加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息BigLion申请学校进程


Biglion打算开始记录过程了,这样家园的铜子们就可以帮助我啦。 我们两人都想去那里读个学位,先申请master/Ph.D program,如果失败下次再考虑是否降低要求申请college吧。这两天花了很多时间看大学网站,去了几个知道名字的:Mcgill University, University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, Concordia University。在Ottawa的朋友以为我看重名气,告诉我她的感受是在北美找工作不是那么看重你是否名校出身。劝我考虑其他一些,例如University of Ottawa, Queen's university,所以这个也去看啦,搞得Biglion这两天头昏眼花 。我一般先看院系faculty的研究兴趣和他们的网页,反正每个学校要的具体事项看过也记不住,不外乎Toefl, transcripts, CV, statement of interest/research plan。其实象我这样的,那里挑什么,只要专业符合我的打算,老板还Nice就好啦。现在还是没有确定具体研究方向,也不知道何时开始陶瓷。还要准备什么statement of interest, CV这些需要精工细琢的东东 今天先记到这里,也正在考虑申请读书的互相交流一下吧。或者跟贴顶一下啊,哈哈

冯唐在医学院的时候为了让小白老鼠理解中国现代读书人的处境,上午给它听崔健,下午给它听莫扎特,一三五给它听《枪和玫瑰》,二四六给它听瞎子阿炳,星期天不休息听新闻联播。三个月后,小白老鼠疯了。赞反馈:weill-2004, 天高云淡GAO, wflyer 和 6 其他人 2005-10-08#2 jessiec123 2,208 $0.00 顶一下。

I believe--你还在那里等待,我的心已经充满了期待。。。 2005-10-08#3 T


只感觉云淡风轻 2005-10-08#5 KittyCat 12,888 $0.00 你们学什么专业的?加油吧。

奔向未来,我的最爱 2005-10-09#6 BigLion_BigCat 220 $0.00 办公楼闹水灾什么都没做谢谢大家! 我回继续努力的.我们一个学化学,一个电子.本来希望今天继续查看网页,结果办公楼事故,竟然发生这种事情,隔壁办公室的一个工作站都做了个淋浴. 上午大家惶惶然,什么事也没作.总算电路没有进水,电脑可以开了.今天没有可以汇报了啦.

冯唐在医学院的时候为了让小白老鼠理解中国现代读书人的处境,上午给它听崔健,下午给它听莫扎特,一三五给它听《枪和玫瑰》,二四六给它听瞎子阿炳,星期天不休息听新闻联播。三个月后,小白老鼠疯了。 2005-10-10#7 M 165 $0.00 up

只感觉云淡风轻 2005-10-13#8 BigLion_BigCat 220 $0.00 这两天偶工作来者,没有看网页.昨天还和妈妈一起去Walmart买了两个大红的软包(29.90元一个,上书"Shenzhen/Futian"),论坛上比较推荐的.不过可能以后还要买两个箱子,毕竟有怕压的东东吧.扯远啦.Ottawa的朋友来信(1999年移出去的),说申请前不确定教授也可以,如果同他/她联系上,或许在申请上有帮助,以后还可以作教授的TA或RA赚点钱花.我懒,引用如下:From I know, You do not need to pick up a professor when you apply, you can get the program information on line and know who is the professor.If you can contact with him/her, you have better chance to get in, especially if you do not ask for scholarship.I think it is always good to contact with professor, he/she will tell you whether he/she can provide you with scholarship. Even you can not get scholarship, you can always be a TA or RA or both and get some money when you study.

