加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息能不能帮我看看我的牙齿保险啊?谢谢。
我的保险手册的overview部分是这样的:Your coverage class is A - All Employees The plan effective date is July 01, 2011 This is the official day when all of the coverage and services your plan sponsor has arranged with us begins. Coverage starts once you have fulfilled any waiting period requirements set for your plan.Your plan may include a waiting period for some benefits.The day after the waiting period has finished is the earliest date you can use this coverage.我的牙保险是有6个月的the waiting period,现在是2013年12月26日了,现在我可以用我的牙齿保险看牙吗?但我查看我的工资单,上面在今年12月份才有扣保险的信息象Life Txb,Less taxable benefits等等,12月以前只是赚了多少钱,扣了多少税。这使我很迷惑。我明天想去看牙,谁能告诉我能不能用牙齿保险啊?谢谢!
回复: 能不能帮我看看我的牙齿保险啊?谢谢。这个集体保险是人力资源负责吧去那里问问最可靠另外如果从2011年7月1日算的话 早过了等待期了
我的保险手册的overview部分是这样的:Your coverage class is A - All Employees The plan effective date is July 01, 2011 This is the official day when all of the coverage and services your plan sponsor has arranged with us begins. Coverage starts once you have fulfilled any waiting period requirements set for your plan.Your plan may include a waiting period for some benefits.The day after the waiting period has finished is the earliest date you can use this coverage.我的牙保险是有6个月的the waiting period,现在是2013年12月26日了,现在我可以用我的牙齿保险看牙吗?但我查看我的工资单,上面在今年12月份才有扣保险的信息象Life Txb,Less taxable benefits等等,12月以前只是赚了多少钱,扣了多少税。这使我很迷惑。我明天想去看牙,谁能告诉我能不能用牙齿保险啊?谢谢! 点击展开...如果你是今年6月26号前开始工作的, 6个月到了你可以用, 不过你一直没说你何时上班的.
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