认识过程的基础上谈论理性灵魂不死的,这比起毕达哥拉斯来,已经大大地前进了。短语笔记accordingly - 因此,于是;相应地;照著举一反三同义词组:therefore - 因此;所以consequently - 因此;结果;所以hence - 因此;今后thus - 因此;从而;这样;如此例(1)Accordingly , it was no surprise that sterling and the gilt market recently wobbled , especially in the wake of opinion polls pointing to the possibility of a hung parliament.(因此,英镑与英国国债市场最近的波动一点也不令人吃惊,尤其是在民调表明可能出现无多数党的议会之后。)(2)Both sexes , therefore , have reason to show off.(因此,两性都有理由炫耀自己的魅力。)(3)Consequently , organizations will be able to derive value by enabling human minds to cooperate in the coordination or operation of elements of production.(因此,机构或组织通过开启人类的思维,在生产的基础上协调或操作上进行合作,将会能够得到价值的体现。)(4)Electric forces can move the ion strings without disturbing their internal states , hence preserving the data they carry. (电力可以移动离子链,而不会扰动其内部的状态,因此可以保全携带的资料。)(5)Thus , we challenge the world to create the future with our customers.(因而,我们向世界提出挑战,要与顾客携手同创未来。)
[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT]回复: 罗素 - 《西方哲学史》Book One - ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY - [Part I. The Pre-Socratics][CHAPTER V] Parmenides№.1 - The essence of this argument is: When you think, you think of something; when you use a name, it must be the name of something. Therefore both thought and language require objects outside themselves. And since you can think of a thing or speak of it at one time as well as at another, whatever can be thought of or spoken of must exist at all times. Consequently there can be no change, since change consists in things coming into being or ceasing to be.译文这种论证的本质便是:当你思想的时候,你必定是思想到某种事物;当你使用一个名字的时候,它必是某种事物的名字。因此思想和语言都需要在它们本身以外有某种客体。而且你既然可以在一个时刻而又在另一个时刻同样地思想着一件事物或者是说到它,所以凡是可以被思维的或者可以被说到的,就必然在所有的时间之内都存在。因此就不可能有变化,因为变化就包含着事物的产生与消灭。小编评注巴门尼德把他的教训分成两部分:分别地叫作“真理之道”和“意见之道”。后者我们不必去管它。关于真理之道他所说过的话,就其保存了下来的而论,主要之点如下: “你不能知道什么是不存在的,那是不可能的,你也不能说出它来;因为能够被思维的和能够存在的乃是同一回事。”那么现在存在的又怎么能够在将来存在呢?或者说,它怎么能够得以存在的呢?如果它是过去存在的,现在就不存在;如果它将来是存在的,现在也不存在。因此就消灭了变,也就听不到什么过渡了。“能够被思维的事物与思想存在的目标是同一的;因为你绝不能发现一个思想是没有它所要表达的存在物的。”这在下一例句分析中会提到。短语笔记as well as - 也;和…一样;不但…而且例This grim trajectory suggests an economic , as well as a political , rationale for government action . (这个可怕轨迹暗示政府行动的一个经济的,也是政治的基本原理。)№.2 - Parmenides contends that, since we can now know what is commonly regarded as past, it cannot really be past, but must, in some sense, exist now. Hence he infers that there is no such thing as change.译文巴门尼德又论辩说,既然我们现在能够知道通常被认为是过去的事物,那么它实际上就不能是过去的,而一定在某种意义上是现在存在着的。因此他就推论说,并没有所谓变化这种东西。小编评注在此,巴门尼德所谓“说出存在”的思想直接意味着存在着作为“是”之谓词的“是者”或“存在”,而“是者”或“存在”的存在本身也验证并在一定程度上保证了“是”之“真”。短语笔记in some sense - 在某种意义上举一反三in some cases - 在某些情况下例(1)It's as if they were , in some sense , cosmic beings in violent and lovely contrast with us suburban creatures. (某种意义上来说,他们好像是宇宙生物,与我等凡夫俗子形成了强烈而有趣的对比。)(2)Yet studies of hypothermia therapy have shown mixed results In some cases it may lead to blockages in blood flow and damage to organs . (然而学界对降体温的治疗方法呈现多样性的结果。有些案例中,它可能导致阻塞血液的流动和器官损伤。)№.3 - I have put the argument here to remind the reader that philosophical theories, if they are important, can generally be revived in a new form after being refuted as originally stated. Refutations are seldom final; in most cases, they are only a prelude to further refinements.译文我在这里把论证提出来,是要提醒读者:哲学理论,如果它们是重要的,通常总可以在其原来的叙述形式被驳斥之后又以新的形式复活。争论很少能有结论的;在大多数情况下,它们只不过是精炼了先前步骤而已。小编评注把哲学视为具有最大普遍性和最大普适性的知识,把哲学视为对世界作出统一性解释的基础,把科学化视为哲学的合理趋向与最终期待,表明哲学的知识论立场本质上是科学主义的,它对西方科学主义思潮的任何反驳,都只不过是以新的方式强化对哲学的科学主义要求——使哲学科学化。短语笔记in most cases - 大部分情况下例In fact , the World Health Organization says it is the only food babies should get during the first six of months of life , in most cases . (实际上,世界卫生组织说,在大多数情况下,在生命中的头六个月它是婴儿应该得到的唯一食物。)№.4 - What subsequent philosophy, down to quite modern times, accepted from Parmenides, was not the impossibility of all change, which was too violent a paradox, but the indestructibility of substance.译文后来的哲学,一直到晩近时期为止,从巴门尼德那里所接受过来的并不是一切变化的不可能性,——那是一种太激烈的悖论了——而是实体的不可毁灭性。小编评注本体不仅超越了所有生命形式,更深深地存在于每种生命形式之中——它就是每种生命形式最深处那份无形且不可毁灭的本质。这意味着你现在就可以碰触到本体,因为它就是你最深的自我、你的本性。但是千万不要尝试用你的头脑去攫取它,也就是不要试着去了解它。短语笔记down to - 直到;下至;平息;处于低落状态;是…的责任例The artist dusted the charcoal drawing down to a faint image . (这位画家在素描上撒粉使其变为暗淡的图像。)
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