请问大家,我收到一个IT程序员的offer,permanent position,但是offer里面提到了,试用期是6个月,6个月内公司可以无条件,无理由开除员工。 因为我是初到加拿大,不知道这个条款正不正常,是不是对员工不太公平?节选条款如下:• Termination for Just Cause: Your employment may be terminated by the Employer at any time for just cause, without notice or payment in lieu of notice or severance pay whatsoever, except payment of outstanding wages and vacation pay earned to the date of termination.• Termination Without Cause: Following your probation, your employment may be terminated by the Employer at any time and for any reason on a without cause basis, upon the provision of notice of termination, and severance pay if applicable, as is minimally required by the Employment Standards Act, 2000 of Ontario (“ESA”). At its discretion, the Employer may give you pay in lieu of notice, or a combination of both working notice and pay in lieu of notice.The notice referenced in the above paragraph is inclusive of all statutory and common law entitlements to notice of termination or payment in lieu of that notice. In addition to the notice and/or payments referred to in the above paragraph, you shall be paid any outstanding vacation pay accrued to the end of the statutory notice period required by the ESA. You shall also be entitled to continuation of benefits during the statutory notice period required by the ESA after which all your benefits will cease.You agree that upon satisfaction of the payments and notice requirements referred to in the above two (2) paragraphs, the employment relationship shall be wholly terminated and there shall be no further rights, obligations or payments to you.• Lay-Offs: You may be laid off from time to time in accordance with the ESA.• Resignation: You must give the Employer two (2) weeks’ notice of your resignation. The Employer may waive the resignation notice period in whole or in part at any time by providing payment of regular wages and benefits, if any, for the period so waived.Non-Solicitation of Employees: You agree that during your employment with theEmployer and for a period of nine (9) months following the date of the termination of this Agreement, by either party and for any reason whatsoever, you will not either directly or indirectly on you own behalf or in the service or on behalf of others, solicit, divert or hire away or attempt to solicit, divert or hire away, to any business, any person who, at any time during the ninety (90) days prior to the termination of this Agreement, has been employed by the Employer.Non-Solicitation of Clients: You further agree that you will not, during your period of employment or at any time during a period of nine (9) months following the date of the termination of this Agreement by either party and for any reason whatsoever, directly or indirectly, whether as a principal, agent, associate, employee, independent contractor, director, officer, or shareholder of a company or otherwise, solicit or aid in the solicitation of any client or supplier of the Company with whom you have had dealings by virtue of the employment relationship herein within the twelve (12) month period preceding the termination of this agreement.
laox888 说:三个月比较常见,六个月有点多。跟HR说说看能不能改成三个月,不行也没办法,第一份工再怎么也得干。点击展开...谢谢您,那后面写的,试用期结束后也可以裁员。。。 虽然有可能拿到赔偿,还是有点吓人啊,加拿大裁员真的是家常便饭吗。。
tototo 说:另外国内的合同关于试用期一般也是一样的可以随时开掉,不过国内对试用期长短有要求。点击展开...哦。。 我上个工作是在新西兰的,试用期没有裁员条款,只有工作职位调整,我以为是标准程序了。 看来不是。
jack_4 说:谢谢您,那后面写的,试用期结束后也可以裁员。。。 虽然有可能拿到赔偿,还是有点吓人啊,加拿大裁员真的是家常便饭吗。。点击展开...公司为了保护自己添加了这些条款,全世界都没有铁饭碗的,有没有这些条款到时候要裁人还是裁,不用理他。我做IT的时候从来不怕裁员,有时还希望被裁拿一份可观的赔偿。
“I believe that Alberta is not just a place on the map.This Alberta is a place where we judge people not on the basis of where they were born, how they pray or who they love, but on how hard they work, and how well they treat others.”--Jason Kennedy 赏 反馈:迷失的兔子 和 jack_4 2019-03-11#11
静如瘫痪 动如癫痫
4,033 $0.00 楼主的offer很正常。其实根本不用管3个月还是6个月,因为就算是转正了,甚至就算promote成manager了,该裁还是会裁。加拿大裁员不算罕见的事,但是一般都是公司业务调整,再去找一个工作就是了。比起华为那种“清洗年龄在xx以上的员工”,“要有狼性”,“996”之类的,强多了。评论
你都如何回忆我 带着笑或是很沉默 这些年来 有没有人让你不寂寞 - 不再年轻的毛利小五郎~ 赏 反馈:robot_chen 和 jack_4 2019-03-11#12 付费矿工 27$(0.00$赞力,#76) 8,083 $1.24 $27.01 你也可以随时走人。一样的。裁了找更好的,也不错。
Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian谢谢您,那后面写的,试用期结束后也可以裁员。。。 虽然有可能拿到赔偿,还是有点吓人啊,加拿大裁员真的是家常便饭吗。。点击展开...其实就算结束了试用期,也是说裁员就裁员的。只是会给你severance package.如果你是IT行业,我觉得应该是用人单位怕你走才对……被裁员了其实是好事情,莫名其妙多拿一笔钱……
西葡那些事儿 (2011)意大利中北部之旅 (2009)美东四城记(波、纽、华、费)(2010)墨西哥城都市游 (2012)邮轮入门级-巴哈马 (2016) 赏 反馈:jack_4 2019-03-11#14 麦 334 $0.00 这边有的是三个月,有的是六个月。其实不用太纠结,没有公司会花钱花时间找一个人来然后过一阵故意开掉。安心工作就好。
谢谢大家,我也觉得既然员工随时可以炒掉公司,公司也完全可以这么做,不然对公司也有些不公平。 我现在释然了。 接下来开始新生活,努力工作,证明自己。
jack_4 说:谢谢大家,我也觉得既然员工随时可以炒掉公司,公司也完全可以这么做,不然对公司也有些不公平。 我现在释然了。 接下来开始新生活,努力工作,证明自己。点击展开...是这样的,就是有点奇怪你到今天才发现。
以前遇到过干了三个月继续要求延长试用期2个月的,回学校问了问发现这种情况在安省并无不妥,因为都是这么干的。但是假如产生纠纷,而雇佣方有无合理理由不继续雇佣,且频繁发生诸如到期就裁,同工不同酬,各省的Labour Relations Board 就会充分考虑以下指标是否超出时间,作为判定雇佣方是否滥用试用期,触犯劳工法规则的参考要素之一。Alberta: 90 daysBritish Columbia: 3 monthsManitoba: 30 daysNew Brunswick: 6 monthsNewfoundland and Labrador: 3 monthsNorthwest Territories: 90 daysNova Scotia: 3 monthsNunavut: 90 daysOntario: 3 monthsPrince Edward Island: 6 monthsQuebec : 3 monthsSaskatchewan: 13 weeksYukon: 6 months以上这些时间都可在各省府官网上查到原文出处,目前是这样,不过这时间应该是不定期有所更改。以安省为例,10年没改了,但安省的雇佣标准法近三年修订了12次,比以往频繁的多。2011-2013也就只修订了三回。
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