冯唐在医学院的时候为了让小白老鼠理解中国现代读书人的处境,上午给它听崔健,下午给它听莫扎特,一三五给它听《枪和玫瑰》,二四六给它听瞎子阿炳,星期天不休息听新闻联播。三个月后,小白老鼠疯了。赞反馈:冬季蝴蝶 2005-10-15#9 BigLion_BigCat 220 $0.00 目前进展不多,推荐一些有用信息给大家吧。以下这个链接汇集了加拿大各大学的网址,很有用。http://www.uwaterloo.ca/canu/ 下面这个随便看看吧。也就是关注一下自己登陆的城市有哪些大学可以考虑,对于排名也不要想太多啦。因为一般综合排名和各专业排名往往差异很大,而且排名这个问题也是见仁见智的。:)2003 加拿大大学排名 http://www.cer.net2003-05-27 14:28新东方教育在线 《MacLean》依据大学毕业生的贡献以其自己的评估方法对全加拿大的大学做出排名。而且,杂志编辑还征询了全加拿大5,467位高中指导员,大学官员以及社团招聘者的意见。这项排名将所有上述三类大学共计48所合并成一组,按不同的分类列出其中的前20名: (一)、综合声誉排名   1、滑铁卢大学(Waterloo)   2、多伦多大学(Toronto)   3、女皇大学(Queen's)   4、麦克玛斯特大学(McMaster)   5、英属哥伦比亚大学(British Columbia)   6、亚伯塔大学(A1berta)   7、西蒙弗雷泽大学(Simon Fraser)   8、麦吉尔大学(McGill)   9、阿卡迪亚大学(Acadia)   10、基辅大学(Guelph)   11、西安大略大学(Western)   12、卡尔加里大学(Calgary)   13、瑞尔森大学(Ryerson)   14、维多利亚大学(Victoria)   15、蒙特利尔大学(Montreal)   16、戴豪斯大学(Dalhousie)   17、约克大学(York)   18、埃里森山大学(Mount Allison)   19、萨斯卡川大学(Saskatchewan)   20、罗瑞尔大学(Wifrid Laurier) (二)、最佳教学质量大学:   1、多伦多大学(Toronto)   2、女皇大学(Queen's)   3、滑铁卢大学(Waterloo)   4、麦吉尔大学(McGill)   5、英属哥伦比亚大学(British Columbia)   6、亚伯塔大学(A1beda)   7、麦克玛斯特大学(McMaster)   8、西安大略大学(Western)   9、西蒙弗雷泽大学(Simon Fraser)   10、戴豪斯大学(Dalhousie)   11、基辅大学(Guelph)   12、阿卡迪亚大学(Acadia)   13、蒙特利尔大学(Montreal)   14、埃里森山大学(Mount Allison)   15、维多利亚大学(Victoria)   16、卡尔加里大学(Calgary)   17、罗瑞尔大学(Wifrid Laurier)   18、拉哇大学(Laval)   19、新宾士威克大学(New Brunswick)   20、萨斯卡川大学(Saskatchewan) (三)、最富创新精神大学:   1、滑铁卢大学(Waterloo)   2、麦克玛斯特大学(McMaster)   3、多伦多大学(Toronto)   4、西蒙弗雷泽大学(Simon Fraser)   5、女皇大学(Queen's)   6、亚伯塔大学(A1beda)   7、阿卡迪亚大学(Acadia)   8、英属哥伦比亚大学(British Columbia)   9、基辅大学(Guelph)   10、麦吉尔大学(McGill)   11、西安大略大学(Western)   12、瑞尔森大学(Rayerson)   13、卡尔加里大学(Calgary)   14、维多利亚大学(Victoria)   15、蒙特利尔大学(Montreal)   16、萨斯卡川大学(Saskatchewan)   17、约克大学(York)   18、罗瑞尔大学(Wifrid Laurier)   19、UQAM   20、埃里森山大学(Mount Allison) (四)、"明日领袖"大学:   1、滑铁卢大学(Waterloo)   2、多伦多大学(Toronto)   3、英属哥伦比亚大学(British Columbia)   4、麦克玛斯特大学(McMaster)   5、女皇大学(Queen's)   6、亚伯塔大学(A1beda)   7、西蒙弗雷泽大学(Simon Fraser)   8、麦吉尔大学(McGill)   9、瑞尔森大学(Rayerson)   10、基辅大学(Guelph)   11、卡尔加里大学(Calgary)   12、阿卡迪亚大学(Acadia)   13、西安大略大学(Western)   14、约克大学(York)   15、维多利亚大学(Victoria)   16、渥太华大学(Ottawa)   17、北方不列颠哥伦比亚大学(UNBC)   18、戴豪斯大学(Dalhousie)   19、罗瑞尔大学(Wifrid Laurier)   20、莱斯桥大学(Leth bridge)

