加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息去加拿大能做电视台记者吗?
回复: 去加拿大能做电视台记者吗?我看行!
回复: 去加拿大能做电视台记者吗?我在国内几个电视台当了很多年记者,不久后就将登陆加拿大.我准备去后在SAIT学那里的电视专业,顺便强化英语,然后在当地媒体寻找工作机会,不知道这样的想法是否可行,恳请指点点击展开...个人感觉,作为记者,想要进入英语媒体很难,除非你的语言能够达到native speaker的标准。 可以考虑华人媒体。
回复: 去加拿大能做电视台记者吗?个人感觉,作为记者,想要进入英语媒体很难,除非你的语言能够达到native speaker的标准。 可以考虑华人媒体。点击展开...华人煤体竞争过于激烈,还是要着眼于境外的主流煤体. 另外,本人也是电视记者,一直对出国后干本行没有信心,这下碰到同僚了! 激动激动!
Doctors told me I could never speak again, but my daddy told me I would , I believe my daddy, that is why now i'm talking with you!(2005年2月FN,2008年6月22日毕业)The land was ours before we are the landers.回复: 去加拿大能做电视台记者吗?可在华人小报干, 一般以广告业务为主, 辅业是报道消息.
回复: 去加拿大能做电视台记者吗?谢谢几位的指点.我是这么想的,现在国内做电视的不缺,缺的是媒体经营管理人才,我们出去后有的是国内的实践经验,差的是语言和国外先进的理念,用几年把这几项补起来,如再回国,可就是媒体炙手可热的人才,尤其是那些想进入中国的境外电视媒体.所以有理想,苦点累点不算啥.另外,去媒体当然要进西人媒体,只有这样,才能近距离体会到理念的不同.当然要实现这一步很难,但再难也拼了!一定要进去!
回复: 去加拿大能做电视台记者吗?谢谢几位的指点.我是这么想的,现在国内做电视的不缺,缺的是媒体经营管理人才,我们出去后有的是国内的实践经验,差的是语言和国外先进的理念,用几年把这几项补起来,如再回国,可就是媒体炙手可热的人才,尤其是那些想进入中国的境外电视媒体.所以有理想,苦点累点不算啥.另外,去媒体当然要进西人媒体,只有这样,才能近距离体会到理念的不同.当然要实现这一步很难,但再难也拼了!一定要进去!点击展开... 加拿大的电视煤体很多, 哪怕去做义工干些日子,对回国后的帮助也是很大的.祝你好运!
Doctors told me I could never speak again, but my daddy told me I would , I believe my daddy, that is why now i'm talking with you!(2005年2月FN,2008年6月22日毕业)The land was ours before we are the landers. 加拿大的电视煤体很多, 哪怕去做义工干些日子,对回国后的帮助也是很大的.祝你好运!点击展开...谢谢鼓励,我会一步步来的。
回复: 去加拿大能做电视台记者吗?我在国内几个电视台当了很多年记者,不久后就将登陆加拿大.我准备去后在SAIT学那里的电视专业,顺便强化英语,然后在当地媒体寻找工作机会,不知道这样的想法是否可行,恳请指点点击展开...基本不可能。加拿大西人媒体有华人,但是第二或第三代移民。
回复: 去加拿大能做电视台记者吗?你连大学的媒体专业怕也申请不上。我碰到过很多和你一样职业的人。混得好的就是在多维华人媒体做记者。
回复: 去加拿大能做电视台记者吗?还有就是在某某功电视台了。
回复: 去加拿大能做电视台记者吗?有志者事竟成,还没有试怎知就不行.国内的路就是一步步走出来的。我坚信,有信心不一定会成功,没信心则一定不成功。更精彩的还在后面!等着看吧。
回复: 去加拿大能做电视台记者吗?你连大学的媒体专业怕也申请不上。我碰到过很多和你一样职业的人。混得好的就是在多维华人媒体做记者。点击展开...我正考虑申请“MASS COMMUNICATION' 这个专业读个MASTER呢,难道这个专业很难申请吗?
