加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息新移民在加拿大读硕士,博士有津贴吗?



您好!回复: 新移民在加拿大读硕士,博士有津贴吗?没有,只是比国际学生的学费会便宜一半左右,另外可以申请贷款


回复: 新移民在加拿大读硕士,博士有津贴吗?一般可以申请TA和RA。读博肯定会有RA和TA的,数额多少取决于学校和专业以及老板的funding。

回复: 新移民在加拿大读硕士,博士有津贴吗?这里不象国内,扛着个高学历的帽子,就会容易得到job offer了,尤其是对语言听说能力不灵光的人,拿高学历纯粹就是张臭牌,有时间还不如选个更现实的活法。这里的雇主固然重视教育背景(指较高的职位),但对intercourse skill等其他因素的考量要求一点也不比对学历的要求低,试想光是拿着文凭了,那雇主要求的其他技能又从哪里获得呢?别讲去上什么co-op,学历和经验错配的问题不是上个CO-OP就ok了。比较现实的做法是先审视一下自己的canada experience,然后在自己能够匹配的范围内寻找教育资源,否则,你老人家也没年轻人那大把的时间去try everything and finally find the right way.

回复: 新移民在加拿大读硕士,博士有津贴吗?谢谢各位。尤其感谢CANCHN的回复。

您好!但对intercourse skill等其他因素的考量要求一点也不比对学历的要求低,点击展开...I guess you mean social intercourse or interpersonal skills? Correct me if I am wrong, but intercourse skill can be easily misinterpreted as sexual skill...

回复: 新移民在加拿大读硕士,博士有津贴吗?I guess you mean social intercourse or interpersonal skills? Correct me if I am wrong, but intercourse skill can be easily misinterpreted as sexual skill...点击展开...give you some clue---Intercourse From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Intercourse can refer to: Look up intercourse in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Sexual intercourseSocial intercourse, any kind of human communication and/or interactionIntercourse (book), by Andrea DworkinIntercourse, Alabama, USAIntercourse, Pennsylvania, USAInterCourses, a US erotic cookbook publishedjust look at text word by word,don't miss something "trigger"you,you gross a** sucker"吻腚压倒姨妾"

回复: 新移民在加拿大读硕士,博士有津贴吗?"吻腚压倒姨妾" I'm done talking you,if you are joy of picking on people,go get someone else.what i have done just for helping others getting to know here deeper,after all,canada is so unfamiliar place to them.i wish you would deal with situation on positive side.if you shut my tongue out, i loss nothing,you would help people here more???????? what I have said all out of my experience,why someone is just being so mean to others?why when we were under bullying,can find you guys nowhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

回复: 新移民在加拿大读硕士,博士有津贴吗?致楼主:我个人的意见,intercourse 这个词是有多种解释的,在简历中为避免歧义,一般使用interpersonal skills 或者 communication skills来表示人际交往和沟通能力为好。当然这不是说intercourse不能用,如果要用,最好前面加上social。 To My_Response: Here is my humble suggestion for your post to make it reader-friendly: I'm done talking (to) you,if you are joy of ("if you enjoy". "joy" cannot be used as an adj.) picking on people (picking a fight),go get someone else.what i have done (is) just for helping others getting (helping others get) to know here deeper (know here better) ,after all,canada is so unfamiliar (a) place to them. i wish you would deal with situation(s) on positive side.if you shut my tongue out (Either "shut my mouth" or "bite my tongue". No one uses "shut my tongue". I believe what you mean is "keep me silent"), i loss (will lose) nothing,you would help people here more (how could that be more helpful to the people here)???????? what I have said (is) all out of my experience,why someone is (why is someone) just being so mean to others?why when we were under bullying, (we) can ("could" - the verb tense needs to be consistent.) find you guys nowhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No offense, but next time when you try to bash people in English, for God's sake at least make the wording as well as the words a bit more understandable. Normally I charge my clients over $200 per hour, but the critique on your grammar is free of charge. And You Are Welcome.


lamborghini 说:猛看见一个intercourse确实被吓了一跳,这个词可不能乱用,现在基本都是指性交。点击展开... haha

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