冯唐在医学院的时候为了让小白老鼠理解中国现代读书人的处境,上午给它听崔健,下午给它听莫扎特,一三五给它听《枪和玫瑰》,二四六给它听瞎子阿炳,星期天不休息听新闻联播。三个月后,小白老鼠疯了。 2005-10-15#10 BigLion_BigCat 220 $0.00 对于申请大学,个人陈述和推荐信是很重要的东东。再强调他们的重要性也不为过。这个可是由前辈们的经验和我咨询教授们的个人看法之后得到的结论哦。下面这个也是来自网上,比较特别的是它附上了作者个人点评。BigLion以为PS写的不是太令人激赏,但看看他个人的点评有点帮助。:)有收获的给我加SW哦.---------------------------------------------------caleb点评自己的PS 留学E路通精华区,转自水木清华站,清风紫竹整理 Statement of PurposeMy birthplace determined the core of myself./*第一句是很关键的。我曾想过很多,结果还是用了这个最不得意的。因为它最符合整篇的风格。*/Born in Liaohe Oil field/*辽河油田,我的家乡*/,an area that has long been so savage and desolate that rarely did people reside there, I was able to witness how my parents and other workers fought with relentless determination and how they strove to explore the great uncertainty for treasure-crude oil./*为下文埋下伏笔*/ Apart from the bravery, another great benefit I obtained was learning to be unfettered when dealing with problems. Since most problems they encountered everyday were fresh to them, my parents and their peers had to throw off the trammel of additional ways and seek alternatives. Thus, innovation was ingrained in my character even before I received any formal education./*米国人欣赏INNOVATION,也正好是自己的真实写照,所以重笔描绘。*/Thanks to the austerity of my birthplace, I was endowed with many dominant characteristics, which influenced both my private life as well as academic life in my future. /*现在想想的确如此,小时候的漫天疯跑玩耍真的养成了CALEB放荡不羁的性格*/Combining them with my own diligence and intelligence, I was able to distinguish myself to enter "Chicago" No. 2 Senior High School. The reason why I chose it was not only for its reputation of "the cradle of future college students," but also because of its unique didactics-leaving great room for self-improvement. This seemed radical compared to other schools then, but fortunately it suited my innovative nature very much. Instead of being ossified by lectures or textbooks, we were encouraged to learn by ourselves, communicate, and cooperate with others (for instance, we always formed into groups to discuss specific topics like the theme of an essay or a historic figure) and participate in extracurricular activities./*高中是一所重点高中。2中的特点就是崇尚自由发展,课堂时间短,自习时间长,活动时间长。想想当时2中的生活真的给自己养成了好的思维习惯。同样, 段也是迎合鬼子崇尚自由的心理,当然说的也是事实,没有丝毫的虚构*/Everything went on smoothly until I met the biggest challenge of my life - I failed to enter Tsinghua University, maybe the best university in China, on the National College Entrance Test (NCET, similar to SAT). I was unable to face the fact for a long while although I was admitted to "University of Minnesota", another prestigious higher education institute of China. However, my brave nature dominated and made me stand again to confront the unsuccessfulness. Up to now, I still feel proud of my choice and the very effort I made to fulfill my goal then. Despite the failure, I did succeed in gaining self-assurance under any unfavorable circumstances. /* 高考时真的没考上清华,现在回头看看真是遗憾,那时太小,根本不懂一个好大学对自己有什么影响。要是当时能把自己申请的一半力气用上,估计肯定能考上了。这段其实是照应前面的 BRAVERY。也为自己不是名校出身做了一点点委婉的解释。*/During four years' college study, I was chosen into the Talented Student Program after an extremely stiff competition - screening nearly 1,700 freshmen for the best 35./*就是所谓的尖子班,好象很多学校都有,清华我一个同学就是*/ We had a much harder burden but enjoyed an eclectic syllabus as you can see from my transcripts. /* 本科的课程很杂,当时也很辛苦,不过很值得。