加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息一个问题,年收入是指减去相关费用前还之后?
看到说 年收入低于30000的,不用交HST, 即使是收了顾客的HST,也不用交 请问年收入是指 减掉相关费用前(比如原材料之类的) 还是减掉相关费用后 的NET INCOME
回复: 一个问题,年收入是指减去相关费用前还之后?补充:小生意的年收入
回复: 一个问题,年收入是指减去相关费用前还之后?Net income
Net income点击展开...、那我放心了,本来以为是GROSS INCOME超过3万就要交HST, 吓一跳
回复: 一个问题,年收入是指减去相关费用前还之后?、那我放心了,本来以为是GROSS INCOME超过3万就要交HST, 吓一跳点击展开...为什么不去税局网站上去核实一下呢
回复: 一个问题,年收入是指减去相关费用前还之后?税局文件说 每个季度 连续四个季度 毛收入低于三万 可以不报
回复: 一个问题,年收入是指减去相关费用前还之后?链接文件在此http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pub/gp/rc4022/rc4022-e.html
回复: 一个问题,年收入是指减去相关费用前还之后?受了客户的HST也不用交啊,那岂不是顾客交税直接养活店主?
大多数同胞逻辑不是一般的差,与其讲道理完全提不起兴趣,只能无视回复: 一个问题,年收入是指减去相关费用前还之后?先来看下税务网怎说。http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/bsnss/tpcs/gst-tps/rgstrng/vlntry-eng.htmlGenerally, you do not have to register for GST/HST if your worldwide revenues are $30,000 or less as we consider you a small supplier. However, you can register voluntarily. You may want to do so for the following reasons: you want to claim input tax credits (ITCs) to recover the GST/HST you pay or owe on your business purchases;you are starting your business activities and you want to register before your total worldwide revenues of taxable goods and services exceed $30,000; oryour clients may only do business with businesses registered for GST/HST. If you decide to register voluntarily: you have to charge, collect, and remit GST/HST on your sales of taxable goods and services. You will also have to file GST/HST returns on a regular basis; andyou have to stay registered for at least one year before you can cancel your registration (unless you stop your commercial activities).意思是,小于3W的时候,你有两个选择:如果不注册,既不用收税也不能退税;如果注册,那么就必须收税而且同时可以退税。有的小生意,如果还要收税,客户——特别是个人客户——就不跟你做了,所以你要权衡是能退税退回来的多呢,还是不退税但是多一些生意来的好。
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790回复: 一个问题,年收入是指减去相关费用前还之后?再来看下年收入30000的问题。http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/bsnss/tpcs/gst-tps/bspsbch/cncllng/smll_sp_slprp-eng.htmlYou are a small supplier if your total taxable revenues (before expenses) from all your businesses are $30,000 or less in the last four consecutive calendar quarters or in any single calendar quarter.
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790回复: 一个问题,年收入是指减去相关费用前还之后?最后是HST/GST。通常来说它申报很简单,加减的问题,将收到的HST/GST,减去付出的HST/GST,得到正数便要交税局,反之负数有钱收。但具体情况还得具本对待。
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790Net income点击展开...看来这个不对应该按gross income算
回复: 一个问题,年收入是指减去相关费用前还之后?我疑惑的是,一个季度是指几个月还是一年,如果一个季度是一年,那GROSS INCOME 超3万的太多了吧,一个月赚2500-3000就超过了 但是这个GROSS INCOME 减去 各种材料费跟开销后,可能是 NET LOSS呢,都NET LOSS还要交HST???
回复: 一个问题,年收入是指减去相关费用前还之后?再来看下年收入30000的问题。 http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/bsnss/tpcs/gst-tps/bspsbch/cncllng/smll_sp_slprp-eng.html You are a small supplier if your total taxable revenues (before expenses) from all your businesses are $30,000 or less in the last four consecutive calendar quarters or in any single calendar quarter.点击展开...------------------------懂了,谢谢了,3个月的GROSS INCOME 超过3万才需要交 我之前以为一年超3万就要交呢,那也太容易超3万了。。。
回复: 一个问题,年收入是指减去相关费用前还之后?先来看下税务网怎说。 http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/bsnss/tpcs/gst-tps/rgstrng/vlntry-eng.html Generally, you do not have to register for GST/HST if your worldwide revenues are $30,000 or less as we consider you a small supplier. However, you can register voluntarily. You may want to do so for the following reasons:you want to claim input tax credits (ITCs) to recover the GST/HST you pay or owe on your business purchases;you are starting your business activities and you want to register before your total worldwide revenues of taxable goods and services exceed $30,000; oryour clients may only do business with businesses registered for GST/HST.If you decide to register voluntarily:you have to charge, collect, and remit GST/HST on your sales of taxable goods and services. You will also have to file GST/HST returns on a regular basis; andyou have to stay registered for at least one year before you can cancel your registration (unless you stop your commercial activities).意思是,小于3W的时候,你有两个选择:如果不注册,既不用收税也不能退税;如果注册,那么就必须收税而且同时可以退税。 有的小生意,如果还要收税,客户——特别是个人客户——就不跟你做了,所以你要权衡是能退税退回来的多呢,还是不退税但是多一些生意来的好。点击展开...---------------------我还有一个问题 如果你已经注册了HST NO, 并且使用了,收了客户的HST,但是年底,你把收到的HST 跟 买东西付出的HST,加减后,数字是正数,这意味着你需要交HST给政府,但是另一方面你的GROSS INCOME 低于3万,这个情况是交还是不交??
