我申请的WORK PERMIT 上面第三条写的:不许从事照顾小孩,不许在中小学教书,不不许在医疗领域工作。这是为什么呢?我也在加拿大体检过,中国也体检过。为什么还不能从事这些行业呢?难道是在加拿大体检的时候身体有问题吗?可是他还是发给我工作许可了啊。而且在中国体检的时候,体检中心告诉我说很健康啊。不解。
回复: 关于work permit为什么不允许照看孩子等。这些需要license的吧
回复: 关于work permit为什么不允许照看孩子等。你申请的是什么工作签证?
https://boereport.com/回复: 关于work permit为什么不允许照看孩子等。医疗 教育 幼教 daycare 都需要license 或许还有工会的原因
回复: 关于work permit为什么不允许照看孩子等。好像是因为体检的原因。以前办签证的时候没有要求体检。因为申请work permit 下来以后,我已经拿到许可的时候他才要求我体检,可是就算我最后体检过了,那上面也已经写了不能从事这些行业,无法修改的,貌似。跟我一起的一个朋友,跟我情况一样,可能是因为她来之前在国内要求体检过了,这边就直接给了,上面也没有这些限制。
回复: 关于work permit为什么不允许照看孩子等。你申请的是什么工作签证?点击展开...就是一般的工签,不过我的类型他给的是26.我看我朋友的类型是20.我也不晓得这些有什么区别,为什么这么给。
回复: 关于work permit为什么不允许照看孩子等。因为照顾孩子等,是加拿大的另一种特殊工种。需要特殊签证申请。
回复: 关于work permit为什么不允许照看孩子等。就是一般的工签,不过我的类型他给的是26.我看我朋友的类型是20.我也不晓得这些有什么区别,为什么这么给。点击展开...不是住家保姆签证吗?
https://boereport.com/不是住家保姆签证吗?点击展开...住家保姆签证上没有你说的那些号,工作类型只有 live-in caregiver 或nanny 字样在工作纸上
Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you. 赏 2014-03-30#11
1$(0.00$赞力,#92) 5,415 $1.00 也许是因为没先体检。[FONT=仿宋]a work permit (case type 20) as a Nanny/Caregiver。下面是链接。[/FONT]http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/fw/fw01-eng.pdfFW 1 Temporary Foreign Worker Guidelines2014-01-10100of191may apply for persons assessed as M3 or M5. The occupation restriction, where applicable,will be stated in the medical narrative (e.g., the physician may note that an epileptic shouldnot be a pilot, work near open machinery or at heights). The restriction, not the actual medicalcondition, should be noted on the work permit. The restriction must be inserted in the“Remarks” section of the work permit.Note:Persons assessed as M4 or M6 (risk to public health or safety) are not allowed to work.Ifthe condition is controlled, a new medical examination is required before a workpermit maybe issued.Conditions to be imposed for open/occupation restricted work permitsIf a medical exam was not completed, one of the following conditions must be used. The specificoccupation restriction will depend on whether or not the client hasresided in a designated or non-designated country. (Please refer towebsite:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/medical/dcl.asp.)i) For persons from non-designated countries, the following remark should appear on the workpermit:“Not authorized to work in: 1) child care, 2) primary or secondary school teaching, 3)health services field occupations.”ii) For persons from designated countries, the following remark should appear on the workpermit:“Not authorized to work in: 1) child care, 2) primary or secondary school teaching 3)health services field, 4) agricultural occupations.” ·生活百科 惊人的太阳能报价
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