现在看可解决大问题了。 这绝对是自己申请中的一个优势。*/We were able to hear lectures given by almost all prominent professors of the university, from mathematical analysis to strategy management./*说这两门课是因为数学很重要,而且我的一封推荐信就是让数学分析老师写的,有所照应,至于战略管理也同理可证*/ I was completely enchanted by the academic world, from abstract theory of mathematics to practical principles of economics. Academics was so intriguing to me that it was during this period of time that I made up my mind to take academics as my career goal, specifically, be a professor in a university. I chose management as major because management had long been ignored in China and few people had ever made great efforts to explore this "savage and desolate" area, just like my birthplace - Liaohe Oil Field./*这一小段可以说是我自己感觉最精彩的一部分,照应了前面的 叙述,把选择专业的问题回答的很圆满,其实说实话,自己心理的潜意识也是这么想的,说心里话当然很容易了。*/Thus it will be challenging but deserving if I devote myself to the study of this area. /*这段是回答问什么选择本专业的问题。到大学时才确定是比较正常的思路,也容易为人所接受。*/My first exploration was my undergraduate work paper---"Research on Industrial Organization of Fodder Industry of "Minnesota Province". It was a totally new subject to me, to most of my classmates and even some professors because the theory was introduced to China very recently. I did the research mainly by quantitative analysis on historical data. A simple mathematical model/*其实就是一元线形回归分析*/ was established to interpret and predict the status of industrial organization of "Minnesota" fodder industry. Through about 4 months research, I understood what is a researcher's work: from the very beginning, identifying the problem, seeking related data and documents, making himself familiar with various views on the problem, analyzing and organizing them from his own to synthesize the result of the academic activity: a report, a paper, or a thesis./*的确当时写论文是大姑娘上矫---头一遭,所以特别用心。虽然数据有“伪造”嫌疑,但是现在回头看看,觉得风格还是满正式的。 */While exposed to various academic fields to broaden my horizon during college study, I narrowed my efforts on basic research skills and did research mainly by myself during graduate study. I firmly believe that by doing so, I would make my academic future more grounded and better prepared. I drilled myself on computer programming for a specific academic aim (i.e. seeking the best solutions of optimistic problems) instead of just for fun. By searching indexes or Internet for specific materials for my own research, I began to be accustomed to taking advantage of these basic academic skills. From 2nd year of graduate study I participated in the research sponsored by the Science & Tech Commission of "Chicago" municipal government. The research is quite comprehensive but mainly involves investigating the organizational transformation of "Chicago" Science & Tech research institutes from public to profitable sectors and how to improve their effectiveness from strategic perspective. /*到了这一段,我自己感觉我PS开写走下坡路了。很简单,因为我的研究生生活过的远不象本科乃至高中时那么爽。本科的精英教育让我一到研究生阶段非常的不适应,感觉老师怎么一个比一个差啊?因此没学什么正经东东,天天逃课。从研2开始申请一次,失败了之后再来。所以更是没干什么正是。体会不深,也写不出什么东西。*/ /*明眼人能看出来,一般的PS其实会把研究生的课题写的很多的。