加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息拿到小公司Offer,要求两年服务commitment,帮我看


要求两年服务commitment,不知道跳槽后果和代价是什么?帮我看看这个合同是什么意思?You agree that you will not, without the prior written consent of abc.com,either directly or indirectly,individually or in partnership, jointly or in conjunction withany other natural or legal person including a trust, partnership, association, syndicate, company or corporation, in any capacitywhatsoever including as agent, shareholder, employee, or consultant, except upon the request and on behalf of abc.com,during youremployment and for the period of twenty-four (24) months following the date you cease to be actively employedby abc.com, regardless of whoinitiated the end of the employment relationship, do the following:(i) Inany way which is competitive with the businesses carried on by abc.com or any of its Affiliates or which could have a detrimental effect upon those businesses solicit or have business contact withany natural or legalperson including a trust, partnership, association, syndicate, company or corporation with whom the Employee dealt directly as a representative of abc.com or any of its Affiliates and whois theneither a customerof abc.com or any of its Affiliates or a prospective customerof abc.com or any of its Affiliates withwhom abc.com or any of its Affiliates then has business dealings or has had any business dealings during thetwenty-four (24) month period immediately preceding the date upon which the Employee ceases to be actively employedby abc.com.(ii) In respect of any person employedor engaged by abc.com or any of its Affiliates on the last day of the Employee’s active employment, save and except any person employed or engaged by abc.com in an exclusively clerical position, (a) offer employment to them; (b) in any manner employ or engage them; (c) interfere withtheir employment or engagement withabc.com;or (d) endeavour to entice them away from abc.com, irrespective of whether such person would commit any breach of their contract with abc.com by altering or ending their relationship withabc.com or any of its Affiliates.


如果一个人脑袋装满了如下内容:李鸿章丧权辱国、义和团保家卫国、太平天国农民起义、蒋介石只会摘桃子、地主个个是周扒皮、旧社会暗无天日、美帝亡我之心不死、有国才有家,俄罗斯是兄弟。那么恭喜你!你基本具备脑残和傻逼的基本配置了…… ——作家王朔如果没有特殊规定,提前2周即可。就像公司签署1年合同,公司可以随时毁约,个人也可以随时走人。你可以有为任何公司工作的自由,别担心。点击展开...但会吃官司吗?


如果一个人脑袋装满了如下内容:李鸿章丧权辱国、义和团保家卫国、太平天国农民起义、蒋介石只会摘桃子、地主个个是周扒皮、旧社会暗无天日、美帝亡我之心不死、有国才有家,俄罗斯是兄弟。那么恭喜你!你基本具备脑残和傻逼的基本配置了…… ——作家王朔你签的是什么类型的公司,莫非是联邦保密部门,否则不会有的。点击展开...

小 IT 公司是最难缠的企业,不过也不必担心,有法律,如果小 IT 公司的合同和法律冲突,你担心啥?

是叫 iVedha么?

2014-06-05#8 thecupoflife 789 $0.00 帮我看看这个合同是什么意思?You agree that you will not, without the prior written consent of abc.com,either directly or indirectly,individually or in partnership, jointly or in conjunction withany other natural or legal person including a trust, partnership, association, syndicate, company or corporation, in any capacitywhatsoever including as agent, shareholder, employee, or consultant, except upon the request and on behalf of abc.com,during youremployment and for the period of twenty-four (24) months following the date you cease to be actively employedby abc.com, regardless of whoinitiated the end of the employment relationship, do the following:(i) Inany way which is competitive with the businesses carried on by abc.com or any of its Affiliates or which could have a detrimental effect upon those businesses solicit or have business contact withany natural or legalperson including a trust, partnership, association, syndicate, company or corporation with whom the Employee dealt directly as a representative of abc.com or any of its Affiliates and whois theneither a customerof abc.com or any of its Affiliates or a prospective customerof abc.com or any of its Affiliates withwhom abc.com or any of its Affiliates then has business dealings or has had any business dealings during thetwenty-four (24) month period immediately preceding the date upon which the Employee ceases to be actively employedby abc.com.(ii) In respect of any person employedor engaged by abc.com or any of its Affiliates on the last day of the Employee’s active employment, save and except any person employed or engaged by abc.com in an exclusively clerical position,(a) offer employment to them;(b) in any manner employ or engage them;(c) interfere withtheir employment or engagement withabc.com;or(d) endeavour to entice them away from abc.com, irrespective of whether such person would commit any breach of their contract with abc.com by altering or ending their relationship withabc.com or any of its Affiliates.


如果一个人脑袋装满了如下内容:李鸿章丧权辱国、义和团保家卫国、太平天国农民起义、蒋介石只会摘桃子、地主个个是周扒皮、旧社会暗无天日、美帝亡我之心不死、有国才有家,俄罗斯是兄弟。那么恭喜你!你基本具备脑残和傻逼的基本配置了…… ——作家王朔 2014-06-05#10 P 507 $0.00 不怕,随时辞职不干

Petrochemicaler 说:不怕,随时辞职不干点击展开...为何? 法律怎么规定? 上面好像说我离职2年内不能为其它公司工作。


入籍,策划回流中。。 2014-06-05#13 辛拉面 886 现在都是employment at will,就是说雇主和雇员一方不爽就可以解约了,别担心

thecupoflife 说:为何? 法律怎么规定? 上面好像说我离职2年内不能为其它公司工作。点击展开...每个公司都有类似的。没啥用。除非你离职时他给你补偿。

2014-06-05#15 ren78min 91 $0.00 说不管任何原因你离开abc公司后24个月内不能和abc的竞争对手有瓜葛,不是你不能走。

thecupoflife 说:为何? 法律怎么规定? 上面好像说我离职2年内不能为其它公司工作。点击展开...你离职了就跟这公司没关系,只要你不拿这公司的知识产权给其它竞争公司,他们在法律上对你没有约束力。

nimenkanne 说:是叫 iVedha么?点击展开...这个是一家IT服务公司吗?

gaogao5 说:这个是一家IT服务公司吗?点击展开...正确

gaogao5 说:这个是一家IT服务公司吗?点击展开...是啊,以压榨人著称

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