回复: 一个问题,年收入是指减去相关费用前还之后?---------------------我还有一个问题 如果你已经注册了HST NO, 并且使用了,收了客户的HST,但是年底,你把收到的HST 跟 买东西付出的HST,加减后,数字是正数,这意味着你需要交HST给政府,但是另一方面你的GROSS INCOME 低于3万,这个情况是交还是不交??点击展开...这里说到,http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/bsnss/tpcs/gst-tps/bspsbch/cncllng/smll_sp_slprp-eng.htmlDeregistering (closing) your GST/HST account If you are registered and your total taxable revenues fall below the Small supplier limit calculation amount you may decide to deregister (close) your GST/HST account. If this is the case, you must have been registered for at least one full year before we will close your account. You may be holding property that was for consumption, use, or supply in your commercial activities when you close your account (cease to be a registrant). We consider that just before you close your account you have disposed of each property (see Capital property held at time of closing a GST/HST account for the specific rules applying to capital property) for an amount equal to its Basic tax content and you have collected GST/HST on that amount. You have to remit this GST/HST on your final GST/HST return.
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790------------------------懂了,谢谢了,3个月的GROSS INCOME 超过3万才需要交 我之前以为一年超3万就要交呢,那也太容易超3万了。。。点击展开...
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790一年有四季,一季3个月。生意有成败, LOSS很正常;但HST是可以抵扣的,多还少补。 这里说到,http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/bsnss/tpcs/gst-tps/bspsbch/cncllng/smll_sp_slprp-eng.htmlDeregistering (closing) your GST/HST account If you are registered and your total taxable revenues fall below the Small supplier limit calculation amount you may decide to deregister (close) your GST/HST account. If this is the case, you must have been registered for at least one full year before we will close your account.You may be holding property that was for consumption, use, or supply in your commercial activities when you close your account (cease to be a registrant). We consider that just before you close your account you have disposed of each property (see Capital property held at time of closing a GST/HST account for the specific rules applying to capital property) for an amount equal to its Basic tax content and you have collected GST/HST on that amount. You have to remit this GST/HST on your final GST/HST return.点击展开... ------------------------这个只是告诉怎么取消HST NUMBER? 现在的情况是, 我2013已经收了HST了,并且减去我买东西的HST,是正数,也就是正常情况下我需要交CRA 这部分正数的HST。 造成这个原因的是因为我用的大多原材料是水果,牛奶,蔬菜,面包类的,而这类原料是没有GST/HST。 所以造成我收到的HST多于我付出的HST很多。 但是我去年每个季度都没达到3万的GROSS INCOME, 这时候我到底是需要交还是不需要交这部分多出的HST? 我会考虑今年取消掉我的HST NO,但是目前要解决的是我2013这年到底需要交不交啊??
回复: 一个问题,年收入是指减去相关费用前还之后?我疑惑的是,一个季度是指几个月还是一年,如果一个季度是一年,那GROSS INCOME 超3万的太多了吧,一个月赚2500-3000就超过了 但是这个GROSS INCOME 减去 各种材料费跟开销后,可能是 NET LOSS呢,都NET LOSS还要交HST???点击展开...我认为HST只是你代替国家收取的税费,不是你的营业收入。即使NET LOSS也应该返还。
回复: 一个问题,年收入是指减去相关费用前还之后?我认为HST只是你代替国家收取的税费,不是你的营业收入。即使NET LOSS也应该返还。点击展开... 汗,那我惨了。。。如果是真的,报完今年的税赶紧得关了我的HST NO
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