很多牛人也是 到这里开始出彩了。可是我却偏偏一笔带过。没什么,不是没向导,实在是不敢下笔。因为我的课题实际是研究国有资产,而“国有资产”这个词汇只有在中国讨论的很凶,米国鬼子根本就不放在眼里。所以也不敢展开。这一点实在是 我申请的“软肋”。后来UCLA的鬼子面试第一个问题就是这个,结果很自然的我就被句掉了。*/To fulfill my career goal, I intend to pursue my Ph.D. and further my study in a program best fit for me. Your honored program falls into my scope not only because of the great prestige of University of Michigan and the program, but also because 3 points so fascinating to me:* Rarely does any other program stress on academic innovation like yours. Needless to say, rarely does any other program fit my innovative nature like yours either.* The research-oriented program will allow me to take best advantage of my diverse skills developed during undergraduate and graduate study.* The small size of the program will provide me with more opportunity to share views with world-class faculty and learn from them./* 这一段是我冥思苦想出来的,因为要写为什么选择该笑,当时觉得太头疼了。为什么,就是要你的名和利吗。不过那么写太赤裸裸了。而要写的行云流水又不现实,所以我创造出来了个“列表”法, 把一些优点罗列出来。换一个学校就换几点。比较公式化。不过好象效果不太好。自己去判断吧。*/If I were fortunate enough to be admitted, I would like to concentrate my Ph.D. study on:* Organizational transformation, esp. research that investigates such behavior under transitional circumstances.* Strategic adaptation, esp. research that inquires how organizations design and implement new strategy dynamically.* Management of technology, esp. analysis of governmental and organizational effect on technology development./* 这段写要学什么方向去,我TMD其实学什么都成。只要给钱,钱,是我当时唯一要得到的东东。当然现在有了OFFER就装清高了,也得考虑考虑什么气候了,地点了等等。。。 但是不写还不太好。结果又是,我感觉自己不了解的东西一写是准穿帮。不专业,不地道。 */Your kind suggestion on this matter will be appreciated. At last, I am confident that under your seasoned guidance, I will fully develop my intellectual potential in academic research. It will come as no surprise that one-day, I become one of the foremost authorities on Chinese management after I graduate from your program./*最后一段是最差的了。 新东方的老师看了肯定会笑的前仰后合,因为就是造抄新东方的书信选。 我当时的PS自己感觉越写月走下坡路, 到最后竟然实在没有可写的了。 只好。。。”窃书不算偷书“了。 各位看官莫笑。*/---------------------------------------------------------------------总评:这篇PS的套路很简单, 就是个人成长型。本来想用更新奇的写法, 但想来想去,觉得自己功力不逮,还是作罢。当时正是GRE刚考完, 所以PS 里出现了很多大家很熟悉的词汇。有点卖弄了。不过还是有点效果。全文可能就是一些用词还算可圈可点。还有LIAOHE OIL FIELD的前后呼应是个亮点。别的其实也就平平。如果打分的话,我给自己打7分/10分满。当时写PS时曾给国内的2个朋友看,结果被狠狠批了一顿。 TRACY MM说我花太多笔墨在大学之前了。 浙大的网友说我没写出研究的东东。当时给我打击太大了。 花了这么长时间的酝酿就得到这么一个评论?后来让我的网妹---CLAUDIA(她在TEXAS)给我看。 并且我对她说一定要给 我找个“老教授”看看。并且开始不要对他说是谁写的,和她什么关系。 就是要他的第一印象。结果CLAUDIA对我说,教授当时看呆了,不住赞叹,而且让他产生了来中国的念头。我知道CLAUDIA一向是鼓励我,所以可能有点夸张。不过我敢肯定的是,我PS能打动一些鬼子。 这就足够了。严格说,我PS肯定会被很多牛人所耻笑。如我前面所说,我有些避实就虚了。一般人爱写的什么项目了,实验了,论文拉,我写的明显太少。现在回头看看,觉得自己没有走错。因为人的条件不同,牛人当然就是牛。我2年前认识的清华大牛, 一夜之间就能搞掂BEKELEY的OFFER,凭的就是他的文章。 但是他 PS写的,真是“又臭又长”(听到了您可别生气啊,呵呵)。可读性极差。前几天我让一个正准备出国的本科生看,他问我,这个人去哪了?我告诉他,他去的地方肯定你是去不成了。牛人就是这么样的牛---我的PS甚至都有错字,照别人抄的连性别都忘了改,照样有牛校接着。人比人得气死人。我的PS严格说不是STATEMENT OF PURPOSE, 而是PERSONAL STATEMENT。 这两者是有一点点区别的。前者可能就是大家印象中的那种中规中矩的PS, 而后者则走的是个人路线, 强调个人的性格和潜力,而不强调经验和成绩。这种风格国外的PS中常用。我觉得自己就是受他们的影响很深。当然最重要的是自己的确没什么可夸的。如果非名校的朋友们觉得自己没什么太多的成绩,不妨也试试走这种细腻的写法。如果学人家的长传冲吊,恐怕没什么前途。还有。我说了,我的PS前半段写的感觉比后面精彩,那是因为我有感而发,写的自然流畅一些。可是后面的就差多了。 希望您自己写的时候也试试?多写自己的真实感受,“为赋新词强说愁”恐怕效果更差。PS的好坏不会决定一个人的成功与否,但是写好了绝对加重成功的砝码。最后提醒各位,请领会精神,抄袭是没有前途的。后果自负。

