加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息The 10 Best Part-Time Jobs


The government calls them “people who are employed part time for economic reasons.” In other words, these people want full-time jobs, but cannot get them. More than seven million Americans fell into the category in February, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). By another definition, which is people who work less than 35 hours a week, 27 million people work part-time. Despite the fewer hours worked, there are some part-time jobs that not only pay fairly well, but are also in sectors of the economy in which the job base is expected to grow.

See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15 2014-03-26#2 Michelle Libra
流金歲月 感恩惜福
29,772 $0.00 Some of the positions that CareerCast identifies as the “Best Part-Time and Temporary Jobs” pay much better than full-time ones — at least by the hour. Accountants make $30.55 an hour, its study claims, based on BLS data. Moving machine operators make $25.60. However, some of the jobs do not pay much better than Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (NYSE: WMT). Hotel desk clerks make $9.78 an hour. Bartenders do worse at $9.09 an hour. CareerCast does not say how many of them get tips. And, for people who prize insurance and benefits, these hourly jobs are highly unlikely to provide them. That may be very good for the employers financially, which is why a part-time worker base is attractive when the economy is slow.

See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15 2014-03-26#3 Michelle Libra
流金歲月 感恩惜福
29,772 $0.00 The growth rate among the jobs, measured by expectations of increases through 2022, also varies substantially. The number of construction managers is expected to grow by 16% by 2022. The number of customer services representatives is expected to rise 13% over the same period. However, the numbers of workers in some job categories on the CareerCast list are barely expected to grow at all between now and 2022. The number of shipping and receiving clerk jobs is expected to increase by only 1%, and moving machine operators by the same amount.Here are the 10 best part-time jobs, according to CareerCast:1. Accountant> BLS Median Hourly Wage: $30.55> Projected Growth by 2022: 13%2. Bartender> BLS Median Hourly Wage: $9.09> Projected Growth by 2022: 12%3. Construction Manager> BLS Median Hourly Wage: $39.80> Projected Growth by 2022: 16%4. Customer Service Representative> BLS Median Hourly Wage: $14.70> Projected Growth by 2022: 13%5. Delivery Service Driver> BLS Median Hourly Wage: $14.13> Projected Growth by 2022: 5%6. First Line Retail Supervisor> BLS Median Hourly Wage: $17.70> Projected Growth by 2020: 4%7. Graphic Designer> BLS Median Hourly Wage: $21.22> Projected Growth by 2022: 7%8. Hotel, Motel and Resort Desk Clerk> BLS Median Hourly Wage: $9.78> Projected Growth by 2022: 2%9. Material Moving Machine Operator> BLS Median Hourly Wage: $25.60> Projected Growth by 2022: 1%10. Shipping, Receiving and Traffic Clerk> BLS Median Hourly Wage: $13.95> Projected Growth by 2022: 1%By Douglas A. McIntyre

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