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去华人超市,用中国vendor,中国人要帮助中国人,团结互助才能赢得尊重 赏 2014-10-24#2

Official TranscriptsAn official transcript is a complete academic record of all individual courses and grades achieved at an educational institution. It must be signed by a presiding official and bear the seal or certified stamp of the issuing institution. The signature, seal and/or stamp should appear on all pages of the document. A transcript is considered official only if it is sent directly to McMaster from the issuing institution in a sealed envelope. The University reserves the right to require applicants with an English Language Proficiency score disparate from their academic English prerequisite achievement to present further evidence of proficiency. If evidence of misrepresentation of fraudulent or falsified documentation is found, the penalty is severe. McMaster University reserves the right to rescind any Offer of Admission and/or scholarship. Internationally educated applicants who are currently resident in Canada and are unable to request that their official transcripts be submitted to McMaster directly from their home institutions because they are no longer resident in that country, must subsequently provide a credential evaluation with document authentication from World Evaluation Services Canada (WES) http://www.wes.org/ca/index.asp. McMaster undergraduate programs require the WES ICAP Course-by-Course with GPA calculation assessment for colleges and universities. For High School Diplomas or Secondary Level Credentials, WES only provides the ICAP Basic Report. Please contact WES Canada directly to arrange for the appropriate evaluation.http://future.mcmaster.ca/admission/documents/
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