冯唐在医学院的时候为了让小白老鼠理解中国现代读书人的处境,上午给它听崔健,下午给它听莫扎特,一三五给它听《枪和玫瑰》,二四六给它听瞎子阿炳,星期天不休息听新闻联播。三个月后,小白老鼠疯了。赞反馈:千里马, 大家好才好 和 echo 2005-10-15#11 E 286 $0.00 不错,给你加声望

今天看了看University of Ottawa和University of Waterloo这两个学校的网页。先说说University of Ottawa吧,这所学校在首都,我的一个朋友在那里读了计算机学位后很顺利打了份稳定的工作。而且她很喜欢Ottawa这个城市,所以也推荐我们考虑一下。这个学校的网页表明不同的专业要求不同,也从另一个角度表明了竞争的激烈程度吧。例如Toefl要求差异就很大,计算机专业570,物理专业550,化学专业550,生物化学专业600。有的明确指出学生申请前应该和教授联系,有的特别指出需要提供Personal statement, 有的相对宽松。申请TA这个问题涉及到财务,相信有不少感兴趣吧。呵呵。不妨先看看University of Ottawa是怎么说的。拜托继续加SW啊------------------------------------------------How to apply for TAGENERAL INFORMATIONYou may make a general application where you would be assigned a TA at the discretion of the department. This type of application can be submitted any time of the year up to the ending date of the posting. The type of applications are:Teaching Assistant/Demonstrator/Lab MonitorShall be defined as a student hired to assist in the presentation or delivery of a course or to demonstrate, supervise, and/or monitor a laboratory or class and who may perform any or a combination of duties including but not limited to: teaching, correcting, demonstrating, monitoring labs, conducting discussion groups or problem sessions, consulting with individual students, proctoring and tutoring.TutorShall be defined as a student hired to consult, conduct one or more remedial tutorial sessions or tutor individual students.Corrector (Marker)Shall be defined as a student hired to perform duties related to marking and grading of students?work.ProctorShall be defined as a student hired to invigilate during an examination, and when required, to perform other related duties including but not limited to bringing exams to the examination room, distributing exams to students, collecting exams at the end of the examination, placing the exams in order, supervising other proctors, and delivering the completed exams to the appropriate place.PROCESSING OF SALARY CONTRACTSAll students must sign a contract which is forwarded to Human Resources. If the file is complete, a minimum of 3 weeks is required in order to receive a first instalment.New studentsIncoming graduate students who received an offer of financial support must see the Administrative Officer of his/her department in order to activate their teaching assistantship or other contract(s). The following steps must be completed prior to sending the contract to Human Resources.Canadians/Permanent Residents/Landed ImmigrantMust arrive one week prior to beginning of classes Must be registered A copy of your Permanent Residence Certificate (Permanent Residents) Provide proof of your SIN to the Administrative Officer Provide a void cheque for bank deposit International StudentsMust arrive one week prior to beginning of classes Must be registered A copy of your student Visa You will receive a copy of your signed contract which is needed in order to apply for a Social Insurance Number (SIN) Returning StudentsMust apply directly to the department(s) one month prior to the start of each semesters Available positions will be posted in: April for the Spring/Summer semester July for the Fall semester November for the Winter semester Students must follow CUPE2626 procedures at http://www.uottawa.ca/services/hr/CUPE.PDF Successful candidates will be contacted Regulations regarding working hours for teaching assistantship may be found at http://www.grad.uottawa.ca/regulations/registration.html under 1.3 Full-time Status and Paid Employment within the University Note: Salaries are twice a month, one the 15th and 30th of each month

