加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Bridging Programs


I recommend two programs for you guys. 1 Career edge I got a paid intern position through this program. And two of my previous colleagues in a company I was volunteering for also got their intern positions by this program.You have to evaluate your degrees and they will screen interview you. 2 Humber College Bridging Program This is an evening training program lasting for half or one year and including sessions like .NET solution, Mobile development, Engineering etc. Great stuffs help us to build connections and portfolios. Almost free($300 for half year). CLB 7, or 6 with ELT experience, 5 with extra fulltime training. Entrance examination required.(25 was selected from more than 100 applicants, plus 3 were accepted because of mistakes and their good luck.) Before send me private message, please Google and check their websites.

Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian回复: Bridging ProgramsSeems it is open now. We will graduate next month.

Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian回复: Bridging Programs.Net Developers Bridging Program is coming back to Humber College Meena Dowlwani, CHRM Certified Human Resources Management / IT Careers Professor Top Contributor Hello everyone,This is a little update... .Net Developers Bridging Program has been re-funded for another three years. The program is going to take a complete new look and we at Humber are very busy working on this.If you or anyone you know is interested in joining any of our amazing Bridging Programs; please stay tuned and check our website after April 2014.WWW.NewtoCanada.Humber.Cahttp://www.newtocanada.humber.ca/bridging-programs/net-developer.htmlNew to Canada | Home newtocanada.humber.ca

Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian回复: Bridging Programs .Net Developers Bridging Program is coming back to Humber College Meena Dowlwani, CHRM Certified Human Resources Management / IT Careers Professor Top ContributorHello everyone, This is a little update... .Net Developers Bridging Program has been re-funded for another three years. The program is going to take a complete new look and we at Humber are very busy working on this. If you or anyone you know is interested in joining any of our amazing Bridging Programs; please stay tuned and check our website after April 2014. WWW.NewtoCanada.Humber.Ca http://www.newtocanada.humber.ca/bridging-programs/net-developer.html New to Canada | Home newtocanada.humber.ca 点击展开...

Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian 2014-04-20#5 popiston 付费矿工 27$(0.00$赞力,#76) 8,083 $1.24 $27.01 涨价到4007刀。不过可以申请奖学金。我的300元已经给退回来了。

Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian 2016-02-14#6 R 53 $0.00 请问humber的Engineering Software Skills Enhancement Program这个项目学下来对以后就业很有帮助吗?还是说上个college读个diploma的课程就业竞争力更大呢?

Richard li 说:请问humber的Engineering Software Skills Enhancement Program这个项目学下来对以后就业很有帮助吗?还是说上个college读个diploma的课程就业竞争力更大呢?点击展开...我觉得如果有经验两者效果一样。

Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian 2016-02-15#8 R 53 $0.00 好的,非常感谢!


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