加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息HIRING 招聘:PROPERTY MANAGER 具有财会背景的商业物


Commercial Property ManagerPCI Investment, - Toronto, ONThe company is owning and operating several large scale premium commercial properties in Toronto and now is hiring 1-2 property management professionals with strong accounting background to join the team supporting Commercial Projects. Reporting to the Regional Director, the Property Manager ensures that assigned retail properties are operated and maintained in a cost-effective, safe and efficient manner as per the operating parameters and standards.PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES • Performs financial control activities including the development of annual operating budgets, performing monthly budget analyses and re-forecasting allocations as necessary, 100% rent collection and meeting annual targets; • Liaises with the tenants on day-to-day property management issues; • Develops and maintains preventative and corrective maintenance schedules; and oversees maintenance activities; • Meets provincial/federal/municipal legislations and standards with respect to employment standards, human rights, employment equity, health and safety, environmental, etc; • Manages sub-contractor activities for goods and services including preparation of tender documents, tender and bid analyses, negotiating best possible terms and preparing contract documents and monitoring sub-contractor performance as per process and procedures; • Responds to Tenant billing inquiries and related correspondence; • Approval and sign-off of rent rolls; • Provides recommendations of account write-offs for senior management approval; • Monitors service level request from Tenants and ensures that they are within the scope of the leases; • Perform Annual Building Inspection activities; • Ensure effective marketing and promotional activities are executed in properties where applicable; • Performs other duties, as assigned. REQUIREMENTS• Professional experiences in commercial property management; • Strong accounting background;• English and Madarine;Please send your resume to [email protected]. Only those qualified will be contacted.商业物业管理经理PCI Investment, - Toronto, ON本公司在多伦多持有和运营多处优质商业物业,现诚招1-2名具有财务背景的商业物业管理专业人才加入公司的物业管理团队,在区域总监的领导下,确保公司旗下的物业能够经济高效安全的运营。主要职能:· 进行财务数据监控,包括年度的运营预算,月度的预算分析和必要的预算分配和预测,完成100%的租金收集并达到年度目标;· 在物业管理事项上和租户进行日常的联络;· 建立和更新预防性维护计划,监督维护行为;· 监督雇员标准、人权、道德、健康和环境事项以符合省及联邦法律法规;· 管理分包商的产品和服务标准,包括准备招标文件,招投标分析,议价,准备合同文件以及监督分包商绩效等;· 相应日常的租户的账单;· 审核和签署租金账单;· 提供必要的财务建议,整理日常的账单,税单;· 监督租户提出的服务要求并审核是否在租约范围内;· 进行年度的建筑检验;· 对必要的商业物业进行有效的市场激励;· 完成其他相关的工作内容。要求:· 专业的商业物业管理经验;· 较强的财务背景;· 英语和普通话。满足条件者请发送简历到 [email protected]

  ·生活百科 我被骗了,对吗? (水管工/热水器。)
·生活百科 地板隔热层



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