冯唐在医学院的时候为了让小白老鼠理解中国现代读书人的处境,上午给它听崔健,下午给它听莫扎特,一三五给它听《枪和玫瑰》,二四六给它听瞎子阿炳,星期天不休息听新闻联播。三个月后,小白老鼠疯了。 2005-10-16#13 多伦多 1,154 $0.00 受益匪浅,加声望鼓励。

2001年11月fn,北京 2004年12月28日体检 2005年1月补料后19日变12 2005年3月末催问,说材料已全,最后阶段。 2005年5月末催问,说12周。 2005年7月中旬两次催问,7月21回复说application has been finalised ,即将邮寄visa。状态还是12,ip。7月22日晨1时,状态变13,cic还是ip,早9时接到使馆邮件,通知7月26日取签。7月25日21时,cic状态DM7月26日14:05,北京使馆顺利取签。7月28日9时,北京1711月3日机票,哈尔滨-汉城-多伦多。 2005-10-17#14 BigLion_BigCat 220 $0.00 哎呀,我的原创越来越少,实在对不住。不过对于转发过来的贴子我还是很有信心的。至少干货比较多吧。呵呵。我一贯的看法是不要太看重排名,不过前人的观点还是读读无妨。我是肯定去东部的,所以只关注Ontario省的学校和Montreal的Mcgill(虽在法语区,但是英文学校)。有一个有趣的问题,一个在加的朋友也说过Waterloo累死,和下文作者不谋而合。但是却没有人这么评价排名第一的Toronto大学。有人知道为什么吗?疑惑中......(拜托加SW)----------------------------------------------加拿大各大学点评 太傻留学网 时间:2004-07-17 点击: 5509 加拿大各大学点评 加拿大各大学点评 纯粹私人看法 欢迎补充 鉴于很多朋友选择学校的时候又很大的盲目性 所以楚随风就想根据在加拿大13个月的 学习生活经历写一点加拿大大学的点评 很私人的 或许有的时候不是很公正 希望大家 不要见怪 按照省份区别大学(这个列表只列出本人认为“值得去”的学校)没有列出的大学希 望申请者三思 British Columbia 就是常说的BC省 UBC 没什么好说的 加拿大top 5的学校 校园号称全被美最漂亮的学校 据说学校后面 就是裸体海滩:) SFU 也不错 很多人觉得SFU 和 UBC一样好 不过毕竟UBC 更有名气些 Victoria U 不在vancouver 在victoria 倒上 据说漂亮得让人心醉 喜欢看美景的可 以去 但是个人认为不如UBC,SFU BC省是全加拿大气候最好的地方 怕冷的朋友的最好选择 Alberta U of Alberta 本省最好的大学 1908年成立 建立在石油城市edmonton 实力很强 加拿 大top 8 理工科很不错 U of Calgary 历史不久 但是上升的很快 Calgary 城市漂亮 在城市的边上可以看到 落籍山上的皑皑白雪 白人占绝对多数 华人黑人不多 有个很小的China town 排名一 直在12-13之间徘徊 理工科不错 这个省份税很低 只有百分之7 远远低于加拿大平均的百分之15 Alberta 冬季寒冷 一年中每个月都有下雪的可能 Saskatchewan U of Saskatoon 了解不多 抱歉 Manitoba U of Manitoba 百年老校 很不错 当初差点去那里 实力比较平均 排名15左右 Ontario 加拿大名校基本都在这个省 UT 就不废话什么了 加拿大的top 2 (之所以不是top 1 是因为个人最喜欢mcgill 其 实UT 综合实力应该比 mcgill 强 偏爱而已)地理位置很好 就在downtown 并且校园 巨大 有UT is everywhere 之说 UT 有3个校区除了downtown 校区以外另外有UTS UTM 只分 自然downtown 的校区最好(不是绝对 因为很多专业只有分校有)应该说UT 的 各个专业都能是加拿大的top 大家拼命往这里挤吧:)但是多伦多物价比较高 U of Waterloo 加拿大的新贵 成立很短 但是现在及其的牛 数学和计算机独步加拿大 学习累得要死 如果对自己的智商不是充分自信就不要来啦 WFU 和 U of Waterloo 一街之隔 商科好 学校规模不大 UWO 也不废话什么了 商科独步加拿大(不过据说现在ut 的商科比uwo 排名高)对MBA 感兴趣的就往里面去了 感觉这个学校是文科学校 理科不行 和U of Waterloo 正好相 反 U of Macmaster 这个学校像个工厂 工程爆牛 也就是工程闯出的名气 学校里面有核反应堆 但是这个 城市挺无聊的 在这个城市住了一年 哎 无聊就2个子 U of Guelph 农科牛 但是据说这个学校像农场 呵呵 Queen’s U 传统的贵族牛校 对中国人不是很友好 其实是很不友好 文科爆牛 但是城 市无聊 这个城市只有学生 老人 犯人 三种人 Brock 综合很一般但是accounting 牛 Ottawa U 因为在首都 沾光不少 不过个人认为学校综合实力一般 卡尔顿 U 据说传媒很好 York 商科爆牛 其余的感觉一般 地理位置在多伦多市郊 据说在黑人区 治安不好 Quebec Mcgill 哎 我的梦想呀 在加拿大老大的位置上作了很久 当年卢瑟福就是在这个学校 发现了 X子(原子 ?质子?电子?忘记了)在美国声誉很高 医学爆牛 其他的专业也 很牛 Concordia 商科牛 我们的斑竹就是那里的 欢迎他补充 大西洋四省 New Foundland, PEI, Nova Scotia, New Brunswic 我感觉唯一好的就是 U of Dalhouse 因为这个地方在加拿大都属于偏远山区 气候寒冷 U of D 据说法律很 好 U of Acadia 本科教育不错 不过学校规模不大 研究生不知道如何 最后声明一边 这个纯粹是个人观点 不希望有人质问我 为什么不把我的学校列上去 也不希望有人说“你有什么资格评价加拿大的大学!“ 因为我毕竟不是留学专家 这篇文章上肯定有很多错误 欢迎指出! 补充一些 加拿大的生活水平以BC and Ontario 省份为最高 中部比较便宜 魁北克据 说有国际学生补助 未经证实 Alberta 省税最低 仅为7% Manitoba 为14%其余均为 15% 魁北克的法语大学不错 如果会说法语可以去 大西洋四省也有些不错的学校 但是 位置偏僻 不予列出