2005,11,15 FN (LSL) 自评67分2007,7,25签发ME2007,10,15 DM2007,11,09 签发PL2007,12,27 landed in Calgary我正考虑申请“MASS COMMUNICATION' 这个专业读个MASTER呢,难道这个专业很难申请吗?点击展开... 对啊,我的疑问和你一样。有哪位详细解释一下。
回复: 去加拿大能做电视台记者吗?有志者事竟成,还没有试怎知就不行.国内的路就是一步步走出来的。我坚信,有信心不一定会成功,没信心则一定不成功。更精彩的还在后面!等着看吧。点击展开...LZ真是有一腔热血呀,那就好好拼英语吧,不然什么都谈不上。
回复: 去加拿大能做电视台记者吗?LZ真是有一腔热血呀,那就好好拼英语吧,不然什么都谈不上。点击展开...没有native的英文法文。就别想了。在加拿大主流媒体记者一般要求双语。
回复: 去加拿大能做电视台记者吗?我正考虑申请“MASS COMMUNICATION' 这个专业读个MASTER呢,难道这个专业很难申请吗?点击展开...你申请一下[FONT=Arial,Bold]Communication and Media Studies[/FONT][FONT=Arial,Bold]:[/FONT]就知道了。
回复: 去加拿大能做电视台记者吗?http://programs.gradschools.com/Canada/journalism_communications.html
回复: 去加拿大能做电视台记者吗?http://www.carleton.ca/jmc/academicprograms/journalism/mj.htmlMJ F.A.Q.sBelow, you will find answers to the most common questions the Journalism department encounters on a daily basis. If you have a specific question that is not addressed here, please email it to us!Most Commonly Asked Questions 1.1) What is the deadline for applying?1.2) Who is eligible to apply?1.3) What do I need to submit?1.4) What grades are required? 1.5) Do I need a four-year degree to apply?1.6) What are the English proficiency requirements?1.7) What kind of writing samples should I submit? 1.8) Can I take the program on a part-time basis? 1.9) Is a GRE (Graduate Record Examinations) score required? 1.10) Is an interview required? 1.11) Can I take the program online or through correspondence? 1.12) Is the program offered in French?1.13) Is there a second-language requirement?1.14) What is the professional experience requirement?1.15) How many terms are in the program? 1.16) When does the program begin? 1.17) What are the criteria for admission? 1.18) How many applications are received? 1.19) How many spaces are there in the program?1.20) What is the cost of tuition? 1.21) Is there any financial assistance? 1.22) When are admission decisions made? 1.23) Can I get an answer earlier? 1.24) How will I find out? 1.25) Is there a waiting list and, if so, how long is it? 1.26) If I'm not accepted, can I reapply the following year?1.27) What are your TOEFL Institution and Department codes?1.1) What is the deadline for applying?March 1 for those applicants requiring financial assistance. If there are any places left, April 15 is the next deadline. But please be advised that the program may well be full by then. Both dates relate to admission to the class starting in September.^Top1.2) Who is eligible to apply? The 10-credit program is designed for those who have a degree in another discipline and wish to pursue a career in journalism. Those who possess the equivalent of our four-year Honours Bachelor of Journalism degree, or a degree in another discipline and at least five years of full-time experience in journalism, may be admitted to a five-credit program. We also accept applications from people with no university degree but a lengthy and distinguished career in journalism. These people are considered for individually tailored programs composed of at least seven credits. ^Top1.3) What do I need to submit?You need to send us two completed application forms; two confidential letters of recommendation from professors or professional supervisors who can comment on your academic background and aptitude for graduate study in journalism; two official transcripts from the university or universities you have attended; a portfolio of work, including works of journalism if possible; two copies of your resumé; two copies of a statement of intent that includes details about your education, work experience, interests and career goals; and a non-refundable cheque or money order for $75 (Cdn), payable to the Ontario University Application Centre. Candidates whose native language is not English also need to submit results of an English proficiency test.^Top1.4) What grades are required? To be eligible to apply, a student must have at least a B- average overall and a B+ in the major discipline in each of the last two years of study. The competition for spaces is stiff, however, and most successful applicants have grades that significantly exceed the minimum.^Top1.5) Do I need a four-year degree to apply? A four-year or Honours degree is preferable. However, we occasionally accept candidates with a three-year degree on the basis of academic excellence and aptitude for journalism. ^Top1.6) What are the English proficiency requirements?Applicants whose native language is not English must submit results of an English proficiency test. To be eligible for the MJ, a candidate must score at least 600 on the TOEFL test (250 on the computer-based test), a 7 in all components of the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) test, or 70 on the CAEL (Canadian Academic English Language) test. ^Top1.7 What kind of portfolio should I submit?The admissions committee likes to see signs that a candidate has done more than think about journalism in the abstract. Therefore, we encourage prospective applicants to submit a selection of journalistic samples. These may take the form of clippings from newspapers or magazines, including the student press; broadcast samples, submitted on audio tape or video tape; or examples of work published on the Web. Students may also submit essays or other pieces of work that show their abilities as researchers and writers. Applicants who want their portfolios returned after admissions are completed should include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with the application. ^Top1.8) Can I take the program on a part-time basis? Normally, we do not admit students to the 10-credit program on a part-time basis. We may admit people to five-credit programs as part-time students. Any request to study part-time should be discussed with the supervisor of graduate studies. In rare cases, we allow people who were admitted as full-time students to revert to part-time status.