加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息求以Love为主题的Sonnet一首
上成人高中,老师要求写一首以Love为主题的Sonnet, 本人没有文学细胞绞尽脑汁实在想不出,在网上找还觉得不满意,并且学校老师也会找互联网查看是否雷同。特求助大家谢谢。要求:14行, 每行10 syllables, 以莎翁或者勃朗宁的Sonnect体材为主。abba,abba, cdcdcd;abab,cdcd,efef,gg
Let me not to the marriage of true minds by shakespearehow do i love thee
mrratel 说:When Boba Fett with me doth disagree,I do recall thy touch, and do not fret.Thy love doth better moments guarantee,Thou hast the Force that may my mood reset.On Tatooine we lovers shall convene,No more shall we by enemies be press’d.When we’re apart I burn like Sith most mean,O love, by thy true heart thou hast impress’d.Love doth not worry, nor doth love betray,Love speaks directly to a lover’s heart,Love aches, both when ‘tis here or gone astray,Love pieceth life together, part by part.Though false friends try me with untrue veneer,With thee, e’en space is not a wide frontier.http://shakespearestarwars.com/不谢。点击展开...高人也。
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