冯唐在医学院的时候为了让小白老鼠理解中国现代读书人的处境,上午给它听崔健,下午给它听莫扎特,一三五给它听《枪和玫瑰》,二四六给它听瞎子阿炳,星期天不休息听新闻联播。三个月后,小白老鼠疯了。赞反馈:98天机 2005-10-17#15 S 10 $0.00 好帖子。但是如我,已经30多了,还是否可以读书。


Nomad in Canada 2005-10-17#17 hransun 460 $0.00 _ grad.uottawa.ca > Admission and Registration > FAQ _____________________How do I apply?It is best to contact the academic unit offering the particular program that interests you (for example, if Law is your chosen field, contact the Graduate Academic Assistant in the Faculty of Law). The Director of the Program to which you are applying will send you the relevant application forms, instructions and information for admission (deadlines, number of anticipated openings, funding possibilities, areas of interest of professors, language of instruction and so on).Completion of the one-page application form should take no more than ten minutes. Assembling your letters of recommendation, transcripts and letter of intent (if required) will take longer. So try to allow yourself sufficient time.How much does it cost to apply for admission?In 2002, the application fee is $60.00, in Canadian funds.Is it possible to register as a special student?You should contact the Secretariat for the graduate program offering the course that interests you to see if you might be allowed to register with "special student" status.Can courses taken as a special student count towards a graduate program?A maximum of six credits taken as a special student can subsequently be transferred to a graduate program.May I register for an undergraduate course during my graduate program?If an undergraduate course is relevant to your graduate program, you could add it to your registration as a graduate student. Remember that any course taken on that basis counts in your program. If you fail it, it counts as a failure in your program. If the undergraduate course is unrelated to your graduate program, you can take it with "out-of-program" status.Is the offer of admission good for any entry point?Some offers of admission are valid for three sessions (that is the maximum); some are valid for one session only.If I turn down the offer of admission but change my mind afterwards, will I need to reapply?The answer depends on how recently you applied. If it has been more than one year, you will have to submit all documents again. If it is less than that, you should contact the Secretariat of the program for which you are applying.How many students are there at the University of Ottawa and, of those, how many are graduate students?In September 2002 there were 27,462 students registered and of these 3,795 (13.8%) were at the graduate level.Where do I find information about graduate programs?The information appears on the website of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (FGPS). A hard copy of the calendar description of each graduate program is also available. You can pick these documents up on campus, at either InfoService, the FGPS (Hagen Hall, 115 Séraphin Marion Street) or the department offering the program.Why consider graduate studies at the University of Ottawa?We offer excellent programs, in a highly stimulating intellectual milieu, within the capital of Canada where you will have access to a host of resources. Consider that the main campus is within walking distance of the National Library and Archives of Canada, of the National Research Council, of the National Gallery and numerous other museums, of the Canadian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (CISTI), and the Supreme Court of Canada. The Health Sciences campus is located in a complex that includes three of Ottawa's major hospitals. The region is one of North America's major high-technology centres, and includes the entire range of municipal and federal government departments.How long do graduate studies take?Master's: one year minimum full-time; in general, four years maximum.Doctorate: On average, four years; six years maximum.There is considerable variation among disciplines and individuals.Where can I get further information about being a graduate student at the University of Ottawa?Go to the website of the academic unit offering your program, to that of the Graduate Students' Association (GSAÉD), get in touch with the Director of Graduate Studies in your academic unit. Seek an opportunity to speak to graduate students currently registered, come and visit if possible. You may also fill out our Information Request Form which will redirect your query to the appropriate department.My first language is not English but the program that I am interested in is offered mainly in English. Do I need to demonstrate proficiency in the language of instruction?Yes. For details go to Admission and Registration. Please note that a TOEFL (or other language test) score is valid for two years only.Do I have to submit a GRE (Graduate Record Examinations) score?No.Do you have any course to prepare me for university teaching?The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, in cooperation with the Centre for University Teaching, provides graduate students and postdoctoral fellows with an opportunity for formal training in university teaching through a course and practicum (ESG 5300 and ESG 8300). These activities are recorded on the official transcript. Further information is available from the Centre for University Teaching. The centre also provides other (non credit) instructional development workshops and seminars www.uottawa.ca/services/tlss/cut.How do I find accommodation?Some residence spaces are available on campus and there is a wide range of apartments in Ottawa or across the Ottawa River in Gatineau. Please consult Housing Services

Nomad in Canada 2005-10-17#18 T 234 $0.00 支持楼主!请问楼主考过TOFEL和GRE没有?什么时候考的?成绩有效期是多久?

2014 2005-10-17#19 Jack-Jack 240 $0.00 不错不错,以后可以来这里交流留学信息了。我才递的材料HK的,我想问问大家是不是等到移民有消息了再着手办留学。或者现在就可以准备什么,但是除了上学校网页上看看我不知道还能干什么,因为还不知道什么时候才能是PR,好像一切都无从谈起。我本来不是很喜欢温哥华的,因为觉得香港人太多,我不喜欢香港人,但是后来因为体质比较怕冷,还是决定去温哥华,这样我就只能去UBC或者SFU了,相比之下我还是喜欢UBC多一些。上大学的事后考的托福早过期了,这次考的A类雅斯7分,所以就想申请一个只要雅思成绩的专业就行了,而且不要太麻烦太辛苦的专业,又因为我是会计师事务所的,所以想学个会计,再考个加拿大注册会计师之类的,怎知UBC的master没有会计专业,晕阿我,不知道学什么了。

PR already。。。3月份长登。。。 2005-10-17#20 S 10 $0.00 也管不了那么多了,虽然年龄大了点,35还是要加入到读书的队伍中来,并征集差不多年龄的朋友共同探讨。

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华人网大家好: 我父母來了加拿大都已經十年啦,開始準備申請加拿大老人金。 本人對這項福利都還好迷茫,希望各位多多指教, 多謝!本人父母居住加拿大已經十年,過去十年,沒有工作 ...



华人网不想在大城市了,从出生到现在一直在大城市,来到温哥华,这房价和工资的不对等更搞得无法呼吸。来加拿大又不是奔着这些来的,加上本人很佛系,现在就梦想找一份WFH的工作到乡 ...



华人网今天送老公先回加拿大,从沈阳出发经首尔当天飞多伦多。 给老公买的是沈阳至首尔 大韩航空的 从首尔到多伦多 加拿大航空 行李在沈阳可以直挂到多伦多 给了两段航程的登机牌 行李 ...



华人网郁金香正在凋谢,蒲公英也进入最后的一搏。这个时候,她们已经不像小黄花绽放时那么可爱了(应该说多数人是这么感觉的),但仔细观赏,我还是很喜欢的。心中喜乐,到处都是美 ...