^Top1.9) Is a GRE (Graduate Record Examinations) score required? No. ^Top1.10) Is an interview required? No. However, if you are in Ottawa and would like to discuss the program with the supervisor of graduate studies or another member of faculty, we would be happy to arrange an appointment. Also, when putting together the short list of candidates in March and April, admissions committee members interview selected candidates by telephone.^Top1.11) Can I take the program online or through correspondence? No. ^Top1.12) Is the program offered in French? No. ^Top1.13) Is there a second-language requirement?Yes. As a condition of graduation, students must demonstrate a working knowledge of a second language, preferably French. Language courses taken as an undergraduate student will fulfil that requirement. Students who have not taken undergraduate language courses will be required to pass a language test administered in the School, or take language courses on their own. ^Top1.14) What is the professional experience requirement?As a condition for graduation, all MJs must have at least four months of professional experience in the media, or in media-related areas. Students in 10-credit programs generally obtain this in the summer between their first and second years. This requirement is waived for professional journalists. ^Top1.15) How many terms are in the program? The core courses in the program are offered in the fall and winter semesters, which run from September to December, and January to May. In general, summer registration is required only for the Master’s Research Project or Thesis. ^Top1.16) When does the program begin? In early September, right after Labour Day. ^Top1.17) What are the criteria for admission? Admission is based on a number of factors, including the student’s academic background, media background, writing ability, and other outside skills and experience. A background in journalism is desirable, but it is not a requirement for admission. The committee looks for indications that the candidate is able to handle sustained research projects, is interested in the news and public issues, and has a genuine facility for writing. In short, we look for aptitude for the kind of work professional journalism requires.^Top1.18) How many applications are received? On average, we receive 150 applications a year. ^Top1.19) How many spaces are there in the program? Our target is to admit 20 students to the 10-credit program and six to the five-credit program. ^Top1.20) What is the cost of tuition? *$4,285.17 fall and winter terms and *$2,058.60 for summer term if required. Note: * The University reserves the right to change fees and refund policies without notice.^Top1.21) Is there any financial assistance? Yes, through a combination of scholarships and teaching assistantships. In general, we offer entrance scholarships averaging $1,000 to $1,500 to new students. Full-time students who are starting five-credit programs or proceeding into the second-year of a 10-credit program can expect to considered as candidates for teaching assistantships. The salary, governed by contract, is $9,084 (Cdn) for 10 hours of work per week over 26 weeks. Typically, these students assist in undergraduate courses. New students in 10-credit programs may, if resources permit, be offered half TAships, worth approximately $4,000. These are awarded on the basis of academic merit and availability. Usually, duties involve marking or staffing the School's Resource Centre, for five hours per week.The School also has a number of endowed scholarships. Some of these are awarded on entry; others are awarded on the basis of a student’s performance in the program. Information about these can be found in the graduate calendar. There is no separate application process for these awards. All students admitted to the program will be considered automatically for entrance scholarships or for relevant endowed scholarships. ^Top1.22) When are admissions decisions made? The admissions committee begins screening applications in January and starts making offers soon after. The bulk of admissions decisions are made shortly after the March 1 deadline on applications from people interested in financial assistance. If there are still places in the program, the rest of the offers will be made in April. If you require an early decision, please notify the Graduate Supervisor.^Top1.23) Can I get an answer earlier? If you ask for one in writing, indicating the reason, the admissions committee will try to accommodate. ^Top1.24) How will I find out? Letters of notification are sent out by mail or e-mail to all applicants, probably by the end of April. ^Top1.25) Is there a waiting list and, if so, how long is it? Yes, there is a waiting list, with about 10 names placed on it. We select names from the waiting list through the first week of August. ^Top1.26) If I’m not accepted, can I reapply the following year? Yes, dossiers are kept on file for one year. 1.27) What are your TOEFL Institution and Department codes?Our Institution code is 0854 and the Department code is 18.^Top
回复: 去加拿大能做电视台记者吗?申请读书不难。像上述大学,雅试7分就可申请。关键是你要找得到工作。
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