加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息college IT专业方向选择,请大家指教
各位好,本人现在在edmonton的nait学习dmit的课程,关于方向选择,想请教下,主要是system administration和application development方向,这两个哪个出来好就业呀??????多谢了
Hi, I am sorry for typing English due to slow Chinese input. In term of employment market, I think both areas should be fine and application development may be slightly more opportunities than system admin and also better salary. However, the difference between two areas is not obvious.In general, you should depends on your interests and background to select the direction to go. If you love something, you will be successful. This is the rule of thumb.I used to work as developer previously and later changed to work as Linux System Admin. Based on my previous working experience, I suggest you go for system admin area if you are neutral to both areas. The reasons are followings:1. System admin is easier than app dev for first stage learning and gaining hands-on experiences. E.g. you spend 10 hours to learn system admin stuff, you should get something. But for app dev, you may not.2. Update professional knowledge. You are expected to update frequently to your knowledge in both areas. For system admin, it doesn't need update as frequent as app dev.3. Working hours. For sure, app dev will occupy a lot of working time. You will be OT so often.4. In short, the current core technologies for IT = Networking+Linux+Software development. No matter how the future trend will be, the 3 components are still there. So, all components for could computing and big data are built up under networking and running linux OS. As system admin, there should be a good career future.So if you really want to go system admin direction, you must learn Linux/Unix. I emphasis on CLI but not GUI. Continue to point 4 above, other than system admin, network admin/engineer is also a very good area. Everything needs network. There is something called Cloud Engineer, which is hot. Actually, this position requires networking and Linux system admin.Well, I also cover below two articles for you:1. http://www.tecmint.com/which-career-to-choose-programmer-vs-administrator/2. http://www.tomsitpro.com/articles/it_certification-it_training-mcse-ccna-mobility,1-1042.htmlYou dig further to get more info by below google searching result:https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#ie=UTF-8&q=system admin vs developer&sourceid=chrome-psyapi2
赞一个楼上。Cloud Engineer现在职位还少,就像hadoop一样。随着AWS,EC2这种云服务的兴起,系统管理也会日趋简单。至少安装这一块的话已经有很多预定义的模板可以用了。
煮饭侠Hi, I am sorry for typing English due to slow Chinese input. In term of employment market, I think both areas should be fine and application development may be slightly more opportunities than system admin and also better salary. However, the difference between two areas is not obvious.In general, you should depends on your interests and background to select the direction to go. If you love something, you will be successful. This is the rule of thumb.I used to work as developer previously and later changed to work as Linux System Admin. Based on my previous working experience, I suggest you go for system admin area if you are neutral to both areas. The reasons are followings:1. System admin is easier than app dev for first stage learning and gaining hands-on experiences. E.g. you spend 10 hours to learn system admin stuff, you should get something. But for app dev, you may not.2. Update professional knowledge. You are expected to update frequently to your knowledge in both areas. For system admin, it doesn't need update as frequent as app dev.3. Working hours. For sure, app dev will occupy a lot of working time. You will be OT so often.4. In short, the current core technologies for IT = Networking+Linux+Software development. No matter how the future trend will be, the 3 components are still there. So, all components for could computing and big data are built up under networking and running linux OS. As system admin, there should be a good career future.So if you really want to go system admin direction, you must learn Linux/Unix. I emphasis on CLI but not GUI. Continue to point 4 above, other than system admin, network admin/engineer is also a very good area. Everything needs network. There is something called Cloud Engineer, which is hot. Actually, this position requires networking and Linux system admin.Well, I also cover below two articles for you:1. http://www.tecmint.com/which-career-to-choose-programmer-vs-administrator/2. http://www.tomsitpro.com/articles/it_certification-it_training-mcse-ccna-mobility,1-1042.htmlYou dig further to get more info by below google searching result:https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#ie=UTF-8&q=system admin vs developer&sourceid=chrome-psyapi2点击展开...谢谢您的回复,不过我看了下NAIT的课程表,system administration这一块貌似不是学的Linux,而是学的Windows的相关内容such as web server with DB integration, Windows client O/S and Windows mail server,这样是否就不值得学呢??????还是其他怎样??????谢谢了
one60bpm 说:Hi, I am sorry for typing English due to slow Chinese input. In term of employment market, I think both areas should be fine and application development may be slightly more opportunities than system admin and also better salary. However, the difference between two areas is not obvious.In general, you should depends on your interests and background to select the direction to go. If you love something, you will be successful. This is the rule of thumb.I used to work as developer previously and later changed to work as Linux System Admin. Based on my previous working experience, I suggest you go for system admin area if you are neutral to both areas. The reasons are followings:1. System admin is easier than app dev for first stage learning and gaining hands-on experiences. E.g. you spend 10 hours to learn system admin stuff, you should get something. But for app dev, you may not.2. Update professional knowledge. You are expected to update frequently to your knowledge in both areas. For system admin, it doesn't need update as frequent as app dev.3. Working hours. For sure, app dev will occupy a lot of working time. You will be OT so often.4. In short, the current core technologies for IT = Networking+Linux+Software development. No matter how the future trend will be, the 3 components are still there. So, all components for could computing and big data are built up under networking and running linux OS. As system admin, there should be a good career future.So if you really want to go system admin direction, you must learn Linux/Unix. I emphasis on CLI but not GUI. Continue to point 4 above, other than system admin, network admin/engineer is also a very good area. Everything needs network. There is something called Cloud Engineer, which is hot. Actually, this position requires networking and Linux system admin.Well, I also cover below two articles for you:1. http://www.tecmint.com/which-career-to-choose-programmer-vs-administrator/2. http://www.tomsitpro.com/articles/it_certification-it_training-mcse-ccna-mobility,1-1042.htmlYou dig further to get more info by below google searching result:https://www.google.com.hk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#ie=UTF-8&q=system admin vs developer&sourceid=chrome-psyapi2点击展开...您好,看了一下课表,NAIT的system administration 大都是Microsoft的内容,关于Linux只有一门课。。。。。这个实用性够吗????
如果沒有選擇,讀 microsoft 也行,不過要課餘自學 linux .... 基本上 web server, mail server, db, 背後的概念是一致。一定要明白背後運行原理。例如 web server, 需要搞清 http/https, tcp/ip.... 一個網頁怎樣從 client 到 web server 再回頭。mail server, 一定要清楚 email working mechanism... 無謂MS或 linux, 背後原理是一樣的。如果想做 system admin, 必須學好 linux CLI, 現在課餘不學,將來工作後,工餘也要學,即係走不了。
上課程只是拿一張 IT 工入場卷。當然MS的經驗會有好大幫助。現今的系統好多係MS+linux+unix ....
one60bpm 说:上課程只是拿一張 IT 工入場卷。當然MS的經驗會有好大幫助。現今的系統好多係MS+linux+unix ....点击展开...非常感谢您的回复,我会慎重考虑的。。。。。。如果以后有问题,还望多多指教。。。。。。
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