加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请问 在温哥华做汽修的工资是多少,望知情人士
请问 在温哥华做汽修的工资是多少需要什么技师证才能上岗。朋友在国内的汽车4S店做板金的,VOLVO公司的,不知道如果来加拿大的话工资是否会高。在加拿大是不是做油漆和机电工资会比板金高?听说 没有板金这一块,不知道是不是真的呢。第一次发帖,希望有知道的同学能够告诉我~谢谢
回复: 请问 在温哥华做汽修的工资是多少,望知情人士告知!请问 在温哥华做汽修的工资是多少需要什么技师证才能上岗。朋友在国内的汽车4S店做板金的,VOLVO公司的,不知道如果来加拿大的话工资是否会高。在加拿大是不是做油漆和机电工资会比板金高?听说 没有板金这一块,不知道是不是真的呢。第一次发帖,希望有知道的同学能够告诉我~谢谢点击展开...有没有资格来还未知呢,等真的来了再说吧
回复: 请问 在温哥华做汽修的工资是多少,望知情人士告知!期望别太高。不然失望很大滴。来这里没有本地的执照很难再回到VOLVO这样的授权经销商。私人的店到是有可能去。我知道有国内bmw技师过来,现在没有本地的认证和文聘,目前也只能在小店里面干着。还有你的钣金朋友英文如何,这个也很关键。
回复: 请问 在温哥华做汽修的工资是多少,望知情人士告知!工资大概20~40/hour, 不同的省也有差距吧另外你可以看下这个网站: http://tradesecrets.alberta.ca/experiencedworkers/recognized-trade-certificate/?trade=009选择行业和职业之后会显示关于alberta省各种技工需要的认证
生死看淡,不服就干工资大概20~40/hour, 不同的省也有差距吧另外你可以看下这个网站: http://tradesecrets.alberta.ca/experiencedworkers/recognized-trade-certificate/?trade=009选择行业和职业之后会显示关于alberta省各种技工需要的认证点击展开...$20起,根本没可能,我家掌柜的03年在本那比一家车行做,$4/小时,干了半年后才match mini-pay $6/hour.他以前在他的祖国也开修车行,也是熟手,来了加拿大一样,最低的labour开始,因为没人给你机会入门。
回复: 请问 在温哥华做汽修的工资是多少,望知情人士告知!$20起,根本没可能,我家掌柜的03年在本那比一家车行做,$4/小时,干了半年后才match mini-pay $6/hour.他以前在他的祖国也开修车行,也是熟手,来了加拿大一样,最低的labour开始,因为没人给你机会入门。点击展开...Are you sure?I remember since 2000, the mini-pay in BC was $8 per hour.
回复: 请问 在温哥华做汽修的工资是多少,望知情人士告知!这边4s店里一般没有车身修理。车身修理叫bodyshop。车身修理的工资不太清楚。机电20~40比较正常。 学徒18左右。考执照很重要,准备好国内工作经历证明。也许可以直接申请到考试。如果没有资格直接考就要做几年学徒了。中间还要穿插colleage 培训。之后才有考试资格。具体介绍:http://www.red-seal.caRed Seal TradesMotor Vehicle Body Repairer (Metal and Paint) NOC: 7322 Designation Year: 1964 The Interprovincial Standards Red Seal Program The Interprovincial Standards Red Seal Program Motor vehicle body repairers (metal and paint) repair and restore damaged motor vehicle bodies as well as their collision-damaged mechanical and structural parts. Motor vehicle body repairers assess body damage and make repair estimates and calculations. Their repair work may range from correcting minor structural and cosmetic scratches and dents to fixing extensive structural damage to motor vehicles. Vehicle parts that are damaged beyond repair are replaced. The alignment and replacement of suspension and steering components is also a part of this trade. Restoring interior components of vehicles also falls within the scope of duties of these tradespeople. They also work with electronic components and passenger protection systems such as seat belts and air bags.In this sector, most motor vehicle body repairers work in private enterprises or are self-employed. Journeypersons may be employed by body shops, auto and truck dealerships, custom shops, and trucking and bus companies. In larger shops or dealerships, there may be a division of responsibilities among the team of repair professionals. Some may work exclusively on collision damage repair, frame straightening, painting, suspension, mechanical, or auto glass installation. Generally in smaller shops, journeypersons tend to be responsible for a wider range of these duties. While they may work as part of the repair team, which includes other motor vehicle body repairers, automotive painters, automotive service technicians, and others in the automotive sector, journeypersons tend to carry out their duties alone.Motor vehicle body repairers require proficiency with a variety of tools and equipment, some of which are technologically advanced. Hand and power tools are used in the repair and replacement of motor vehicle parts. Welding and soldering equipment are also used. Motor vehicle body repairers may work with a number of materials such as metal, glass, plastic and composites. Surface repairs require the application of body fillers. In addition, motor vehicle body repairers may prepare surfaces for refinishing and apply a variety of appropriate refinishing products. They must also have refinishing application and detailing skills.Working environments vary in this trade. Typically, employees work indoors in an environment that can be noisy and dusty. However, many shops are well ventilated to avert health risks from dust and fumes. Health and safety are important issues for these tradespeople as they are frequently in contact with chemicals (e.g. paints, compounds, solvents) and physical hazards (e.g. frame equipment, sharp metal). Ongoing safety training and a good knowledge of safety standards and regulations are important.Key attributes for people entering this trade are good communication skills, mechanical aptitudes, problem solving skills, an eye for detail, good colour vision, computer literacy and a commitment to ongoing training. Good physical condition and agility are important because the work often requires considerable standing, crawling, lifting, climbing, pulling and reaching.With experience, journeypersons may move into supervisory positions, start their own business, or become auto damage appraisers for insurance companies. Some of the skills gained as a motor vehicle body repairer may be transferred to other occupations such as sheet metal worker or automotive service technician.
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